Chapter 428
In the end, Kong Youde and Li Jiuzheng, who were nostalgic for their old love, opened the city gate and released Sun Yuanhua and Denglai officials Song Guanglan, Wang Zheng, Zhang Tao and so on.

At the end of March, Sun Yuanhua and others were escorted to Beijing and sent to Zhenfu Sizhao Prison for questioning.

In fact, according to Sun Yuanhua's fault, the losses caused by Shandong, and the number of deaths, killing Sun Yuanhua a hundred times is what he deserved.

But there are so many damned officials in Ming Dynasty, not one less than Sun Yuanhua. Emperor Chongzhen was able to recruit even Zhang Xianzhong who murdered and dug up the grave of the old Zhu family ancestors. Why couldn't he spare Sun Yuanhua's life for Xu Guangqi's old face?

Historical records emphasize that Sun Yuanhua died of persecution and was a victim of party struggle. This is pure bullshit. Jiannu got many Hongyi cannons, Xiyi instructors and hundreds of Portuguese-trained gunners alone because of the Denglai Rebellion. Kill Sun Yuanhua's head.

Let’s take a look at Yu Yinggui, Li Mengchen, and Lu Zhenfei, the main political opponents that the Donglin Party considers to persecute Sun Yuanhua. History has verified which one of them didn’t fight the rogues and Jiannu to the death?
On the contrary, most Donglin party members first surrendered to bandits and then became slaves, and then used their pens to distort historical facts. Unfortunately, it is difficult to justify themselves!
The current history remains the same, Sun Yuanhua was imprisoned in Zhao Prison and suffered a lot. Xu Guangqi and Zhou Yanru repeatedly asked the emperor to keep Sun Yuanhua alive, but Sun Yuanhua was about to be punished by Ming Zhengdian.

Several of Sun Yuanhua's sons had grown up, and they had nowhere to go, so they could only ask Xu Guangqi to save their father. In fact, Sun Yuanhua's ascent to the high position of a feudal official had something to do with Xu Guangqi.

He is Xu Guangqi's fellow townsman, a comrade of the Donglin Party, and a member of the Christian Church. He is also a master-student relationship. Therefore, he, an apocalyptic candidate, outperformed more than [-]% of the top three Jinshi and became the governor of Denglai. A high-ranking feudal official.

All in all, scientists are not suitable to be an official. Xu Guangqi is very good at learning, but he is actually very bad at being an official. If he hadn't promoted Sun Yuanhua, who has no political talent, he might have avoided the Denglai rebellion and would not have killed his lover.

Therefore, improper employment is harmful!In the past, Chongzhen used Yuan Chonghuan to harm others and himself, and later, Xu Guangqi promoted his lover and sent an artillery army to Jiannu for nothing.

Xu Guangqi contacted Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant, and the Donglin Party to plead for mercy and put pressure on the emperor, but all failed.

Seeing that Sun Yuanhua was about to be stabbed, he thought of the closed disciple Huang Han, and sent his confidant Xu Laifu to accompany the two sons of the Sun family to Fu Ningwei to ask Huang Han for advice.

As soon as Huang Han came home, he saw the impatient Sun Heding and Sun Hedou. These two were actually older than Huang Han, and the eldest Sun Heding was ten years older than Huang Han.

But Huang Han not only has a high official position, but also a high seniority. In order to get closer, the two knelt down and kowtowed, and called Huang Han Shishu in their mouths.

Sun Yuanhua must be saved, not only because he is a rare artillery expert, but also because he is Xu Guangqi's disciple and his senior brother.

There is a characteristic in the feudal dynasty, one is prosperous and the other is damaged. Sun Yuanhua has a brother-in-law relationship with himself. He was slaughtered by the emperor, which was a naked slap in the face of Huang Han.

If the imperial court loses face, it will lose its authority. Wouldn't it be that it will be bullied wantonly by others?

Huang Han immediately wrote a letter ordering the second son of the Sun family to gallop to the capital immediately and hand it over to Li Ruolian, the governor of Beizhen. up.

The letter was not sealed, Sun Heding and Sun Hedou almost cried after reading it.

They also tried to follow Beizhen Fusi's door, but they spent a lot of money, which was of no use at all.

Seeing that the master uncle used the tone of order to ask the very popular Jin Yiwei Tongzhi Li Ruolian to take care of his father as soon as he made a move, of course he was very excited.

It was a worthwhile trip to get such a letter, and the 26-year-old Sun Hedou rushed to the capital overnight.

Huang Han wrote another sealed letter and sent it to the capital urgently after traveling [-] miles. The content was that he had a great plan to destroy the slaves. Since the matter was confidential, he asked the saint to discuss it in detail.

If you want to save Sun Yuanhua, you have to go to the capital for activities!I am the commander-in-chief of Jizhen stationed on the front line of Jinzhou, how could I just go to the capital casually, I have to lure Chongzhen to issue an imperial edict to summon me.

To get Chongzhen's unconventional interview, there must be a reason to deceive the young emperor so that he can't find the north. The four words "Break the Slave" are enough.

You can't go to the capital specifically to save Sun Yuanhua, because doing so is counterproductive. Chongzhen Bao, who belongs to the donkey level, will not kill Sun Yuanhua directly.

Huang Han rushed to the capital to offer advice, and finally mentioned to Chongzhen that waste can be used.

Clarify that the Hongyi cannon deployed in Ningyuan was originally designed by Sun Yuanhua. Now that time has passed and many cannons need maintenance and repairs, can the emperor be asked to kill Sun Yuanhua one year later and let Sun Yuanhua serve in Ningyuan for one year, and use this year to reconfigure Ningyuan's red cannons? barbarian cannon.

Chongzhen has character flaws, you may not be able to achieve your goal if you negotiate with him carefully, but you can basically deceive him one by one. In history, Zhang Xianzhong, Li Zicheng, Zuo Liangyu, Zu Dashou, Hong Chengchou, Wu Sangui, etc., which one Haven't you fooled Chongzhen around?
Taking advantage of the time difference between the arrival of the imperial decree, Huang Han arranged many major events. First of all, of course, he paid off the money he had borrowed.

The landlord, Laocai, was willing to lend money to Huang Han only because he was guaranteed by Lao Gao's family. The main reason was that the warriors were not trustworthy.

Seeing that the principal and interest have been paid back, the landlords and old fortunes are all relieved. With this cooperation, I believe it will be much easier to transfer their money next time.

The economic development at the end of the Ming Dynasty was severely deformed. On the one hand, no more than 5.00% of the landlords and rich people, high-ranking officials and nobles had a lot of money, and on the other hand, tens of millions of ordinary people could not survive at all.

Huang Han was already thinking about opening a primitive bank. At this time, it was called a money store in Daming, and it was also called a money shop, a money bank, a money exchange shop, a money shop, a money table or a money stand.

The 25 shi of grain bought by Wa Kingdom arrived in Hong Kong in a timely manner, and dozens of ships went directly to Ningyuan, Jinzhou and other ports for unloading.

With these grains, not only the rations sent to more than 10,000 households in Gaotaibao, Qiantunwei, Ningyuannan, and more than [-] Shandong residents have been settled, but also [-]+ stones can be transported to the capital and a dozen surrounding areas. Satellite city sales.

The price of polished rice in the capital, including the surrounding areas, has risen by an integer of two taels of silver. If you sell 10,000+ stone polished rice, you may be able to exchange for more than 30 stone grains.

Five buckets of miscellaneous grains were distributed to the guards and households, and only the soldiers could enjoy the polished rice and flour.Of course, the newly arrived households were also given five buckets of miscellaneous grains for a month, and the large number of families needed to borrow grains to survive, so they also lent them miscellaneous grains.

(End of this chapter)

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