Chapter 414 The Woodwater

How much gold and silver treasures should a great Japanese pirate who has been active in the Five Islands for three generations accumulate?
Huang Han's heart was moved, he was not allowed to attack a big pirate's lair, it would be more rewarding than looting a city!

Huang Han was very satisfied with this nomination certificate, and he was really ready to give Shi Daxuan a chance to make meritorious service, promote him to be the captain and give him the rank of military officer.

He changed his address and said: "You stand up and answer, kneeling is not allowed in the official army, and you have to learn the etiquette of the 'Red Banner Army' in the future."

Shi Daxuan immediately hit the snake with the stick, he said: "I thank General Xie for taking me in, I will definitely make a plan and personally lead the warship to participate in the battle to capture the private port of Jiugui."

Huang Han said: "You are currently staying in the command cabin as a praise painting. If you make meritorious service, I will reward you generously."

Shi Daxuan knelt down and kowtowed again: "I don't want rewards for lowly positions, I just ask the general to arrange people to go to Anping Town, Quanzhou, Fujian Province to pick up the family members of lowly positions and go to Funing Wei'an home."

"No problem, I will report to the Ministry of War to issue an order to transfer you to the brigade, and then arrange Fujian officials to supervise your family's northward movement. Unless Zheng Zhilong wants to turn against the court, he will not make things difficult for your family."

"General, I have worked with Zheng Zhilong for many years, and I know this person's nature very well. I am afraid that it will be difficult for my lord to prevent Zheng Zhilong from being behind the scenes."

"Don't worry, I will send someone to bring your letter to pick up your family first, and then I will go through the motions to negotiate with the person who has the protection of the army."

"Thank you General for your compassion, and I will definitely do my best to give advice and suggestions to get rid of the Nine Ghosts."

A large number of student soldiers in the "Red Banner Army", including the Marine Corps, are learning artillery and sailing. As long as there are two or three years of practice, too many excellent captains will stand out.

This is the time when there is no shortage of good soldiers, but there is a shortage of senior captains with rich sailing experience and actual combat experience.

Leaving Shi Daxuan to serve, his clan brother Shi Dajing and the other eleven captains will serve for the "Red Banner Army" as a matter of course. Before they can be fully trusted, they can be appointed as the first officer, and use their experience to teach the young captain. There is nothing good about making plans.

When sailing, it’s really time for big things to happen, and we can basically do it together. No one will play tricks. An experienced chief mate can judge that a storm is coming and will not keep silent.

When fighting at sea, even if the opponent is the Shibazhi pirates, there is no need to worry about the first officer’s defection. The gunfire is not eye-catching. How could the first officer who was a pirate captain not know that it really caused his warship to sink into the sea? How many people can survive? Will this small probability let him stand?

This is the characteristic of the sea. It is very unlikely that a few people on a warship will try to defect, escape, or succeed in rebellion. Moreover, the "Red Banner Army" has the righteousness of the court and gives the pirate captains who surrendered a seventh-rank or sixth-rank official status.

When these pirates who were born in poverty and were fighting tomorrow with their heads up at sea received the sixth-rank and seventh-rank official uniforms embroidered with Biao, they would have a completely different perception of the court, and it would be no problem to gradually gain loyalty.

After all, there are not too many professional rebels who are born thieves like Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong, Li Zicheng, etc., and they can't develop like a snowball without the foundation of hungry people everywhere.

Han people all have family and country complexes, and being an official is the pursuit of the vast majority of Han people. If you can be a serious naval officer of the imperial court, and serve for a navy with unparalleled military strength, who would be so low as to become a pirate?
In the future, the families of the "Red Banner Army" will live together in "Tiger Cave City". collective strength.

Eighteen warships and armed merchant ships were added, and the speed of the fleet slowed down. When Huang Han waited for Huang Yong to meet up, he discovered the situation again. It was two large Western-style deck warships swaggeringly appearing in the telescope.

Shi Daxuan observed with binoculars and reported to Huang Han that they were the Dutch warships Udwater and Venlo. The size of the two ships was very different, and the displacement of Udwater was two to three times that of Venlo. Possibly up to fifteen hundred tons.

The Dutch relied on their strong ships and cannons to run rampant in the South China Sea and the East China Sea. One mountain cannot contain two tigers. Eighteen Zhi has always regarded them as imaginary enemies. Every time the Dutch deck warships appeared, they would follow and watch.

It is not a coincidence that Zheng Zhilong was able to sit on the top spot of the great pirate in Asia. It is inseparable from his habit of being flexible, thinking, learning, and studying tactics.

In the war room of Shibazhi, there are many warship models of the East India Company that appeared in the South China Sea, including the Woodwater with a crew of 250 and the Venlo with a crew of [-].

The Woodwater and the Venlo are returning from the country of Wa, and they are going to transport the purchased raw silk, tea, and silk back to Amsterdam. The goods on board are buckskin, copper, saltpeter, sulfur, etc., and these things will be sold to Daming. Fujian businessman.

Because the firepower of warships in Asia is too weak, and the speed of the ships is not as good as that of Western sailing ships of the same tonnage, the Dutch are more arrogant, always looking for suitable prey when sailing on the sea.

The Udwater is equipped with more than [-] cannons. It belongs to the first-class warship of the East India Company. The speed of the ship can reach about five knots. Junk ship.

Because the size of the Venlo is only a little bigger than the junk ships on the route, but the speed of the ship reaches more than six knots, which is more than a knot faster than the junk ships of the same size, although the Venlo is only 24 knots. Equipped with two [-]-pound and two [-]-pound artillery, the artillery fire is much stronger than that of the Junk ship.

The Udwater intercepted, the Venlo turned around, and the two warships of the East India Company cooperated tacitly. In recent years, they have robbed no less than [-] Junker ships.

They also captured three Junk ships on the way to the Wa country, and sold them to the daimyo of the Wa country during the transaction, and got more than 5 taels of silver with the boats and goods.

Looting while trading is a characteristic of the East India Company. Whether it was the era of the Dutch or the British, if they met Huang Han, who was familiar with these Western bandits, a black-on-black encounter would definitely start.

What's more, after going to sea for more than ten days, I played the chasing boat, the No. [-] blessing boat, the Zhuyin boat, and the grass boat, but I didn't find the Western Galen boat to practice my hands on.

At this time, two of the most advanced European warships of this era came. Didn't they send pillows when they were dozing off?
This battle can not only improve the combat skills of the "Red Banner Army" navy, but also grab a real European Galen ship for research. How can it be let go?
Huang Han gave an order on the spot, the whole army pressed up and surrounded the enemy ship, and they must wipe out the red-haired devils and seize the huge ship.

(End of this chapter)

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