Chapter 417
Most of the artillery shells of later generations have a pointed oval part of the warhead. When the shell is ejected from the chamber, due to the action of the rifling, the warhead rotates at high speed and runs towards the target, with strong penetrating power.

The conventional artillery shells in this era are large round iron balls, and the cannons are all smoothbore guns. The shells hit the barrel irregularly and roll towards the target. The striking force is not small, and the penetrating power is not strong.

Most of the time, a direct hit of a shell may not be able to penetrate the gun deck, but no one can predict whether the shells will basically overlap under the random bombardment of the shells.

In such a situation, the luck of the warship under fire is too bad. It will be troublesome if the shell penetrates the gun deck and enters the bilge. It is possible to be sunk by the enemy.

If there is no leak repair, if it is still being bombarded by enemy ships continuously, then there will be no suspense about sinking into the sea.

But, there are buts!Under normal circumstances, enemy ships are not willing to sink their opponents. Everyone likes to capture warships. After all, a large ship is worth a lot of money, and sinking into the sea is not a waste of work.

Therefore, in naval battles, most warships that are beaten by enemy ships and lose their ability to counterattack will choose to surrender. If they are sunk by the enemy at sea, it will be difficult to have one or two survivors on board. Generally, surrendering will not kill them all. Especially the Xiyi during the war basically did not kill prisoners.

After surrendering, a well-known commander of the enemy country can usually return to his hometown as long as he is willing to pay the ransom. Moreover, the West and the East have completely different understandings of integrity. They adopt a tolerant attitude towards generals who have experienced defeat and surrender.

This time, Huang Han's robbery was against a junk ship without a dedicated gun deck. The Fran cannon installed in the rear can quickly change the sub-guns and shoot out shotguns. The dense rain of bullets has a great damage effect on the sailors and gunners on the open deck. Large, less damage to ships.

Therefore, when the armed merchant ships were seized, there was basically no decent resistance. Even Shi Daxuan's Eighteen Zhi Pirate Army was beaten to the point of being unable to fight back.

But the Galen ship that hit the Dutch is completely different. It is difficult to kill the gunner of the enemy ship without knocking open the hard deck of the Galen ship with live ammunition.

This was a head-to-head battle between a copper pot and an iron brush. Fortunately, Huang Han had the advantage of seven to two, and the firepower advantage of the rear-mounted Frang machine that could fire in rapid succession.

There are still many gun positions on the Woodwater that have not been destroyed, and the Dutch did not stand still. They fired the remaining artillery one after another, and twenty large iron balls also hit the "Red Banner Army" warship, causing many casualties. Small.

At this time, the superiority of the Fran machine gun was reflected. When the Dutch gunners pulled back the artillery to reload, our artillery fired one after another. Taking advantage of the time difference between the Dutch gunners pulling back the cannon to reload, the Fran machine gun did four rounds. Under the heavy rain of bullets, the Dutch completed reloading with only five artillery pieces.

This is the disadvantage of pulling the front-mounted artillery around, because the Hongyi cannon that fires 24-pound shells weighs close to [-] kilograms, and it is inevitable that there will be no shrapnel, sawdust, or even broken arms and limbs at the scene bombarded by the artillery fire of the Ming army.

At this time, the Xiyi artillery in the gun deck has not yet used rails, but is pushed and pulled by steel wheels. It is a tragedy when there are sundries on the deck. The iron wheels of the cannon are blocked. A giant of a thousand catties.

All the Hongyi cannons on the "Red Banner Army" warship have optimized designs, not only have preset orbits, but also shock-absorbing springs to eliminate most of the recoil, which can reduce damage to the warship and increase the service life of the warship.

When the gunner on the Udwater pushed out the barrel and was ready to fire, another round of artillery fire from the Ming army was ushered in, and two more were directly knocked out. In the end, only one 24-pound shell and two [-]-pound shells fell into the ground. Huang Han's flagship resulted in the death of three gunners, and a dozen wounded fell on the deck.

The Dutch were kind, they had already seen which warship was the flagship of the seven Ming warships, and the shells greeted Huang Han's boat as much as possible.

The twelve-pound gun that caused the Red Banner casualties could not have been fired, because at least a dozen miniguns fired at the Dutchman who fired, and the three surviving Dutch gunners were lying on the deck and convulsed by this time.

The two 24-pounders failed to fire, and no one even pulled them back to reload.

Because the shotgun shells from the Fran's cannon covered the enemy ship, and the Galen ship, which was riddled with holes by five rounds of live ammunition, leaked everywhere, and the iron pieces of three or four coins passed through the holes made by the shells, making it impossible to hit this side. There is life.

The "Red Banner Army" suffered casualties and was very different from other troops. The medical soldiers braved the artillery fire to rescue Paozhe. Seeing that the brothers who were in love with each other were killed and injured by the enemy, all the soldiers were red-eyed, and they gritted their teeth and fired guns. .

With a few sounds of "Swish, swish!", the steel spear fired by the bed crossbow nailed the huge hull of the Woodwater. All active objects found.

When they approached within a hundred steps, hundreds of self-generating guns on the seven ships fired one after another, and the possibility of the Dutch firing again no longer existed.

Next, under the cover of the Marine Corps, the cold weapon sword and shield hand entered the enemy ship along the five springboards extending towards the enemy ship.

At this time, there are few people wearing helmets and armor in the battle of Xiyi jumping gangs. Survivors wielding Western swords have never beaten Huijiazi wrapped in steel. Even soft lead bullets shot by cold guns cannot penetrate the sword. Shieldman's steel shield.

The language barrier, the "Red Banner Army" didn't shout for the enemy to surrender, but Xiyi's comprehension is not low, the survivors began to pull out the white cloth and waved it, murmuring what to say, but without exception, they let the Ming army see their empty hands .

The Woodwater and Venlo have a total of 310 crew members, and no more than [-] of them can get a chance to surrender, and more than half of them are still scarred.

Xiyi in this era has gradually looked down on the Ming Dynasty's navy. They think that the tactics of the Daming Navy are still at the beginning of the last century, lagging behind by more than a hundred years.

The reason why the Dutch failed to attack Daming several times is because it is too far away from Europe, the country is too big, there are too many small sea-going ships rushing up to melee or set fire to it, and their soldiers are too brave, all of them are Desperately.

Today, the red-haired devils were taught a lesson, and each of them was downcast, and the arrogance in their hearts was gone.

Although the Ming army still bullied the few with more, it was the first-class warship of the East India Company that was captured. When fighting with other warship formations, the Udwater will most likely serve as the flagship.

Daming was able to defeat and capture even the most advanced warships of the East India Company, so how will the Asian business be done in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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