Chapter 427 Food Delivery
The No. 350 Fuchuan used in the Japanese route in the Ming Dynasty generally had a load capacity between [-] and [-] tons, and the displacement of the old lock boat used by Huang Han for business was also similar to that of the No. [-] Fuchuan.

It is rare to be able to ship more than [-] tons of goods. Calculated with a load of about [-] tons, it is [-] shi of polished rice, and [-] tons is [-] shi.

Even if the difference in the price of a stone of polished rice is as high as one or two taels of silver, this business cannot be done. The gross profit of two or 3000 taels of silver is not enough to pay for Zheng Zhilong's road trip. Wouldn't it be a loss?
What's more, the loss, the cost of unloading the goods after arriving at the port, and the freight from the port to Jingshi for sale are not small sums.

Those who do not have a strong background in food sales have to spend money to manage the top and bottom, because if they do not take off the hat of smuggling and entrainment, they may be seized by the government at any time and brought to justice.

Huang Han is not afraid of who will check and entrain large-scale grain transportation. Liaohai is now the only one in Lushunkoushuiying, and there is no need to pay too much attention to transportation costs, because a large number of products are sold to Japan, among which porcelain and iron are relatively bulky. Too much tonnage is required.

The copper ingots, lead, sulfur, saltpeter, and other resources purchased from the Wa country on the return voyage could not meet the excess capacity of the fleet, so the transportation cost of bringing polished rice back could not be calculated.

This era is driven by wind power, which is a power that can be used free of charge, and there is no such thing as a heavy load on a ship in later generations that will consume more diesel and increase transportation costs.

A hundred barrel-type granaries have been built close to the port of Huxun City. New grain warehouses are being built in Jinzhou, Lushunkou, Langwopu, Ningyuan, and Juehua Island. This year, no less than one hundred barrel-type granaries will be delivered for use. .

Each silo can store more than [-] shi of grain. This new type of storage can better reduce loss, and the storage of grain from the bottom more than doubles the storage period of grain.

The construction of these grain depots is close to the seaport, and there are carts for Lifu to use free of charge during the short-haul, so as not to reduce the work efficiency due to the long distance they carry the sacks to transport grain.

The cost of storage is not low, but it is affordable. After all, it provides good-paying jobs for strong laborers who have no skills but only brute force.

Therefore, Huang Han transported the grain back without losing money and can also win social benefits. This is not the main thing, but because Daming has an extra stone of grain, at least one Han can be saved.

In fact, in the most difficult time, maybe one stone of rice and ten pots of porridge can save 1000 people from dying the next day.

A strong man facing starvation can survive with two bowls of porridge. Maybe he will get 25 acres of land allocated by the "Red Banner Army" and contribute more than [-] shi of grain every year. How many Han people can be saved by this grain?
One of Huang Han's main goals is to try his best to bring back food, and he is already measuring the transportation capacity.The unit of measurement for trade between countries is very important. The volume unit of stone is converted into 150 kilograms of polished rice in the country of Wa for one stone in the Ming Dynasty, which is converted into 92 kilograms in later generations.

The 25 shiwa country polished rice that the Tokugawa family can raise is [-] tons in tonnage. To transport these grains requires [-] lucky ships with a cargo tonnage of more than [-] tons.

The copper ingots bought for 30 taels of silver were 510 million catties, reaching about 140 tons. More than [-] merchant ships and warships dropped their ballast stones and replaced them with copper ingots. The weight of ten or twenty tons is normal.

In addition to the seven to eight thousand tons of sulfur, saltpeter, lead, pickled fish, scallops, etc. purchased for 15 taels of silver, all ships coming to Edo City have nearly [-]% of the space.

This time, because they want to put pressure on the Wa country, they deliberately ran to Edo Bay to show off their power, so they had to travel one-third more sea routes, and it took at least half a month longer to go back and forth.

In the future, you can trade with the trade representative appointed by Tokugawa Iemitsu in Nagasaki. The price has been fixed in the "Edo Agreement", and the two parties only have quantity delivery and quality inspection.

When the fleet returned to Jiugui Private Port, Wang Yuqi and others had already made all the preparations. Everyone worked together to evacuate this pirate town in just one day. They took all valuable things with them. The 170 ships returned A fully loaded ship should be overloaded by about [-]%.

On the way back, because all the warships had a deep draft that affected the speed of the ship, they kept at a speed of less than four knots.

Huang Han continued to rob the ships he encountered without any extra problems, because seeing such a huge fleet from a distance, the armed merchant ships he encountered set sail and fled early.

It is much more difficult to catch up with them and complete the robbery when they are overweight, so Huang Han chooses to escort the fleet home.

Replenishment at the port of Quanluo Road in North Korea and rested for a day, the fleet continued to sail, and finally arrived at the port of Huxue City on July [-] after sailing for more than [-] days.

There were two people who had been waiting here for ten days, so anxious that they were about to have a heart attack. These two people were Sun Yuanhua's eldest son, He Ding, and second son, He Dou, accompanied by Xu Laifu, the confidant of the elder Xu Guangqi.

Huang Yizhou and Huang Han, the two commanders-in-chief, shouldered heavy responsibilities, and their troops were deployed on the front line against Jiannu. With the imperial court's extreme distrust of the Guanning Army headed by Zu Dashou, the "Red Banner Army" was undoubtedly the pinnacle of Dinghai.

Therefore, when the Denglai rebellious army was in full swing, the Ministry of War did not even consider transferring the "Red Banner Army" to help.

The important officials of the imperial court and the emperor jointly adopted a plan to deal with Zu Dashou. Now there are six or seven thousand Guanning Army fighting fiercely with the rebels of Li Jiucheng and Kong Youde in Shandong.

The main generals include Zu Dabi, Wu Xiang, Zu Kuan, Wu Sangui, etc. The old generals of the Guanning Army who were forced to leave Ningyuan by Huang Han, such as Jin Guochen, He Weizhong, etc., brought their family members to Denglai to fight for military exploits.

To be honest, Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde's rebellion was really not planned. Even they didn't know that it would cause such a big wave, and they didn't expect that Dengzhou, which had the most artillery fire in Ming Dynasty and Portuguese mercenaries, was easily taken down.

With this big city and strong city as a base, and with unparalleled artillery fire, Li Jiuzheng, Kong Youde and other rebels have new ideas.

At this time, because Li Jiuzheng, the founder of the rebellion, must take the lead in every battle and was loved by the rebel army, he was elected as the generalissimo by everyone, and Kong Youde could only be the deputy marshal.

They planned to establish a separatist regime for the king on their own. In order to increase their popularity, they hoped to gain the support of civil officials. Therefore, Li Jiucheng and Kong Youde repeatedly persuaded Sun Yuanhua, who failed to commit suicide when the city was broken, to join the rebel camp.

Sun Yuanhua's lack of leadership ability does not mean that he is weak, and his answer is simply "the only way is to die!"

Li Jiuzheng, Kong Youde and other old Dongjiang Town generals were often scolded when they saw Sun Yuanhua, but they all refrained from attacking, because in conscience, Sun Yuanhua really treated them well.

(End of this chapter)

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