Chapter 423 Lushun

Shi Daxuan has participated in too many meetings and has never seen such a situation. His face was flushed with excitement, and he continued:
"The rest of the island where Jiugui Private Port is located is not all cliffs. Although there are many shoals and hidden reefs in the south, it is completely possible to use small boats to land.

The humble job can choose three or five hundred matchlock gunners under his command to land and cross the island to the north to attack from behind the fort. It should be possible to capture the fort. "

An Xiaole's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand to speak: "The original intention of my mentor when he established the Marine Corps was to transfer infantry by boat, land and fight at positions unexpected by the enemy, and board the Nine Ghosts." It is of course the job of the Marine Corps to take the three forts from behind on the island of the private harbor."

Yang Jiahe, the general manager of the sword and shield, said with a smile: "The general is going to sea with the sword and shield to prevent a tough battle. How can we be spectators?"

Mr. Liu Sihai, who already holds the title of the third rank, said, "It's no problem for the Mini gunners and the self-born musketeers to cover the sword and shield players to take down the three forts. The warriors and matchlock gunmen who encountered pirates counterattacked our army. We can also deal with it calmly." .The next officer, please order to command the landing battle."

Huang Han said: "Since it is possible to land and go around behind the enemy's fort to attack, of course we must use it to the extreme. Sword and shield fighters, marines, and Mini gunners form a commando team to attack together. In a word, minimizing casualties is the purpose of our army. For this reason, everyone should not be afraid of trouble."

Shi Daxuan originally thought that he would definitely be approved to ask for an order to lead the Eighteenth Army to land operations, because after all, the risk here is relatively high, there are many uncertainties, and the risk factor of the soldiers who go ashore is extremely high.

In order to earn performance, he was ready to fight with his life. He guessed that Huang Han would not care about the life and death of hundreds of surrendered soldiers, and would definitely agree to risk his life with a mentality of giving it a try.

Unexpectedly, an accident happened, and someone rushed to do the work of pinning the head on the waistband of the trousers. The "Red Banner Army" will fight for this dangerous and uncertain task. It seems that General Ping Liao has not considered letting him participate in the landing operation.

Shi Daxuan was in a hurry, he came up with the idea himself, how could he do it without himself when it was implemented?
He cupped his fists and said: "General, please give me a chance to make up for my mistakes. I am willing to take the lead in attacking the fort guarded by the Nine Ghost Pirate Army."

Shi Daxuan must give him a chance if he wants to perform. Huang Han said: "You can choose 56 strong people from the original subordinates to form a general banner team to participate in the attack, and you will temporarily serve as the general banner officer. After winning military merits, I will naturally give meritorious service. Reward."

"Thank you, General!" Shi Daxuan was very happy, knowing that at least one of the chief banner officers had already been awarded, and if he could make meritorious service in attacking Kuki Jiro's lair, it would be a matter of course for him to be promoted again.

Shi Daxuan is very confident, it is obvious that the "Red Banner Army" has the strength to take down the Nine Ghosts' Lair, and if they win here, they will seize an unknown amount of gold and silver treasures.

No one has any objection to the fact that Shi Daxuan led an Eighteen Zhi Pirate Army with a general banner to participate in the landing operation. At this moment, the generals of the "Red Banner Army" are all waiting for the master to set the tone.

Huang Han arranged: "The initial decision is to attack the pirates of Jiugui in three stages. The tactical task of the first stage is to capture or sink as many pirate warships as possible to seal off Jiugui's private port.

In the second stage, try to attack the private port, destroy or capture all the ships near the port, and put on a posture of forcibly landing on the port.

The third stage was naturally the landing battle. Liu Sihai commanded the Marine Corps, Sword and Shield Handlers, Mini Gunners, and other infantry on board to land in small boats in the south of the island. The primary target of the attack was the three forts. "

The arrangement was quite satisfactory, and the generals discussed after getting a clear mission. Everyone thought that the pirate's lair was nothing to worry about, and they were all guessing how many rare treasures would be seized.

The tactics were successfully formulated, and the atmosphere of the meeting was immediately relaxed. Next, Huang Han asked the generals for their opinions in an inquiring tone.

He said: "Everyone, we have more and more warships, and they are getting bigger and bigger. I hope everyone will use their brains to come up with a good name for the eighteen warships that are going to sea this time.

The warships on the Xiyi deck are always named after the towns and cities in their hometown. There are so many famous cities in Ming Dynasty, why can't we use the name of the warship? "

The generals started chattering, and Huang Chunsheng was the first to raise his hand and said, "My lord, the warship under the command of the humble officer requests to be named Jiulitai."

This kid is unreasonable!All the generals began to despise Huang Chunsheng. Everyone knew that Jiulitai was the hometown of the Patriarch. The number of the warship under Huang Chunsheng's management was currently ranked fourth in the navy. It should be the flagship!

Huang Han said with a smile: "The officer of the Jiulitai has a plan for a long time ago. Everyone remember that when our army launches a warship equipped with more than 700 cannons and a crew of more than [-] people, this warship will be Jiuli Terrace."

"Papapa..." The generals applauded enthusiastically, and everyone shouted: "If so, the Jiulitai should of course belong to the warship with the best guns and the fiercest firepower."

Huang Chunsheng didn't take it seriously at all, he argued: "Everyone, the warship I am in charge of is not the Jiulitai, but who can predict that the captain of the Jiulitai with more than one hundred cannons is not my officer? The owner often What did you say? This officer never dares to forget! There is no such thing as a general, a man should be self-improvement!"

"Hahaha..." Huang Han burst out laughing, "There is no such thing as a general, a man should be self-improvement! Not bad, not bad! Huang Chunsheng, as long as you keep improving yourself, you will be in charge of the Jiulitai with unparalleled firepower from now on."

"My lord, I will definitely live up to my mission, and I will definitely take the Jiulitai number to play my kingly demeanor of the Ming Dynasty."

Huang Han nodded approvingly and said meaningfully: "Everyone, the great Ming Dynasty has a history of 5000 years of civilization, and the Han civilization is the brightest pearl in the world. The Han nation is supposed to be the king of this world. Annihilated in the ashes of our gunfire."

Excited, Shen Ming raised his hand and said: "Master, I suggest that there should be a flagship-level warship named King in the future."

Fierce applause erupted in the cabin, and everyone thought Shen Ming's suggestion was too good.

Off topic, serious off topic!None of the eighteen active warships were named, but the two future flagships were named.

At this time, Huang Yong raised his hand and said: "I am a guerrilla from Lushun's mouth water camp. I think it is very good to name the flagship Lushun. The journey is smooth sailing, so happy!"

There was another burst of applause, and everyone said in unison: "The flagship is called Lushun, which sounds good, is easy to remember, and has a good reputation. It's great!"

(End of this chapter)

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