Chapter 416 Notorious
This is the characteristic of merchants possessed by the East India Company. Profit is what they pursue, and wars are also for profit. In this situation where there is a possibility of losing everything, the sea coachman decided to hide.

Under normal circumstances, the speed of Asian Junk ships cannot catch up with Western Galen ships, so the Dutch who avoided the battle did not panic at all. They began to adjust the windward side of the horn sails and speed up with full sails. Many sailors were still following closely. Junk boat compared to the middle finger.

The Xiyi people call the ships of Ming Dynasty Junke Ships, which is a transliteration of Chinese sailboats in English.

Huang Han has been using binoculars to observe the enemy, and he smiled when he saw that the sailors on Woodwater began to adjust the sails, not lowering them to prepare for the battle.

At the very least, a real naval battle encountered by the "Red Banner Army" navy had initiative and suddenness, obviously because the enemy ships had already made the choice to avoid the battle and began to leave with full sail.

Huang Han, who was holding a binoculars, saw that the enemy ship was about to flee. He deliberately belittled the Dutchman to boost morale and laughed:
"Being cowardly before fighting is a big taboo for military strategists. Xiyi's evolution time is short and immature! First of all, we don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and we are a little underestimated when we see our strength. It's ridiculous!"

Shen Xianyi reacted quickly and immediately continued: "The general is mighty, and the Xiyi are fleeing. Our army will have the upper hand in chasing them. There is no suspense in winning this battle."

The Dutch didn't know that the "Red Banner Army" warship could also use human power to suddenly increase the speed of the two-knot strong ship.

When the flagship raised the flag, all the warships understood that the enemy dared not fight and wanted to run, so all the warships followed the flagship and kept the battle line to meet the enemy with full drive.

All of a sudden, the junk ship that had been following the Dutch warship showed its power, and waves and flowers rolled up on both sides, and the speed increased all of a sudden.

Immediately, the seven warships lined up in a straight line rushed towards the Woodwater, and the uniform shouts of "Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!..." on the ship dimmed the sound of the sea.

The Woodwater was sailing at full speed with almost full sail. It stands to reason that it should gradually distance itself from the Junk ship. Who knew that things were not as imagined by the Dutch, and the Junk ship was approaching at an incredible speed.

"Oh! Buy cakes!" The Dutchman's brain short-circuited for a while, "This must be an illusion! There will never be such a fast and large ship in Asia."

Just as the Dutch on the Woodwater and Venlo were yelling and pointing, the junk ships lined up had approached more than a hundred steps to the left of the two warships.

The commanders of the ships of the "Red Banner Army" decisively ordered "fire" when they reached the predetermined distance, and the cannons that had been prepared for a long time suddenly burst into roars.

The Udwater's response was not slow. Although this warship belonged to the East India Company, all the regular Dutch troops served on board.

The country of the Netherlands was on the rise at this time. The East India Company was not a common economic entity in later generations, but a commercial company established by the Netherlands 30 years ago with state functions, colonial plunder and monopoly of Eastern trade.

The East India Company is a colossal monster equivalent to a bandit group, notorious for its blood and debts.

The Netherlands has won the title of Sea Coachman. Its performance at sea has outperformed the entire world in the past few decades. It can be seen that they are ordinary people. Their naval combat power cannot be given for nothing. They fired guns on the Ming warship At the same time, the Dutch cannons also fired.

At this time, there is no fantasy, only to concentrate on shooting.

Don't try to avoid the artillery fire, because the artillery in this era is not accurate, and it depends on the quantity to make up for the quality. When the warships are bombarded, it is more violent than whose artillery fire, and who can keep the artillery fire uninterrupted for a longer time.

It is impossible for the gunner to hide when he is afraid. All positions on the side of the battle are dangerous. The gunner who is bombarding can only confirm that he has survived the battle if he beats the cannon of the enemy ship.

Escape is even more impossible, as long as the gunner leaves his gun position without authorization when engaging in battle, he will be killed without mercy.

Huang Han's flagship, five bow and stern cannons, and twenty 150-pound Francophones all fired live ammunition. With a side attack of less than 50 steps, facing a big guy with a length of nearly 25 meters and a height of more than eight meters above the sea, [-] None of the iron balls hit empty.

Galen ships are not open gun decks, their cannons are all inside the gun deck, and the muzzles protrude from the gun doors to fire shells to attack enemy ships. At this time, the effect of firing shotguns is not obvious, because shotguns cannot penetrate the thick walls of enemy ships. Cabin bulkhead.

Huang Han ordered to fire five rounds of live ammunition, and then fire three rounds of shotguns. Five rounds of live ammunition, with seven or eight hundred large iron balls penetrating the deck of the enemy ship, would cause thousands of holes. Three rounds can basically beat most living people into sieves.

Just look at how many Xiaoqiang-level red-haired devils are still alive on the two Galen ships after eight rounds of more than 200 shells from seven warships and nearly five tons of steel smashed over.

The Udwater Galen ship has a three-layer gun deck, and the main battle artillery is arranged on the left and right sides. The bottom layer has ten 24-pounder guns on one side, the middle layer has eight 53-pounder guns, and the upper layer has six [-]-pounder guns. There are also five guns at the bow and stern, with a total of [-] guns, which is the current first-class Western warship.

Compared with the Udwater, the Venlo is not enough. It has only one gun deck, five twelve-pounders on the starboard and starboard sides, two 24-pounders on the bow and one [-]-pounder on the stern, equipped with a total of thirteen-pounders. cannon.

At this time, the Dutch were not built. They were caught up by the Junkers and fired directly, causing heavy casualties.

The Dutch responded with more than [-] shells from the Ming army when the gunner was killed and seriously injured.

At this time, the battle line kept moving in the same direction as the Udwater and the Venlo. Even though the Ming warship had stopped manpower driving and lowered part of the soft sails in order to slow down, the speed still maintained a certain inertia.

Therefore, the flagship ranked first belonged to advancing while shelling. When the Dutch returned fire, only the middle and stern of the ship were hit by seven shells.

The power of the black powder cannons of this era is indeed not too great. The strength of the shells has weakened when they penetrate the hard deck that is several inches thick, and there are not too many shells that penetrate the solid gun deck.

Most iron balls bounce or roll wildly, and unlucky gunners will be killed or injured if they are hit.

Therefore, most western warships can confront the enemy. The sunk warships were directly hit by too many shells, causing the deck to be penetrated. Then the enemy's shells passed through the unobstructed deck and hit the cannon. deck.

(End of this chapter)

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