Chapter 419

Hearing Shi Daxuan's emotion, Wang Yuqi said: "I have been in the Daming Longjiang Shipyard for many years, and I have heard about Zheng Zhilong, and I am also familiar with the status of Shibazhi's warships and the ratio of artillery.
I just want to say one thing to you, you are lucky enough to get the chance to join the 'Red Banner Army' at this critical moment.

You must know that in the past two years, the navy of the "Red Flag Army" has developed too quickly from scratch and lacks talents. It will take time for those educated young apprentices to grow up. At this time, it is only natural that you, a senior captain with a lot of actual combat experience, surrender and be reused. You must seize the opportunity! "

Shi Daxuan clasped his fists and said: "The humble post has been taught, people go to high places, how can the humble post not cherish the opportunity to lead such an advanced warship."

Shen Ming said very seriously: "Lord Shi, although the Haiphong Guerrilla Battalion and the 'Red Banner Army' are both Ming troops, their military discipline is completely different. To become a member of the 'Red Banner Army', you must completely get rid of your pirate habits and know how to be loyal to the emperor and patriotism. Determined to fight for the country without hesitating to shed blood."

"Brother Shen, you are welcome, just call me by my name from now on. You are right, I do have the habit of being a pirate. From now on, I will use my fearlessness, daring to fight and daring to fight enemies for my country."

Huang Yong is serious about his work, and he is also quite down-to-earth. He is responsible for the safety of fifty unarmed merchant ships, and has been paying close attention to the dynamics on the route. The most he has done in the past two days is to observe the sea surface through binoculars.

Looking at the east through the window of the command cabin on the flagship, he was suddenly taken aback because a fleet of dozens of large ships appeared in front of him.

This is not surprising. Huang Han led seven warships, captured five armed merchant ships of the Jinchuan family, captured thirteen warships of Shibazhi, and captured two warships of the East India Company. Now the fleet has The 27 warships lined up more than two miles in length.

Just as Huang Yong was about to issue an order for all the first-level combat readiness, he found several warships with red flags fluttering. Looking carefully, they turned out to be the seven warships of the 'Red Banner Army'.

"Hahaha! It's unbelievable. It's not enough to break up for three days. My brother robbed twenty ships. How did he do it?" Huang Yong could not help but muttered.

At this time, the captain beside him, Yang Dacheng, also saw the situation clearly and said loudly: "The general won a complete victory and captured nineteen... less than twenty large ships, and one of the Xiyi deck warships is too big to be frightening."

The soldiers in the command cabin immediately cheered thunderously, and then the slogan "The general is mighty, the 'Red Banner Army' is victorious" can be heard endlessly. Yang Dacheng, who was overjoyed, took the lead in singing: "The sea laughs, the tides on both sides of the strait, the ups and downs follow the waves to remember the present... "

The [-] or so officers and soldiers on the flagship all sang loudly, and soon the happy atmosphere spread to other merchant ships and warships.

Most of the sailors on the fifty merchant ships of the Huang family were former maritime merchants, and some were recruited coastal fishermen.

The sailors who went to sea these years had a good income, so the remuneration received by the sailors of the former sea merchants who were retained by the "Red Banner Army" was similar. These people basically had no loyalty to the "Red Banner Army", and they were passive workers.

Compared with these people, the newly absorbed fishermen and sailors have a completely different sense of identity with the "Red Banner Army".

Because their families lived within the system and were well-fed and respected, they could earn more than two taels of silver every month when they went overseas. The living conditions at home improved, and it was only a matter of time before they became well-off.

Huang Yong, Shen Xianyi, Yang Dacheng, Huang Chunsheng and other water battalion generals discussed the important matter of emigrating in the shortest possible time at the beginning of the year.

The loyalty of the gunners and sailors of the Lushun Water Camp is not a problem, largely because their families have settled in Tiger Cave City and enjoy the power of the collective. The family members can not only get job opportunities, but also have the advantages of military family members.

Most of the sailors of the former maritime merchants are still in Shandong. These people have not integrated into the "Red Banner Army" system, so they still have the mentality of dawdling.

The Beidaihe area is a livable place with great development potential. Huang Han has never worried about overcrowding. Think about the development of an island with a population of less than 800 in Xin'an County, Guangdong Province in the Ming Dynasty to Hong Kong with a permanent population of [-] million in later generations.

Huang Han also didn't think that there would be millions of soldiers and civilians after the two cities of Tiger Cave and Funingwei were connected, but the 50 million permanent residents would have no problem living here.

Captain Yang Dacheng is the third younger brother of Yang Danian, and he is also the son and grandson who has read the most books in the Yang family and shoulders the mission of honoring his ancestors.

However, since the Huang family and his son were born in Jiulitai Village, studying and changing their family has turned into joining the army to gain credit and honor their ancestors. Therefore, Yang Dacheng belongs to the first batch of scholars who volunteered to join the army.

Because Yang Dacheng has no martial arts and culture, no strong physique, no horse riding or archery, but he can swim, so he learned water camp with Huang Yong from the beginning.

Now Yang Dacheng already has vision. He has heard Huang Han talk about geography many times, and he knows that the place where human beings live is a huge planet. If we want to verify that the world we live in is a sphere, we can go around the earth by sailing circle to confirm.

Yang Dacheng is full of curiosity about the world, thinking that one day he will realize his dream of circumnavigating the earth, and he will be the first Ming person to accomplish this feat.

He knew that 100 years ago, a Xiyi named Ferdinand Magellan led a fleet of five ships to complete the circumnavigation of the world for the first time.

I also know that the pioneer paid the price of his life for that round-the-world voyage, and only one ship returned to the starting point in the end.

Yang Dacheng is not afraid of danger. He is studying astronomy and geography earnestly, and he has made some small success in studying "Crossing Oceans and Stars" with dozens of young sailors.

"Crossing the Ocean" is an ancient astronomical positioning technology. It measures the vertical height and the length of the rope through the measuring tool "star board", which can be converted to the altitude angle of the Polaris and the geographic latitude of the place. In this way, the specific course of the ship can be determined.

In the [-] pages of Zheng He's charts preserved in "Wu Bei Zhi" compiled by Mao Yuanyi in the first year of Tianqi, there are four "charts of crossing the ocean and drawing stars".Today, when modern navigation technology is quite developed, sailing on the vast sea can still rely on this ancient navigation technology to navigate.

Huang Han spared no effort to open the eyes of young people in the system to see the world. When he talked about astronomy, geography and exotic customs, he did not know how many people he had influenced, and Yang Dacheng was just one of them.

The system strives to publish newspapers in autumn, so that the "Red Banner Army" who are constantly fighting illiteracy can learn about world affairs through books and newspapers, which is beneficial to the great Han nation.

(End of this chapter)

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