Chapter 422 The Lair
It was impossible for the East India Company to bring silver back to Amsterdam during trade in Asia. The silver would be used to buy raw silk, satin, porcelain, tea, etc. of the Ming Dynasty.

Now the Dutch have begun to operate Daguan in an attempt to completely occupy this large island and turn it into the inherent territory of the Dutch.

Dayuan is now equivalent to a cargo transfer station, where too many goods of Ming Dynasty are stored, and the Udwater is going to Dayuan to unload the goods and silver that are going to be sold to Daming, and to load the goods to be shipped back to Europe.

Before doing business, the business without capital is so lucrative, Huang Han has already started planning to let the military and civilians in the system share the great development and bring dividends.

The rise in prices in the late Ming Dynasty is an indisputable fact. The wealth accumulation of the "Red Banner Army" has been fruitful, and the time is ripe to appropriately increase the treatment of soldiers and civilians in the system.

The boss who often raises the salary of his employees is a good boss, and everything else is false.

At the end of the year, Huang Han plans to increase the basic monthly salary of the soldiers and civilians in the system by [-] to [-] percent. The five buckets of miscellaneous grains of the guards will not change, and the salary will be distributed according to seven cents and two cents. Apprentice soldiers will be given nine cents, and auxiliary soldiers and basic labor will be given six cents. .

With the expectation of improving the treatment of nearly one million people in the system, it is necessary to go to the Japanese country in person this time to maximize the benefits, and it is necessary to bear the casualties and lay down the nine ghosts.

The convoy consisted of 88 warships and merchant ships. There were no night voyages that night, and the fleet, led by Shi Daxuan, entered a bay and anchored overnight.

After the captains arranged their shifts, the sailors and gunners fell asleep peacefully. Wang Yuqi, the master craftsman, and his disciples and grandchildren did not rest. They were still busy repairing the captured warships.

Hundreds of young soldiers from the Marine Corps volunteered to help. They obeyed the arrangements of the craftsmen and did some physical work.

Huang Han didn't bother with trivial matters, and has been researching the old lair run by Jiugui Jiro with Shen Xianyi, Lin Minghai, and Shi Daxuan, trying to work out a relatively complete attack plan.

Hearing Shi Daxuan's specific location and characteristics there, Huang Han reckoned that the lair where the nine ghosts entrenched might be Naliu Island among the five islands of the Wa Kingdom in later generations, and even if it wasn't, it should not be far from Naliu Island.

Lin Minghai was also actively brainstorming. He gave a suggestion. Most of the warships of the East India Company were named after Dutch towns. Why didn't the warships of the "Red Banner Army" have a famous name after the Ming city?
Huang Han thought about this, but then he forgot it when he was busy. It is really unscientific to distinguish and command warships by serial number and captain's name. If the captain changes warships, unnecessary misunderstandings will inevitably occur.

And it can be foreseen that this group of captains will change warships in the near future, and they will take larger warships when they go back this short time.

The "Red Banner Army" pays special attention to meetings, because this model has been proved to be effective through history.

Meetings are not only a means for the rulers to increase their sense of presence, but also to remind the general public that someone is managing them, and it is best for everyone to improve organizational discipline.

Fewer meetings will directly lead to the clamor of liberalism, leading to a decline in cohesion.What is most undesirable in Ming Dynasty is liberalism, and what needs to be strengthened most is cohesion.

Otherwise, how could the Ming Dynasty, a huge country with a population of [-] million or tens of millions, be conquered by a group of barbarians from Tunguska?

The lair that Jiro Kuki has occupied for many years is about to be captured, so it is necessary to call a meeting to study tactics.Soon the notice of the general meeting was issued, and all the generals arrived ahead of time, and no one was late.

There is no procrastination in the "Red Banner Army" system. It is impossible for later generations to have a meeting at eight o'clock and not start after nine o'clock.

If any one was really late, the town governor would drag them aside and play twenty boards before asking why they were late.

The flagship command cabin was full of people, and the captain's mate and second mate of all the warships were discussing matters, and the infantry officers above the chief banner officer and above were also present at the meeting.

Shi Daxuan has already introduced the situation of the Nine Ghosts to everyone. Hearing that there are such great benefits, all the generals in the cabin support the capture of the private port without exception.

The generals of the "Red Banner Army" are also relatively thick-skinned now, and they all say that they are not trying to grab gold and silver treasures, but to rescue two or three thousand slaves, because most of them are probably Han Chinese.

Knowing that some compatriots are suffering overseas, how can the righteous "Red Banner Army" sit idly by?It is incumbent to enter the enemy's nest and save the Han people from fire and water!
Based on his memory, Shi Daxuan roughly drew the outline of the island where the Jiugui private port is located. It is not a problem to break in with the firepower of the "Red Banner Army" warships and land on the beach. The key is how to minimize casualties?

After all, Nine Ghosts has three turrets built of huge stones. The maximum caliber of the artillery deployed on them reaches [-] pounds, and the effective range is more than one nautical mile.

There is another problem. It is said that Jiugui has [-] warships. Even though most of these warships are armed merchant ships, they are capable of attacking. Our army has to face the harassment of these warships when attacking the fort.

It is the consistent style of generals of the "Red Banner Army" to speak up and express their opinions actively, and the final decision is the result of brainstorming.

After Shi Daxuan finished talking about the basic situation of the Nine Ghosts, he continued to raise his hand to ask for a speech. He really wanted to express himself in this situation.

Of course, Huang Han wanted to hear the advice of this senior pirate leader. This time, it was just black and white, and it was no different from the mutual annexation between pirates. Shi Daxuan's previous Shibazhi should have done such business.

Seeing that General Pingliao and most of the generals were humbly listening to his narration, Shi Daxuan was full of energy.

He said: "Avoiding the truth and shaming, dividing the enemy can be used when dealing with the Nine Ghosts pirates' armed forces. Our army can choose the first battlefield outside the range of the Nine Ghosts Fort, and try to keep the unknown Nine Ghosts warships outside the private port. Sink or capture."

Huang Han nodded approvingly and said: "It should be so. If the Nine Ghosts choose to defend with slaves, they can use 5000 to [-] people. Our army's strong attack will inevitably cause huge casualties. It is imperative to lure the pirate ships to engage in naval battles and destroy part of their new force."

With Huang Han's affirmation, Shi Daxuan was even more confident, he said: "Our army can set up an ambush around the Jiugui private port, and destroy all their ships entering and leaving the port with an absolutely superior force.

You can also dispatch two or three merchant ships to lure the pirate ships out to rob. I believe that in three to five days, Jiugui will lose at least half of the warships. "

Shen Xianyi applauded: "Brother Shi's analysis is very good. Of course, the fighting power of the pirates is reflected in the warships. If more than half of the warships are really destroyed, it is very possible that the fighting power of Jiugui Private Port will drop by half."

At this time, all the generals of the "Red Banner Army" applauded, and they expressed their approval of Shi Daxuan's plan in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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