Chapter 418
More than 200 red-haired devils were killed in this battle, and the "Red Banner Army" also suffered a lot of casualties. 43 soldiers became heroes, and more than [-] people were seriously injured. It is estimated that at least two to three adults will not survive.

Half of the one hundred or so lightly wounded were basically unharmed after being bandaged and were able to continue their combat missions.

The battle had already settled, Shi Daxuan was still standing there stupidly, his face was full of expressions.

The whole naval battle didn't take half an hour. This kid kept his mouth open. He really had never seen such firepower. The shock brought by nearly [-] cannons made him dumbstruck.

Now that the casualties are also counted, the casualty rate of the Ming army is similar to that of the Dutch, but the number of Ming soldiers killed in battle is much less, only a quarter of the Dutch casualties.

This should be an unprecedented victory, and this battle is enough to declare that the superiority of artillery fire of Xiyi warships will no longer exist in the future.

Suddenly Shi Daxuan rushed in front of Huang Han as if possessed by a demon, and was almost slashed by Gu Kui, Yan Congyou and other four guards.

Shi Daxuan fell to his knees with a plop, and then kowtowed like pounding garlic. His forehead hit the deck and made a sound like drumming.

"General, I am subdued. I will be a general for the rest of my life. I want to make meritorious service. I want to become the captain of the ship. I want to win the chance to face-to-face with the Dutch."

Huang Han was lucky in this battle, because the command cabin was not hit by Dutch artillery fire at the front, so the generals who commanded the battle in the cabin did not suffer casualties.

Dozens of people including Shen Xianyi, Wang Yuqi, Shen Ming, He Shouxin, etc. were present. When the cannonballs were coming and going, Wang Yuqi told everyone that the command cabin was armored to make everyone feel at ease, and he built it outside to ensure the safety of the general. grain bag.

Even if the command cabin was directly hit by Dutch artillery fire, the shells would be buffered when they hit the grain bags, and it was basically impossible to penetrate the three-layer deck covered with iron and copper plates more than one foot thick.

The deck personally designed by Wang Yuqi adopts a three-layer superposition method. Each layer of three layers of four-inch thick wood will be covered with thick canvas produced by Western Europe. big damage.

The shells of this era are not grenades, nor are they the blooming shells that Ming has developed and used in small quantities. It is actually very simple to reduce the destructive power brought by solid iron balls. As long as conditions permit, arrange a large number of sacks and catkins filled with soil.

Of course, there is no damage effect if the shell cannot jump up when it hits the mud. Therefore, Wang Yuqi arranged for the marines to use grain bags to buffer the force of the enemy ship's shell on a ship without mud. It is a very scientific and practical method, and it is worthy of widespread promotion.

What's more, the food is not necessarily wasted. After the naval battle, you can re-sift the sundries and continue to eat. There is no toxin after being hit by an iron ball.

The generals in the command cabin all saw the gunfire of the Dutch deck warships, and finally understood the gap between the Daming Navy and the Xiyi Navy.

Everyone understands why the Patriarch spares no effort to develop the navy, and why he emphasizes that he must try his best to equip warships with as many cannons as possible.

If the "Red Banner Army" was not a large warship with seven cannons and dozens of guns, how could it be possible to compete with the Dutch deck warships?

Huang Han said to the sincerely convinced Shi Daxuan: "Don't keep kneeling, stand up and talk." Then he looked at Shen Xianyi and Wang Yuqi again,
Said: "This is in the sea area not far from my Daming. There are two Xiyi warships. If the number of Xiyi warships is not less than ours, or even exceeds ours, I am afraid our army will have to sail away."

Shen Xianyi nodded and said: "What the general said is very true, if there are five or six enemy ships at the level of the Udwater, if they also line up the battle line to bombard, it may be impossible for our army to win.

Once engaged in battle at sea, tactics and courage are secondary, and the most important thing is to compete with artillery fire. It is obvious that the number and caliber of artillery on our warships are weaker than those of Udwater. "

Wang Yuqi already understood what Huang Han meant, and he said confidently: "Don't worry, general, with the seized Xiyi deck warship, I will lead the masters to step up research and development.

We will learn from each other's strengths and guarantee that by the end of April next year, at least three warships of our army not smaller than Udwater and equipped with artillery not less than it will be delivered to the navy for service. "

Huang Han reminded: "Don't forget that our warships are the product of the combination of Chinese and Western, and don't forget that Ming's wheel and paddle technology is ahead of this era."

Wang Yuqi said: "I understand that a strong ship and strong guns can be invincible. Only with the speed of the ship can we catch up and fight the enemy. Only in this way can we win a big victory."

Huang Han turned his head and said to Shi Daxuan: "The 'Red Banner Army' now has a battleship formation that can face-to-face bombardment with the Xiyi warships and can win them. In the future, more than ten or twenty new warships will be launched every year, among which they are even bigger. There will be three or five warships with more artillery fire, how many years of development can Zheng Zhilong be worthy of a battle?"

Shi Daxuan said loudly: "General, from my lowly position, as long as the 'Red Banner Army' fleet does not set up a battlefield along the coast of Fujian for the time being, the current Shibazhi will be difficult to defeat the general.

Because Shibazhi had to gather hundreds of warships to fight against the general's seven warships with unparalleled gunfire, there was no possibility of going to Liaohai to fight. "

Huang Han thought about it for a while, but Shi Daxuan added: "I have been at sea for nearly 20 years, and I have never seen a big ship of this size that can be so fast.

Therefore, I believe that as long as the commander of the warship has accurate judgment, there will be no disadvantages at sea. Even if the enemy cannot be defeated to capture the enemy's ship, he can still leave the battlefield when the situation is not conducive to our army. "

At this moment, hundreds of people on the flagship cheered, and Shen Ming reported: "General, the fleet led by Lord Huang Yong is already about ten miles northwest. Should our army continue to slow down and wait for the rendezvous?"

Huang Han said: "Yes, you can immediately send the order to leave all the soft sails and leave only three hard sails for sailing."

Huang Han came to the window of the command cabin and opened the binoculars to look west through the large glass window. Shen Xianyi, Wang Yuqi, Shi Daxuan and others were also observing the position of the fleet.

After a while, Shi Daxuan exclaimed: "Master Shen, there are more than a dozen warships in the same style as our army's warships. Those are also 'Red Banner Army' warships."

Shen Xianyi said proudly: "The general's flagship is not the largest warship with the most artillery fire in our army, but the flagship in the main fleet is the largest warship in our army. The artillery caliber equipped is larger than the one we are on."

Shi Daxuan murmured: "The overlord of Ming Dynasty is about to be born, and he naturally belongs to General Pingliao. The good days of Shibazhi are gone forever."

(End of this chapter)

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