Chapter 411 Discouraged

With the experience of defeating five Japanese armed merchant ships, Shen Xianyi is not worried that he will not be able to defeat the Zheng family's fleet of thirteen warships.

These warships of Shibazhi are actually similar to the armed merchant ships of Japan, except that the sailors and gunners are uniformly dressed and look neater.

He knew Zheng Zhilong's strength, knew that the Zheng family owned thousands of warships and merchant ships, and had tens of thousands of troops. The newly established navy of the "Red Banner Army" would show off to the boss of the sea as soon as it came up. I'm afraid it was too hasty.

However, Huang Han's authority has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Shen Xianyi, who has just arrived, dare not disobey the order he issued, and immediately contact Huang Chunsheng.

After reading the semaphore, Huang Chunsheng laughed out loud. He didn't care about Zheng Zhilong, the guerrilla general of coastal defense. He only had eyes for General Ping Liao. He directly commanded the warship to approach an armed merchant ship sent by Shibazhi.

Huang Chunsheng had a lot to say, and thought that semaphore was limited in expressive ability, so it would be better to use roar. He had a loud voice, and the official language was smooth, so he opened his voice and shouted:
"I am ordered by General Pingliao to tell you to stop the ship obediently for inspection. If you dare to disobey General Pingliao's order, the warships of the 'Red Banner Army' will launch shelling immediately. It is best not to have bloody conflicts if you are the same Ming army. , I advise you to put down your weapons honestly and gather on the front deck..."

The captain of Zheng Jun who came to communicate was called Shi Dajing, who was Shi Daxuan's brother of the same clan. He replied:

"Don't misunderstand, our army is also inspecting smuggling. I don't know why the five Japanese merchant ships were detained by your army. Can you be accommodating because they are all serving the court?"

Huang Chunsheng said angrily: "It's unreasonable. Whose boat is detained by General Ping Liao, can the small coastal defense guerrillas take care of it? Hugh, please be presumptuous and accept the inspection quickly, or you will bear the consequences."

At this time, Huang Han raised the semaphore and ordered all the warships to prepare for battle, and they were already gathering.

These warships will be connected end to end with less than ten or twenty steps apart. This is the tactic of lining up in battle to bombard enemy ships.

During the war, the warships lined up and inserted into the enemy fleet, and the enemy ships within [-] paces on the left and right sides would all be subjected to heavy bullet rain.

The captain of Zheng Zhilong's fleet is Shi Daxuan, one of the Eighteen Zhi.

They not only trade, but also maintain the safety of the shipping lanes.

After all, the Zheng family is equivalent to collecting protection fees from maritime merchants. If someone beats up the Zheng family banner after paying the silver, it will directly affect the reputation of the Zheng family.

Shi Daxuan owned a telescope made by Westerners. After he got the report of discovering a fleet, he observed with the telescope himself, and found five armed merchant ships that had been battered to pieces, and also saw the war torn to pieces. Zheng family banner.

It was obvious that the five armed merchant ships were captured by the other seven large ships, and Shi Daxuan's scalp was numb.

Because the naval battles recorded by literati in this era are big ships fighting small ships, and strong ships fighting weak ships. Those seven warships are bigger than their own warships.

Although Shi Daxuan has no confidence in himself, he still has to negotiate, because Zheng Zhilong's reputation as the overlord of the sea is not in vain, his methods are vicious, whether it is dealing with the enemy or his own subordinates.

Five armed merchant ships under the flag of the Zheng family were robbed at sea, and the Zheng family's fleet encountered indifference.

In any case, Shi Daxuan would never have thought that sending his brother Shi Dajing to negotiate would cause even more trouble. He didn't give the Zheng family's navy any face at all, and he even looked down on the mere third-rank guerrilla general of coastal defense.

He is so awesome, he is the actual commander-in-chief with the seal of General Ping Liao. In theory, he is more than five ranks older than Zheng Zhilong.

Shi Dajing, who had been negotiating soon, drove the No. [-] Fuchuan back to the battleship in disgrace. This warship simply followed Shi Daxuan's warship and reported the result of the negotiation just now by shouting.

Doing so made the nearly [-] sailors, gunners, and soldiers on the two ships know that the seven warships belonged to the Daming Navy, and the commander was Huang Han, the famous general of Pingliao.

Now General Ping Liao ordered the Zheng family ship to be inspected, and all the crew put down their weapons and went to the deck to concentrate on standby.

Shi Daxuan was dumbfounded. According to the usual practice, a commander-in-chief with the seal of a general is enough to command a small guerrilla general, but this is at sea. What does it mean to check for smuggling and entrainment?
Are there any armed merchant ships at sea that do not smuggle and entrain?Which Ming army warship did not carry some private goods in exchange for wine money?

General Ping Liao asked our crew to put down their weapons and gather on the deck for inspection. Didn't he order us to disarm and surrender to him?
Damn!Too much deception!I'm not under the restraint of the commander-in-chief of Ji Town, and I'm not a serious court navy officer. The purpose of using the banner of the official army is to facilitate robbery. Why do I want to be a general of Pingliao?
Shi Daxuan conveyed the order, and the flag of the flagship waved for a while, and the other dozen or so Zheng family warships and armed merchant ships all understood, and all took their positions to face the battle.

At this time, the gap between the two armies became obvious. Shibazhi's pirate army was a little timid when they saw that the opponent's seven warships equipped with dozens of large-caliber artillery came unfriendly.

The Shibazhi pirates all know that they have put on the coats of the Ming army, and attacking the team of the Ming general Ping Liao and Yin Zongbing is a rebellion. Under such circumstances, conflicts should be avoided. There is no need for generals to play with their lives.

And the "Red Banner Army" followed Huang Han's lead from top to bottom. When the Guanning Army was fought as a slave, Huang Han was a garrison general. There were only a thousand men under his command, and none of them flinched.

Today is not what it used to be, the "Red Banner Army" has grown stronger as a group, and its cohesion has increased. It is the arrogance of the king of heaven and Lao Tzu to have men under his command. Huang Han pointed out that no one will ask why the "Red Banner Army" fights.

Because the "Red Banner Army" has strict discipline, starves to death and does not plunder the common people, and will never oppress good people, the enemy that the Lord will attack must not be a good bird.

Huang Han was also always paying attention to Shi Daxuan's flagship. After seeing them waving the command flag, the sailors and gunners on the other warships immediately took action, knowing that it was impossible to defeat others without a fight.

Huang Han's warship waved the flag, and the other five warships all understood. Soon a battle line was formed. Huang Chunsheng's warship drove an arc and turned around to meet at the end of the battle line. The seven warships rode the wind and waves to the enemy ship. inserted into the array.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The deafening sound of the explosion was earth-shattering, and the power of the volley of one or two hundred artillery pieces was astonishing. Most of the warships in Shi Daxuan's fleet were basically beaten to death and wounded all over the deck before they even finished firing.

That's because Zheng's warships were discouraged, and they didn't dare to fire the first shot. The main reason was that the opponent was the Daming Navy, the Shangguan, and the chief general was the super-level General Pingliao.

(End of this chapter)

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