Chapter 420

Those old literati who have read the Four Books and Five Classics have the right to speak, resulting in too many historical records being purely black and white.

The emergence of new youths who pay attention to practice and learn real knowledge will avoid this situation, and the strength of youth makes the country strong.

When the mixed fleet of merchant ships merged with the plundering fleet, when all the sailors saw clearly that the Xiyi deck warship with dozens of large-caliber artillery was captured by the "Red Banner Army", dozens of When the red-haired Devils sat dejectedly on the deck, they made a sensation.

This is the national sentiment of the Han people. No matter what contradictions there are between them, when the Han people beat the foreigners and won a big victory, everyone felt honored and cheered.

At this time, Wang Yuqi, who couldn't wait, had already brought a dozen master shipbuilders to the Woodwater.

They not only observed the main structure of this large ship with a displacement of [-] tons, but also performed simple repairs.

At the very least, all sails must be repaired so that the speed of the ship can be maintained.The bullet holes close to the sea surface should be filled in time to prevent the waves from hitting the cabin and causing water ingress to affect the balance of the hull.

Since the Udwater only had one side to engage in battle, the damaged part was concentrated on one side, and the structures and artillery on the other side were all stern.

The "Red Banner Army" fired five rounds of live ammunition and then fired three rounds of shotguns, and the effect of firing three rounds of shotguns was too good. The dense rain of bullets knocked out the combat courage of the Dutch, and many people gave up resistance and raised their hands to surrender during the boarding battle.

One advantage of Xiyi is that they can surrender decently. As long as they have done their best, they don't seem to be ashamed to surrender to the enemy.

Thirty or so Dutchmen who surrendered were uninjured or slightly injured. Among them was a second lieutenant named Marseille Klaus who knew a little bit of Chinese.

Wang Yuqi talked and gestured, and Mosaic Claus understood what he meant, and handed over the blueprint and sailing diary of the Udwater, as well as the ship's cargo list and equipment registration manual. Unfortunately, there is no Spanish language yet. people know each other.

Mosaic Claus, who surrendered and surrendered, was very cooperative. He communicated with Shen Xianyi, Wang Yuqi, etc. in half-baked Chinese. Although sometimes the words were not expressive, it was better than nothing.

Shen Xianyi got the equipment manual and Lian Meng took a dozen marines to check the supplies on the Woodwater. Wang Yuqi happily followed the investigation. After all, Xiyi has a lot of valuable sailing experience, and the supplies they prepared are not guaranteed. It will give some inspiration to Wang Yuqi and others.

The goods on board are all returned goods purchased from Japan, including deerskin, antler, Japanese knife, Japanese fan, dried scallops, and [-] to [-] catties of copper ingots and several thousand catties of sulfur. There is a lot of silver on board.

In fact, the most valuable ones should be dozens of maps and nautical charts. The charts cover the Atlantic routes, and the maps actually include Spanish colonies in South America.

In a messy cabin, many books were thrown on the floor, which caught the attention of Shen Xianyi and Wang Yuqi.

Obviously, there are more than a dozen Ming books, but they are not technical books, but popular scripts with sexually explicit jokes, and most of the illustrations are erotic. In fact, these books are so-called pornographic novels in later generations, but in the open Ming Dynasty Belongs to legal books.

Shen Xianyi compared his index finger to his lips, and everyone understood that it was a silence. Everyone quieted down and stopped walking. After listening for a while, they immediately smiled.

Because there are obviously people hiding under the small bed in the cabin, it is too small, and the not-wide bed board is pushed up and gently hits the bed frame to make a "creaking" sound.

The young marines immediately raised their guns and aimed at the cot. Shen Xianyi stopped the young man from firing the guns, and said to Mosaic Claus who was following behind: "Shout out, let the people hiding there surrender obediently, or he will die. undoubtedly."

Mosaic Klaus said: "The person who is hiding may be a translator Mislin. He is an oriental person who can understand Chinese. I learned Chinese from him."

Can interpret Xiyi dialect?Wang Yuqi and Shen Xianyi immediately got excited, and they ordered all the teenagers to move the muzzles away to prevent the baby from going off.

Shen Xianyi shouted loudly: "Lin Tongyi, we are the Daming Navy, under the command of General Pingliao.

The Xiyi warship Udwater has been captured by our army, and all the surviving Xiyi surrendered, including the second lieutenant Marcellus you are familiar with.

This officer orders you to raise your hands high and come out slowly to surrender. This officer guarantees your personal safety! "

Immediately came the Chinese with a perfect accent, which seemed to be with a Zhejiang accent, "Master, the little one surrendered, the little one had to work for Xiyi, and the little one looks forward to returning to Ming Dynasty every year!"

Not long after, a middle-aged man with a medium build, about 40 to [-] years old, came out with his hands raised. He was rather embarrassed, with messy hair and dust on his face. It might be because the bed was too dirty.

After a while, Huang Han learned that the interpreter had been caught, and he immediately asked Shen Xianyi to bring this treasure to the discussion cabin.

When they were transferred in a small boat, Shen Xianyi had already briefed Lin Tongyi about the situation, and when he came to the meeting room, Lin Tongyi immediately knelt down and kowtowed loudly, "Lin Minghai, a student from the Ningbo Prefecture of the Ming Dynasty, kowtows to the general."

Huang Han asked strangely: "Er Nai is a student from Ningbo Prefecture, why did you become a thief?"

"Reporting to the general, the student lost dozens of acres of paddy fields at home due to repeated attempts. In the first year of the apocalypse, he found a job as a tent. Because he wanted to go to sea and double the monthly money, he went to the country with his master on a boat, but his luck was not good on the way. The merchant ship was robbed by pirates."

When the sea was banned in the coastal areas in the early days of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, only Ningbo, which was called Mingzhou at that time, was opened to the outside world. It was a maritime trade and a well-developed commercial port, and there were countless merchant ships running the Japanese, Luzon, and Nanyang routes.

Studying in the Ming Dynasty was very expensive, and there were many people who went bankrupt due to the imperial examination and became poor scholars. Lin Minghai must be one of them, but he was willing to go to sea trade to earn money, and he still had the courage.

Huang Han carefully observed Lin Minghai, who was kneeling and talking, and saw that he paused and said, "You don't have to worry about it, just tell the truth, even if there is a mistake, I can understand it."

"The student thanked the general. That year, the student was captured by the Japanese pirates, and his master was also missing. The student and dozens of captives were taken to a private port to work as coolies. Among them were a few red-haired Xiyi. The student was quite talented in learning languages. In the past three years, I have learned the Japanese dialect and a little bit of Xiyi dialect."

"Oh? So you can speak Japanese! Then how did you become an interpreter for the Dutch?"

"That's because a Japanese pirate leader saw that the students could write, calculate accounts, and understand their speech, so he gave the students a job as an accountant, so the students could often follow the pirates to go to sea to rob. Although it was very dangerous, it was better than being a slave in a private port. It's been a lot better."

Huang Han said with a smile: "Going to sea to rob? How can the Japanese pirates' Zhuyin ship be the opponent of the East India Company's deck gunboat?"

Lin Minghai said: "What the general said is very true. The band of pirates who followed Tianqi's fifth-year students met the fleet of the East India Company.

Fortunately, the students saw that the situation was not good and ran into the bottom cabin to hide and avoided the fate of being smashed into pieces. There were more than [-] people on the pirate ship the students were on, and only nine survived in the end. "

It seems that this guy is a bit of a master. Even this time he was captured by the "Red Banner Army".

(End of this chapter)

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