Chapter 415

The Patriarch is going to grab the warship again!Cheers broke out in the command cabin, and the orderlies ran up to the front deck and stood at the highest point, waving the flag.

Shi Daxuan had once fought with warships on the deck of Xiyi, and knew that those warships with heavy artillery fire could outnumber Fuchuan. He was worried that Huang Han would not be able to eat mutton, so he immediately remonstrated:
"General, the warships on the Xiyi deck have thirty to fifty cannons, and the ones with the largest caliber can fire twenty-jin cannons, which can reach distances of four to five miles.

Attacking such a warship must have an absolute numerical advantage, and the tactic of ambushing and then suddenly bursting out to surround the enemy will be adopted, otherwise, nine out of ten will make them escape from the siege. "

Huang Han said with a smile: "I know that the Shibazhi's attack on the Xiyi deck warships is to fight in groups. In most cases, it can't be effective, because the Xiyi warships that are unwilling to fight will flee with full sail. It's not easy for Shibazhi to stop the enemy."

"That's true. I once participated in the ambush of the Dutch warships. Unfortunately, they escaped. Instead, we lost several warships and more than a dozen fireships. In name, we reported to the imperial court that our army had defeated the enemy and fled. In fact, we The army suffered hundreds of casualties, while the enemy only suffered dozens."

"It's not surprising, do you have fast boats that can catch up with the Xiyi warships?"

"Yes, but they are all small boats like flywheels. There are only a few guns on board. They really have no combat power. It is useless to catch up. In the end, we can only load the flywheels with tung oil, gunpowder, and dry materials. When the fuel hits the enemy ship, it is set on fire."

"The effect of this kind of tactics is not obvious. If there are not many hidden reefs and shoals in the sea area where you choose to fight, so that the big Xiyi ship does not need to worry about the risk of running aground or running aground, sailing at full speed with full sail, and the small flywheel will probably be destroyed by the Dutch battle. The ship crashed."

Shi Daxuan was sweating. General Pingliao seemed to have seen actual combat, and he could even predict that the flywheel that was about to be set on fire would be smashed to pieces.

Shi Daxuan said honestly: "The general is a man of gods, Shibazhi really has no good way to deal with the Xiyi warships.

Only by relying on many boats, there must be brave men under heavy rewards, and by motivating sailors to rush to meet the board for generous rewards.

Every time the casualties are several times or even ten times that of the enemy, but the results of the battle are not obvious. "

"Haha, Shi Daxuan, I will open your eyes today, and soon you will see that naval battles in the true sense are full of gunfire, and all future naval battles will be conducted like this. You have to watch carefully, and try to learn something to deal with new battles. The law has understood."

Shi Daxuan has been on the boat since he was a child. He is used to the moody sea and is keen on naval battles. He has fantasized many times that he can fight against the Xiyi deck warships. Today, seeing Huang Han's full confidence, he can't help but look forward to the upcoming battle.

Huang Han did not underestimate the enemy, and the semaphore conveyed the order to let all the paddle warships leave the fleet and prepare for the battle.

And convey the enemy's situation to the whole army, and inform the opponent's artillery that there are a lot of artillery. The upcoming naval battle will be cruel.

The seven warships must prepare for the worst, check the sealed buoys and lifeboats used for emergency, and all tanks must be filled with seawater to be ready to put out the fire at any time.

Huang Han summoned the ship's general Zuo and all the off-duty crew to give lectures, telling everyone that the next battle is the development trend of naval warfare in the future. If you want to win, you must line up in a battle line and completely destroy the enemy's ships with absolute artillery superiority. Only in this way can we win.

When our warship bombards the enemy ship, the enemy ship's artillery fire will also return fire. At this moment, there are no tactics and tactics, and the brave wins when meeting on a narrow road has become the theme again.

The semaphore continued to transmit information to convey the general meaning Huang Han wanted to express to the other six warships, and the captains also solemnly informed all the crew members that a real naval battle was about to start, which was very cruel.

Anyone may die from the artillery fire. Only by reloading and firing quickly under the enemy's artillery fire, and destroying the artillery of the enemy ship as soon as possible can you win the victory!

Due to the large number of young soldiers in the "Red Banner Army" gunners and sailors, these newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and they are not afraid of powerful enemies at all.

In their minds, they have seven warships on their side and only two on the enemy side. We are sure to win. As for which one of Pao Ze is unlucky and will die in this naval battle?Who knows?Why join the "Red Banner Army" if you are afraid of death?
Now that it was very close to the Dutch warship, most of the crew could see the Udwater clearly, and the captain, sailors, and gunners of the "Red Banner Army" were all drooling.

They were all thinking, "Damn, there is actually a warship that is bigger than our warship and has more artillery. Take this warship that is nearly twice the size of our flagship and bring it back to Huxue Port What a joy to have loved ones visit."

The flagship is still raising flags to remind the soldiers on all ships to put on armor as much as possible, and the self-born musketeers and sword and shield players who cannot participate in the artillery battle should find cover as much as possible to hide, and require the medical soldiers to be prepared to operate on a large number of wounded. Prepare.

The "Red Banner Army" has formed a formation that does not fear the enemy and at the same time does not despise the enemy. In addition, the Xiyi warship is large and equipped with many artillery pieces. Everyone has the expectation of a fierce battle, and soon there will be a town governor. Slogans sounded from all the ships.

"When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins! Brothers hold your breath, get close to the red-haired devil and blast his mother!"

"Brothers, the real naval battle is about to begin. Any enemy who competes with the 'Red Banner Army' will be turned into cannon fodder."

"Hahaha..." Seeing that the town governor said something funny, the young gunner first laughed, and then the whole boat was full of laughter.

"Brothers, are you ready? We are not far away from the enemy ship. Stop laughing, everyone, and concentrate on cheering up!"

All the soldiers yelled "Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!" and immediately put away their smiles and stared coldly at the bigger and bigger Xiyi warship.

Huang Han's flagship was at the top of the battle line, less than one nautical mile away from the Dutch deck warship Woodwater. At this time, our bow guns and the enemy's stern guns could actually hit each other.

But no one opened fire, because the possibility of accurately hitting an enemy ship within a nautical mile or so in choppy seas did not exist, and one hit in ten rounds was all luck.

At this time, Huang Han's seven warships were not fully driven, but were sailing at full sail, with a speed of between five and six knots.

The speed of the Dutch warship in front may be a little slower, or they deliberately let the Junk ship approach. The commander can use the binoculars to see this new ship type clearly, so they tolerate the Ming warship gradually approaching.

It is possible that the Dutch saw these strange warships of the Ming Dynasty that they had never seen before. There were a lot of cannons and there were seven in number, so they didn't want to cause trouble and adopted a strategy of avoidance.

(End of this chapter)

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