The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 410 Victory in the First Battle

Chapter 410 Victory in the First Battle
Not long after, Huang Han led seven old lock-style warships to catch up with the Japanese armed merchant ships. The flagship waved the flag to convey the order to stop the human drive, maintain a speed of about six knots, and stick the enemy ships to sail in the same direction.

It was obvious that the enemy ships were sailing at full speed with full sails in order to get rid of the pursuit. Their speed should be more than five knots. After approaching at a speed of eight or nine knots, the "Red Banner Army" warship stopped the human drive and maintained a certain inertia.

Soon the seven old lock boats approached the Zhuyin boat and the No. [-] blessing boat and went towards each other. At this time, the distance between the port side and the starboard side of the two ships was only more than a hundred steps. Old lock boat.

But the sailors and gunners on the Japanese ship were scared. They clearly saw that the enemy ship had more than [-] black guns aimed at them, and the caliber was probably more than double that of their own guns.

No Japanese dared to be the first to start a war, and they were lucky.

Because they discovered that the incoming ship was flying the Ming flag, and in their subconscious mind, the Daming navy was Zheng Zhilong's team, because the Japanese had never heard of any other Daming navy capable of conducting ocean-going operations.

It stands to reason that these warships equipped with terrifying artillery should belong to the Ming coastal defense guerrilla general Zheng Zhilong.

Although the Japanese loaded their cannons, they were hesitant to fire them, and some sailors were still waving flags and trying to make contact.

Fighting the devil Huang Han is the most exciting, he doesn't care if it's an open provocation, and he doesn't care if it's the first shot, why not preemptively strike?

Huang Han gave the order for the whole army to attack without hesitation, and the other six warships were already ready. Seeing the semaphore played by the flagship, all the Frang machine guns fired one after another.

"Boom, boom, boom..." A round of artillery fire was covered, all of which were shotgun attacks. About [-] rounds of shotguns from each ship were enough to hit iron bullets weighing more than [-] yuan, which was really like a violent storm Attacked the Japanese ship.

There is no need to fight the second round, because the Japanese ships are full of ghosts and wolves. As long as they are sailors and gunners on the deck, basically no one can survive. The force is very different. The first robbery of the "Red Banner Army" basically did not encounter effective counterattacks. .

The next step is to approach the enemy ship and shoot the bed crossbow, which is also a unique weapon of the "Red Banner Army" warship.

The improved bed crossbow used a lot of steel, making it much smaller in size and more powerful, with an effective range of [-] paces. The steel spear it fired could carry the rope and drive it deep into the enemy ship.

As long as a few barbed steel spears are shot, the sailors can easily hold the enemy ship, and then they can make the enemy ship close to their own warship, providing convenience for the marines who are jumping to join the ship.

There is an advantage to using this method to pin the enemy ship, because our army's artillery fire and shotgun plus the shooting of self-generating guns and miniguns make the enemy have nowhere to hide, so the sailors of the enemy ship cannot cut the ropes outside the ship.

This means that the nailed armed merchant ship can no longer escape the control of the "Red Banner Army". If one's own side is going to give up temporarily to allow the captured enemy ship to approach, just relax the rope and not pull it.

The defense of the Japanese ship was easily destroyed. Under the guard of the Mini gunner and the self-born musketman, the sword shield player and the marines calmly boarded the enemy ship. Only then did the uniform shouts sound: "Da Mingshui The division captured the pirates and surrendered to avoid death!"

There are still more than half of the survivors on the Japanese ship who were knocked out. These people survived because they did not appear on the deck. The number is about 60 to [-]. Basically no one dared to resist. They came to the deck with their hands raised. surrender.

The first battle was won and there were zero casualties. This is all due to the fact that the warships are not only different in level, but also separated by ages.

The warships of the "Red Banner Army" have adopted the Western model of fully competing firepower in the [-]th and [-]th centuries to fight in line of battle. Originally, this method of warfare was pioneered by the British more than ten years later.

Asian warships are still at the level of hand-to-hand combat, which is vulnerable.Or one sentence can cover everything, if you fall behind, you will be beaten!

In just an hour, five armed merchant ships were seized, and the value of each ship and its cargo should be close to 3 taels of silver.

At this time, all the warships slowed down, one is to wait for the merchant fleet behind to catch up and join the formation, and the other is to worry about the speed of the captured armed merchant ships. After Wang Yuqi dispatched men to make emergency repairs, they ran at a speed of five knots It's all difficult.

Unexpectedly, after sailing for half an hour, a fleet of ships came from the direction of Wa Kingdom, and the flag with the Zheng character on the bow was waving in the wind.

Obviously, the fleet with more than a dozen warships found seven warships surrounded by five merchant ships. They approached at full speed, and when they approached about one nautical mile, the other party raised a flag to ask for dialogue.

These semaphores are very standardized, and they are a simple communication agreement of the Daming Navy. Shen Xianyi and many former Ming Army sailors and gunners all know them.

Captain Shen Xianyi is not reckless, he is not going to negotiate with the Shibazhi fleet, because General Ping Liao is on this ship, there must be no accidents.

He flagged and instructed Captain Huang Chunsheng to drive the warship forward and talk to Zheng's navy.

Huang Chunsheng was from Jiulitai Village, Yongping Prefecture. He was one of the first batch of soldiers of the Huang family, and also Huang Han's nephew, although Huang Chunsheng was five or six years older than Huang Han.

In the early days, Huang Han led the cavalry to fight. Huang Chunsheng belonged to the cavalry who drove ducks to the shelves. Later, there were more and more servants who were good at riding, and Huang Chunsheng, who was just pretending to be a number, became a hindrance.

At that time, Huang Chunsheng, who had been promoted to be the chief banner officer of the trial hundred households, could not be willing to be the chief banner officer of the heavy infantry sword and shield hand. However, because he broke his leg while practicing riding a horse, even though he followed him since childhood Huang Yizhou Xi gun stick has martial arts but also feels weak.

When Huang Yong formed the navy, in order to strengthen the control of sea power, Huang Han sent several brothers who had made a fortune to serve as the officer team, including Huang Chunsheng.

The heavy infantry with their helmets and armor on their swords and shields carried seventy to eighty catties. Huang Chunsheng had old injuries on his legs and it was difficult to hold on. If he changed his career and joined the navy, this problem would not exist, because it was not the captain's turn to participate in hand-to-hand combat.

Huang Chunsheng has military exploits, so he has a false rank from the fourth rank, but the warships he manages are numbered after Shen Xianyi's warships. According to the combat regulations, when the "Red Banner Army" warships form a team, the ships with the higher numbers will serve as flagships. If there is battle damage and so on.

Therefore, the captain Shen Xianyi, who is the sixth rank, can give orders to the captain Huang Chunsheng, who is the fourth rank.

Huang Han asked Shen Xianyi to put out a semaphore to inform Huang Chunsheng to order Zheng's fleet to accept General Pingliao's dispatch of Jia Ding to board the ship for inspection, because General Pingliao heard that the guerrilla general Zheng Zhilong broke the law and openly used the imperial navy for smuggling trade.

Hearing this order, Shen Xianyi couldn't help sweating on his forehead. It was obvious that General Pingliao was going to fight Zheng Zhilong's fleet.

(End of this chapter)

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