Chapter 425 Huge harvest
Huang Han's trade fleet has grown to include 130 warships and merchant ships.

It is not a problem for a sea-going ship with the smallest displacement to reach a full load of [-] tons if all the ballast stones are replaced with copper ingots.

Of course, the ship with the largest load capacity is the Udwater. Wang Yuqi guarantees that it can carry [-] to [-] tons of cargo when returning to the voyage. This is because the ship has been injured and the insurance factor is not fully loaded. Fifteen hundred tons.

The fleet stayed at Jiugui Private Port for five days. There are ready-made materials and large tools in the dock. It is possible to repair and maintain the robbed ships. The current maintenance is not simply to fill holes, but to ensure that these ships can Sailing thousands of miles to Huxue Port.

Wang Yuqi and the master commanded the rescued hundreds of artisans and thousands of laborers to repair the ship day and night.

The Han people who were rescued were all passionate. They knew that they would return to Daming on the big ship they participated in repairing and maintaining. Of course, they were happy and serious about their work.

Some of these people have been slaves for more than ten years, and the longest ones are seven or eight old craftsmen in their forties who have been slaves for nearly 20 years. It is possible that they were not killed because of their craftsmanship and technology. Few of the slaves were over 40 years old.

Huang Han did not treat everyone badly, let alone the master craftsman who worked hard.

There are too many chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep on the island. These things should have been exclusive to pirates, but now they are shared. Many slaves have not known the taste of meat for several years. I couldn't help but burst into tears.

The "Red Banner Army" does not care about eating meat, and is especially unwilling to eat pork stewed vermicelli.

Because basically eating all kinds of sea fish and canned meat on the boat, I am really tired of eating pork stewed vermicelli, and there is no shortage of oil and water in my stomach. Vegetables grown on the island have become everyone's favorite.

The number of Shi Daxuan’s subordinates and East India Company captives plus the captured pirates and rescued slaves has exceeded [-], and about [-] of them are women in the pirate’s lair. They may be the children of the pirates, or they may be Pirate plaything.

The rescued slaves may not be good people, and there are very few good people living at sea. Among these slaves, there should be other pirate survivors who were wiped out by the nine ghosts.

These people are of good physical fitness. Nine out of ten of them are sailors after screening, and more than half of them can shoot cannons.

It is impossible to distinguish these many people in a short period of time. First of all, distinguish the readers or those who can write. Of course, this is to use these people to participate in management.

There were less than 300 people who signed up actively and proved that they could write and count on the spot, which was less than one-tenth of the total number. Among these people, more than [-] people said that they could speak Japanese.

There are more than [-] people who have been confirmed by Lin Minghai to speak Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese and Arabic.This is not surprising because these people are Xiyi or Persians. They learned Chinese because they were slaves with the Han people.

Those who can speak foreign languages ​​are talents, because the "Red Banner Army" is about to start to fight for the control of the sea and start to develop maritime trade, not only to earn money, but also to be able to import a large amount of food, which requires too many interpreters.

The rescued slaves are managed militarily, and then they talk to each of them separately to create files, and those who feel reliable will assign them to serve as sailors on merchant ships without armed force.

Those who think they need to be supervised stay on the warship to do chores. There are marines here, and no one dares to talk nonsense. Those who are judged as unable to be reformed can only say goodbye, and directly chop off their heads and throw them into the sea.

Under normal circumstances, there are not many such people, because even the vicious pirates cherish their lives very much. They pretend to be good babies in front of the "Red Banner Army", and there are even too many people who take the initiative to ask for meritorious service. Daizo Kumamoto, the third head of the group.

It must be a bloody debt for this kid to be able to do it in the hands of the pirate leader, but he restrained his usual aggressiveness at this time, and took the initiative to report the location of the secret warehouse of the Nine Ghosts Group to the governor of the town, and personally led the "Red Banner Army" to collect gold and silver. treasure.

There are indeed a lot of good things there. There are countless gold wares, Minggui spices, celebrity calligraphy and paintings, antiques, etc. It is estimated that if you take them to the capital and sell them, you will get 10,000+ taels of silver.

Kumamoto Daizao's efforts were not in vain. Huang Han pardoned his capital crime for his daughter, and spared the lives of nine of his wives, concubines and children.

With the example of Kumamoto, many surviving pirate leaders took the initiative to tell the "Red Banner Army" the secrets on the island or on the warships.

It is completely different when there are a lot of Infernal Affairs. A large amount of gold and silver treasures were seized in the secret compartment in the cabin and in a small cave on the island.

After a few days of repairing, the fleet that set sail again looked even more spectacular, and the soldiers were all in good spirits.

Wang Yuqi, many craftsmen and slaves from the island did not follow on board because there were still more than [-] armed merchant ships under repair in the dock.

The Marine Corps of the "Red Banner Army" left a general to garrison here, and the former Shi Daxuan left [-] gunners, led by Shi Dajing, to guard the three forts.

There is still a long way to go to Edo Bay. There is no need to bring armed merchant ships in bad condition, and there is no need to bring thousands of people here. The fleet will be evacuated and evacuated to the island when it returns home.

It is estimated that it will take about 20 days to return to Kuki Private Port. At this time, the 28 merchant ships repaired should be completed.
When going to the destination Edo Bay, this huge fleet will not be idle, as long as it is a merchant ship or warship that appears in the field of vision, it will not be let go. The fleet has added more than a dozen armed merchant ships after seven days.

Originally, Huang Han was going to rush to Edo Bay to show off his power and force Tokugawa Iemitsu to trade with him. Now the fleet has doubled in size, and there are large Western-deck ships like Woodwater, which are more convincing.

Huang Han didn't need anyone's recommendation, he came to Edo Bay and directly blocked the country of Wa, one of the largest ports.

An enemy came from the sea and sank the patrol ship?How could the navy belonging to the Tokugawa shogunate sit idly by? The famous large iron-clad warships during the Warring States period were the main warships of the Japanese navy.

Ironclad ships are too slow to be suitable for fighting at sea. They can only be adapted to attack ports and be used as sea fortresses. This must be the premise that the opponent does not have heavy artillery.

Several iron-clad warships left the port majestically, and a team of dozens of armed Zhuyin ships guarded the front, back, left, and right. This configuration was okay for the turtle ships that beat Goryeo sticks during the Luyang naval battle. In the seventeenth century, they could only rest. vegetable.

(End of this chapter)

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