Chapter 41

Huang Han said loudly to the ten men in front of the elders and village chiefs of Wangjiatun Village and the common people who sent their relatives to serve as soldiers:
"The sky can learn from the sun and the moon. I, Huang Han, will fight to the death with Jiannu all my life. You will serve as soldiers with me. One day, I will lead you to Liaodong to kill Jiannu with blood for blood. Dogs and chickens will not be left behind."

Wang Zhicheng said sincerely, "My lord, the little ones trust you, and the little ones will follow you up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire without frowning."

The men who volunteered to join the army all solemnly swore that they would fight bloody battles with the Jin army to the end, and would never return home until they were beheaded.

The village head and clan elders saw Huang Han leading the cavalry to kill them. There were actually dozens of young people in the village who wanted to join the army. They chose ten people who were skilled in martial arts and could ride horses to follow Huang Han.

Among them are two good hunters, Wang Zhaoxiang and Wang Fuquan, who are top-notch in archery and can shoot eighty-nine times out of ten within eighty paces.

When Huang Han left Wangjiatun with his troops, hundreds of people from the whole village came to see him off. Many young men even told those who joined the army that if they did well in the army, they must not forget to bring their brothers back home.

Seeing this situation, Huang Han couldn't help but feel moved. Why didn't he take this opportunity to deliberately recruit strong men to train servants in the surrounding villages of Yongping Prefecture, which had been ravaged by slavery?

These people have a deep hatred with Jiannu, and there must be no problem with the will to fight. Train them and educate them well. These people will become the soldiers they rely on in the future.

On the fourth day of the first lunar month, Huang Han returned to Jiulitai Village with his troops, buried the three sacrificial gowns on the back mountainside, sent four seriously wounded people up the mountain to recuperate, and handed over the seized damaged armor to Yang Laoshi who had been transferred to the mountain for repair. .

The Hou Jin army should be busy attacking Yongping Mansion now, and they haven’t come to Jiulitai to plunder yet. In fact, even if they come, it’s no big deal. It’s almost evacuated here. It’s possible that even if you want to build a slave and set fire, you need to find firewood. Otherwise, houses that are not thatched huts may not necessarily be set on fire.

Huang Han arranged for a secret post, and then went to the temporary classroom in the Huang family compound to have a meeting to summarize the experience and lessons of this raid.

At the meeting, Huang Han encouraged everyone to speak enthusiastically. Many soldiers found that Pao Ze, who unfortunately died in battle or was seriously injured, would have avoided such evil consequences if he had a strong armor.

Because iron armor is not enough to equip every soldier, Huang Han discussed with everyone and made a regulation. In future battles, soldiers equipped with iron armor and face armor will launch a frontal charge, and soldiers with insufficient armor should get used to using leather shields to protect their bodies. .

At the meeting, Huang Han solemnly wrote down the names of the three Ming army martyrs.

He told everyone that the martyrs who died in battle would be buried in Houshan. When the Hou Jin army was repelled, the Huang family would spend money to build a martyr's shrine there to enshrine the martyrs' tablets, so that the martyrs' spirits could enjoy incense and sacrifices for future generations.

Huang Han also promised in public that once Jiannu retired, his comrades-in-arms in the same village would send 30 taels of silver to the family members of the martyrs.

These promises were astonishing, and the Ming army's trust in Huang Han, which already had a sense of identity, increased a lot.

They also saw Huang Han's attitude towards the wounded. Among the four seriously wounded, a soldier named Hu Dashan had half of his arm cut off and his chest trampled on by a horse. He was seriously injured and only one of them could be saved.

Huang Han not only actively rescues, but also promises that all soldiers who are disabled can stay in Jiulitai Village, and the Huang family promises that everyone will not be hungry.

"When people are united, the mountains can be shaken. Only loyalty and righteousness, and a bullfight. The Lord will kiss me, better than parents..."

After the meeting, it was time to learn culture. When the soldiers of Huang Hanjiao sang the military song composed by Qi Jiguang, some people actually burst into tears.

It must be Huang Han's attitude towards the soldiers that infected them. The grassroots soldiers actually live a simple life. When they are respected, they will be more desperate when facing the enemy.

The cavalry team lost seven men due to casualties, and after adding ten men in Wangjiatun, there were three more men.

Huang Han's horses have doubled due to the large number of captures from the annihilation of the stubborn enemy.

Although the newcomers added were not enough for cavalry combat, they were equipped with leather armor, cotton armor and cold weapons, and their physical strength and martial arts could still play a role in hand-to-hand combat.

Anyway, there will be training in battle in the future. When these men with force value gain the experience of killing the enemy face to face on the battlefield, the speed of growth should be amazing.

After the bloody battle, the Ming army recognized Huang Han. The men who fought side by side were the easiest to give each other their hearts and souls.

Huang Han thought that there was no need to favor one over another, and asked the brothers of the Ming army if they would be willing to become servants, so that they could share honor and disgrace together for the future.

Huang Han's performance in several battles is obvious to all, and the lectures these days have taught the Ming army a lot of truths, and following such a well-rounded patriarch, of course, has a way to go.

Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to become a servant of a military attache. The military attache selects not only people with outstanding combat skills, but also most of the township party members.

Huang Han generously left all the cavalry of the Ming army as servants, and each of them would pay at least five renminbi more per month. There was no possibility that they would be unhappy, and they all happily became Huang Han's servants.

Zheng Guochang was taken to the refuge on the mountain by Huang Han to celebrate the New Year. All the villagers in Jiulitai knew that this adult was many times older than the magistrate's officials, and they respected Zheng's family very much.

The pair of sons and daughters who came with Zheng Guochang are descendants. The elder brother Zheng Xiaowen is 22 years old and is the second son. His wife and concubines stay in their hometown and are not around.

When he was going to study in the Imperial College of the Imperial Academy, he was delayed by the Jin Army's looting of Gyeonggi and stayed in Yongping Mansion to spend the New Year with his parents.

Zheng Xiu'e is 16 years old and is Zheng Guochang's only legitimate daughter who has been with her parents all the time.

The two brothers and sisters lived in the compound of the deep house for a long time, and when they came to the refuge, they found everything interesting. They walked around the mountain to chat with the villagers, and soon learned why the men, women and children of Jiulitai Village celebrated the New Year on the mountain.

Zheng Guochang listened to his sons and daughters and thought about everything he heard. Jiannu plundered the land of Gyeonggi like no one in the land. It is not known that they will attack Yongping Mansion.

Could it be that the kid from the Huang family predicted that Yongping Mansion would not be able to hold on, so he deliberately provoked himself to come to Jiulitai for a while?
Zheng Guochang, who was on the verge of rage, suppressed his anger again, and he decided to wait until the fourth day of the first lunar month.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Zheng Guochang has already lived on the mountain for the five days he agreed with Huang Han. Before he started to lose his temper, Huang Yizhou sent Huang Yong to invite Mr. Zheng to see something.

(End of this chapter)

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