The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 424 The Battle of Seizing the Island

Chapter 424 The Battle of Seizing the Island
In the end, the flagship was of course named "Lushun", the warship used by Huang Han was called "Jinzhou", and the warship used by Huang Chunsheng was called "Yongping".

The remaining warships include "Ningyuan", "Funing", "Qiantun", etc. Everyone knows that next year there will be bigger warships with more artillery.

At that time, the flagship will definitely be updated, which symbolizes that the famous name Huxue City, the base camp of the "Red Banner Army", will be reserved for the new flagship.

On the second day, 27 old lock-type warships plus seven chasing boats selected from Shi Daxuan's [-] warships, Woodwater and Venlo, a total of [-] warships were dispatched.

Jiro Kuki, who knew nothing, did not know that he was being targeted by a powerful navy, and seven pirate ships that had completed their robbery mission were ambushed on their way back.

When more than 300 pirates were laughing and singing, they found more than a dozen Ming warships outflanking them, and they were frightened stupid.

Not a single pirate ship dared to love the battle, and tried to break out of the encirclement and go to the home port that was close at hand, with full sail and manpower. Unfortunately, things backfired, and no armed merchant ship could escape the fate of being captured.

Not only were the seven pirate ships seized, but the three No. [-] Fuchuan that they had robbed and had not yet sold also became trophies.

I have been out for many days of training and fought a few naval battles. The captain, sailors, and gunners are good at the level, and basically can accurately judge what kind of attack to give an enemy ship based on its equipment.

It is necessary to allow the enemy to lose their resistance while not allowing the artillery fire to cause huge damage to the ship.

Therefore, there was no accident when dealing with the seven pirates whose firepower and discipline were not as good as Shi Daxuan's fleet. A shotgun shot made the Japanese pirates cry, and captured more than a hundred pirates without any effort.

This time, nearly a hundred merchant sailors and gunners were also rescued. More than half of these people were Han people, and they were crew members on armed merchant ships who had just been blackmailed by pirates.

Although the nine ghost pirate gang's seven Zhuyin boats and Fuchuan with a displacement of [-] to [-] tons were riddled with holes, they were not injured, and repairs were not difficult.

In the next two days, the warship of the "Red Banner Army" waited on the only way for the Kukijiro pirate gang, and attacked the fleet preparing to go out to rob again, capturing six pirate warships.

The eight warships returning from the robbery were intercepted again, and the four merchant ships, including the pirate's spoils, were all taken into Huang Han's pocket.

It is possible that Nine Ghosts Private Port noticed something abnormal, and they dispatched a single warship out of the port three times, all of which were rounded up by the Ming army without exception.Later, after interrogating the captives, it became known that the mission of the three Zhuyin ships was to find companions who had not returned within the agreed time.

Four days later, a total of 24 pirate warships were captured, but the pirate leader Jiugui Jiro was not captured, and the second and third leaders of the Kuki pirate gang were captured.

The second head is Kuki Jiro's brother, named Kuki Shiro, he was captured because he was seriously injured by shotguns and lost his resistance.

In order to give the captives a deterrent, Kuki Shiro was shown the head of the owl to the public. When he saw the bloody head of the second head, the third head, Kumamoto Daizo, who was still stuck in the neck, immediately behaved well.

With hundreds of captives, it is as easy as finding accurate information about the nine ghosts' private harbor. After comparing multiple confessions, seven or eight pirates who tried to deceive the "Red Banner Army" town governor were beheaded in public, and the rest were honest. No one dared to lie.

When there is no chance of colluding confessions, only telling the truth will have no loopholes. A lie cannot stand the testimony of many people. When the pirates' psychological defense collapsed, the governor of the "Red Banner Army" also compiled the information he got. up.

When the general attack was about to be launched, Huang Han held a battle meeting again. All the generals had already understood the situation of Jiugui's private port and Lao Lai. No one thought that there was any difficulty in this battle. Casualties are minimized.

Shi Daxuan and Lin Minghai felt that the approach of the "Red Banner Army" generals was really novel. They did not put the siege of the city at the top of the list, but everyone strived to achieve zero casualties, and they all took pride in not losing any soldiers under their command.

Due to the well-developed plan, and because the "Red Banner Army" lions and rabbits also tried their best, after the three forts in Jiugui Private Port confronted 22 warships out of range for two hours, there were intensive reports from the island. The sound of gunshots and shouts of killing.

It was five warships escorting eight merchant ships and gathered a hundred lifeboats to the south of the island. Since the day we chose to attack was clear and breezy, we rowed a lifeboat that could carry ten or twenty people through the shallows and hidden reefs. Log in without any surprises.

Liu Sihai, Yang Jiahe, Shi Daxuan, An Xiaole and other generals were discovered by pirates when they were gathering with thousands of people in the south of the island five miles away from the fort.

The miniguns were not covered. There were a hundred gunmen who landed, and the dozens of pirates who tried to respond couldn't afford to shoot accurately. They were beaten so hard that they didn't even have time to escape.

Seeing that the pirates had no rules at all, it was also because of the narrow roads on the island and the undulating hills that thousands of people could not launch an attack formation, so Liu Sihai simply did not form an formation.

He directly asked the general banner officers to form small battle groups to cover and advance alternately. The sword and shield fighters rushed forward, the self-born musketeers followed up, and the Mini gunners occupied the commanding heights to shoot accurately.

Such tactics have crossed the era, and the pirates could not be opponents. It only took half an hour for the "Red Banner Army" to break into the lair with two or three thousand slaves.

There is no city here, it looks a bit like a small town in Japan.

There was no accident when passing through this pirate town to attack the fort. Under the precise strike of more than a hundred miniguns and the volley of hundreds of self-generated guns, the sword and shield hand armed to the teeth only paid two At the cost of more than a dozen people being injured, three forts were seized.

Later, under the leadership of the liberated Han Chinese slaves, the "Red Banner Army" searched the entire island. Kuki Jiro was shot and killed for stubborn resistance, and more than 100 Japanese ronin who were desperately trying to die were beaten into sieves.

The old lair that the pirates have been running for three generations is really extraordinary. The value of precious metals collected by the "Red Banner Army" alone is no less than 50 taels of silver. , mainly wheat.

There are many pigs and sheep raised on the island, and hundreds of acres of reclaimed fields are all planted with vegetables and fruits. It can be seen that the life of the pirates is relatively moist.

The number of pirates, slaves and pirates on this island is close to [-], and the food reserves are enough for these people to stick to the island for a year or two.

After counting, a total of 33 warships belonging to Kuki were seized, including [-] armed merchant ships that had just been robbed by pirates and had not yet been released, or were simply blacked out by the "Red Banner Army" on the way back.

The remaining dozens of small boats and fishing boats that cannot sail far away cannot be taken away at all and ignored.

(End of this chapter)

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