Chapter 42 Escaped

Accompanied by his son, Zheng Guochang came to a cave near the mountain pass with Fang Bu.

This is the residence of Huang Yizhou and the guards. It is not as spacious as the shelter, but it is also clean.

Huang Yizhou was not as good as Huang Han's psychological quality. He would kneel down and salute when he saw Zheng Guochang, unlike Huang Han who tried not to kowtow as much as possible when he could pass by.

Zheng Guochang didn't show favor to Huang Yizhou who was bowing down, and said coldly: "That's all. What's the matter with you?"

Huang Yizhou got up and looked up proudly: "The dog has already obtained the harvest and sent it up the mountain according to the agreement with the lord. I have invited the lord to come here so that you can see it for yourself."

Could it be that the young man didn't rest at the New Year's Eve, and actually took the initiative to attack the Houjin Army?

Incredible!Zheng Guochang, who was originally depressed, had a smile on his face, and he asked: "Has Huang Han really killed the [-]th-level true slave?"

"My lord, there are 22 ranks of Gouziji Zhenzhen slaves, including one Ba Yala, one Bashiku Ba Yala, eight heads of string-controlling Tartars, and eleven heads of Banner Ding."

"Hiss!" Level 41 has been won!Zheng Guochang sucked in a breath of cold air, he no longer had the calmness of strolling in the garden, and hurriedly said: "Master Huang, quickly show the old man a look."

Captured, seized, and waist badges are all available, Zheng Guochang was delighted to see it, and said happily: "Master Huang is very lucky, there is a son like this prince!"

Of course Huang Yizhou was proud of himself, but he still said cautiously: "The whole Huang family relies on the support of adults."

"Of course, such a fierce general is no less than Zhao Zilong in Changshan. This is what I should do to serve the country. Now that the agreement between the two parties has been completed, let's stop here! The old man is going to go down the mountain and return to Yongping immediately."

"Going down the mountain? Where are you going? Doesn't your lord know that Yongping Mansion has fallen into the enemy's hands?"

"What? When did this happen?"

"The dog found out the day before yesterday that the Houjin Army had surrounded Yongping Mansion. Last night, the artillery and firecrackers rang out in the middle of the night. If there is no movement today, it must have been taken by the Houjin Army."

Upon hearing the bad news, Zheng Guochang suddenly felt weak and almost fell down, but luckily his son Zheng Xiaowen was by his side to support him.

There is no idiot who can be a big official in the frontier, all of them are human beings, Zheng Guochang immediately realized that he was in trouble.

Next, how should he explain to the princes of the imperial court why he, the biggest official, would wander leisurely on a remote barren mountain when Yongping Mansion was besieged?
He suddenly remembered what had happened in the past few days, and remembered the good story about the street talk in Yongping Mansion, he had his own mind, and he looked at Huang Yizhou more softly.

Zheng Guochang is not stupid, knowing that his family has escaped as Huang Han said, and the Huang family is the savior of his family, so his attitude has of course changed 180 degrees.

He is an official of the imperial court and has the duty of guarding the land. It is impossible for him to surrender and become a slave.

Thinking of this, Zheng Guochang sweated.

Then he made an astonishing decision, he cupped his hands to Huang Yizhou and said, "Master Huang, the old man has four grown sons, and this is Xiaowen, the second son born on the same line, I wonder if you are satisfied with it?"

Huang Yizhou was clouded by these far-fetched words, he said in surprise: "I don't know what your lord's opinion is?"

Zheng Guochang smiled and said: "The old man wants to be a relative with Mr. Huang, and wants Xiaowen to be your adopted son and become brothers with Huang Han. What do you think?"

Huang Yizhou was completely dizzy, who would make friends with a vulgar warrior, and what's more, his status was far behind Zheng Guochang's?

He murmured: "How can this be, my Huang family can't afford it!"

"So, so, I don't know if your Huang family is soaring into the sky. Since Mr. Huang has no objection, it's so decided. Xiaowen, come and kowtow to the adoptive father, hahaha..."

Zheng Guochang was named on the gold list in the 35th year of Wanli, and he has been in office for 20 years. Now he lives in the temple and has a vision. He did this not only to repay his life-saving grace, but also to get his son and Huang Han closer.

In this era, his father's words are the highest instruction. When Zheng Xiaowen saw his father asking him to kowtow to recognize his godfather, he knelt down and kowtowed without any hesitation.

Huang Yizhou was overwhelmed by Zheng Guochang's arrogance and condescension. People with disparity in status would not lose anything if they wanted to cling to their relatives, Huang's family. Let him alone!

In the end, Zheng Guochang chatted with Huang Yizhou affectionately, and the two had a good meal.

Back at the shelter, Zheng Xiaowen, who was full of doubts, told his sister the whole story of today's experience.

Little loli Zheng Xiu'e's pretty face paled when she heard this, and she asked Zheng Xiaowen, "Brother, what would happen if father, mother, you and I were all at home in Yongping Mansion when the city was destroyed?"

"Do you still need to ask? Naturally, there are more bad luck than good luck." Zheng Xiaowen replied, and then he understood what his sister meant, and said in surprise: "Ah! It turned out that it was Huang Han who accidentally hit and saved us all. Everybody?"

"By mistake? Brother actually thinks so?"

"Sister, are you saying that this is actually Huang Han's scheme?"

"It's not good. It's just that the reason for our family to come here to celebrate the New Year is a bit ridiculous. Now that I think about it carefully, I think that Huang Han couldn't find a better reason for his father to come here."

"Based on this, Huang Han is unfathomable!"

"I don't know about that. Anyway, brother, you should make good friends with him."

"That's natural. He has saved our lives. Of course, brother, I will repay the favor. By the way, you may change your mind in the future. My father asked me to become brothers with Huang Han. I am afraid that you will be called Huang Han in the future." One brother."

Zheng Xiu'e recalled the surprise glimpse that day when she secretly lifted the curtain of the car, and her pretty face suddenly flushed. The image of that mighty knight was lingering in her mind, and she still thinks about it and never forgets it.

Zheng Xiu'e wished that her husband whom she had never met could be so masculine. She carefully replaced Huang Han's appearance with her husband who was about to marry.

The ladies of this era are basically in their twelfth or thirteen years old, and even earlier they will make marriage arrangements. Nine times out of ten, they are well-matched, and the Zheng family is no exception.

The Zheng family is married to Yang Lian's family in Luanzhou Zhizhou. If there is no accident, Zheng Xiu'e will marry Yang Yanzhao, the eldest son of the Yang family this autumn. Juren's fame and fame are double happiness.

Zheng Guochang is very fond of Huang Han, if his beloved daughter hadn't agreed to get married four years ago, in order to repay the great kindness for saving the lives of the whole family, Huang Han would most likely embrace the beauty.

This era pays attention to being well-matched. Without the premise of the Huang family's life-saving grace, it is impossible for a scholar-official and a civil servant of the third rank to marry a daughter-in-law to a warrior, even if he is from a fifth rank and a thousand households.

(End of this chapter)

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