Chapter 412

Who knew that General Ping Liao would be merciless, and he really treated the Eighteenth Zhi Army as pirates, and all warships within range were hit by shells.

The densely packed three or four money small irons attacked the upper deck like raindrops, and the sailors and gunners in the open air were killed and injured in an instant. How could they have the ability to fight back?

This is the disadvantage of Asian warships without dedicated gun bays. If there were gun decks to provide protection, how could the damage caused by scattered bullets be so terrible?
On the "Red Banner Army" warship, the sub-guns of the Fran's cannon had been loaded again, and the second round of strikes began immediately. None of Shi Daxuan's warships or armed merchant ships sailed away, and they were all biting their bullets under the rain of bullets.

It's not that Shi Daxuan fought bravely and tenaciously to the end, but that they couldn't escape, because there were basically no living people on the deck, so how could the ship slip away without anyone to hoist the sails?
At this time, the enemy has become unilaterally beaten. The combat effectiveness of the Zheng family navy is too weak, and the battle line seems redundant.

Huang Han issued an order, the flag of the flagship waved, all the captains understood the new order, distributed the control of the enemy ships, and captured all the thirteen warships and armed merchant ships.

Just after the third round of artillery fire, people on several enemy ships began to wave white cloths. They did not have white flags, so they found white cloths or white underwear tied to bamboo poles and danced desperately. Because they were afraid of being hit by bullets, they had to hide their bodies from being exposed. All are very hard.

The sailors of the "Red Banner Army" knew that killing people was a last resort, and taking over goods was the ultimate goal. When they found that the enemy ship requested to surrender, the gunners immediately stopped firing for the fourth round.

The artillerymen and marines yelled in unison, hoping that the enemy ship could hear clearly, and then the shouts of "put down your weapons, put your hands on your head, come to the front deck and kneel down to avoid death!" echoed among more than a dozen warships.

To say that the comprehension of the Han people is really not low, some people stumbled and ran out immediately, many people were injured, and many more people were so frightened that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

The Shibazhi pirate army howled: "General, don't fire, we are also the Ming army, we surrender!"

The Red Banner Army yelled and cursed: "Kneel down honestly, dare to disobey General Pingliao's order, are you impatient?"

"A bunch of scumbags who don't cry when they don't see the coffin. They have to die so many people know how to know each other!"

The Eighteen Zhi Pirate Army, whose courage had been knocked out, was crying, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,

Shi Daxuan's command cabin is relatively strong, and the wood is covered with iron and copper skins. Countless irons hit it like hail. Fortunately, there are no projectiles that penetrate the partition.

Only two or three people in the command cabin were hit, and one of them had his head smashed to death because part of the shotgun came in through the window.

Seeing the soldiers dying in front of his eyes, Shi Daxuan broke out in a cold sweat. When did Ming Dynasty have such a powerful warship?

He has been in the sea for more than ten years and has fought hundreds of naval battles of various sizes. He has never seen a warship with such sharp artillery fire. General Ping Liao's warships are nothing compared to them.

You must know that the last time they won the five deck warships of the Dutch, the Zheng family navy dispatched hundreds of warships. In the end, many fireships fought together and defeated the Dutch losing a small deck warship.

The Dutch may have killed dozens of people, while the Zheng family lost more than a dozen fireships, five warships, as many as twenty warships were damaged, and more than 1000 sailors and gunners were killed or injured.

Now seeing that General Ping Liao's warship was not smaller than the Dutch warship, and its artillery fire was not weaker than that of Hongmao Xiyi, Shi Daxuan knew that he had no chance, so he decisively chose to surrender.

This is the advantage of Huang Han having the righteousness of the court in his hands. Shi Daxuan may not be soft-boned, but his master Zheng Zhilong has surrendered to the court. He must fight to the death with the Daming Navy at the critical moment of life and death to play integrity and keep loyalty. History?

This is unrealistic, Qi Jie really can't play in this situation, Shi Daxuan can only save more of his subordinates and save his own life by choosing to surrender.

The flagships of the thirteen Shibazhi warship formations raised the white flag, and the chief general Shi Daxuan declared his surrender. It was even more impossible for the rest of the warships to remain obsessed.

More than 300 Zheng Jun were killed, and more than 200 people were seriously injured. Now they are being treated by medical soldiers of the "Red Banner Army". The remaining 700 Zheng Jun have been disarmed, guarded and screened.

Shi Daxuan’s fleet of thirteen warships was not as large as the three-masted gunboat imitating the West from the Ming Dynasty. This kind of ship was too bulky and had more than 300 crew members. It is estimated that Zheng Zhilong thought the ship was too slow and therefore abandoned it.

The Fuchuan series should be the regular equipment of Zheng’s family. In Shi Daxuan’s fleet, there are three large-scale chasing boats with 110 people, two masts, two rudders, and two anchors. One of them is Shi Daxuan’s flagship. There are five Zhuang boats on the No. [-] ship, and five Fuchuan boats of other types.

In Huang Han's eyes, the so-called chasing boats are too backward, and they can only bully Toyotomi Hideyoshi's even more unbearable navy in the Wanli year of the last century. In the [-]th century, only battleships with a large number of fierce artillery can run rampant. sea ​​area.

However, the chasing boat has been used as the main warship of Shibazhi for half a century, and the main warship of Zheng Chenggong's navy is also this kind of thing. In the end, the Manqing navy led by Shi Lang still chasing the boat.

Damn, since Daming salvaged a few sunken Western ships, he knew how to imitate the Flang cannon and the Hongyi cannon.

In the last days, it is possible that the national power will go from bad to worse because of the need to fight rogues and slaves again, and the large ships seem to be useless against rogues and slaves, so the development of the navy was given up and Zheng Zhilong was allowed to play under the banner of Ming Dynasty at sea.

How stupid the Manchus must have been. Even after seeing the large warships of Xiyi, they didn’t know how to imitate them, yet they were still two centuries behind in their construction and used by the sailors for another 200 years.

The captured Zheng family sailor and gunner Huang Han were not going to be released, nor would they be killed. The young soldiers began to interrogate the Jiangjun in pairs, and set up a file for the registered name of the Jiangjun.

Daming had so many old troops, it was impossible to kill them all, and it would be wishful thinking to let them go home to farm.

I am used to the life of licking blood with the blade of a knife, but I am not used to the life of digging in the soil no matter what.

Especially those soldiers who are physically strong and have combat skills, if they are left alone, nine out of ten will turn from thieves to generals among rogues.

Therefore, the transformation of the old army must be put on the agenda. Liu Zaiqi flicked the war refugees along the coast of Shandong and defected to Ningyuan. .

At this time, he and ten propaganda team members were standing upright and listening to Huang Han's assignments.

(End of this chapter)

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