The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 429: The City That Never Sleeps

Chapter 429: The City That Never Sleeps

The gross profit of Daming goods sold to the Wa Kingdom is doubled, and the goods brought by Huang Han with a cost price of 10,000+ taels can be sold for more than one million taels of silver.

Subtracting the purchase of copper ingots, polished rice, etc., which cost six 10,000+ taels of silver, you can still bring back 40 taels of cash.

The actual balance was far more than the few 10 taels of silver, because the looted goods included cotton cloth, raw silk, satin, tea and other commodities that could be sold to the Japanese country. Chuanjia.

Precious metals worth several 10 taels of silver were also confiscated from the pirate ship and the pirate lair, so this trip to the Wa Kingdom was a complete success.

The cost price is 10,000+ taels of polished rice, copper ingots, lead and other goods worth more than 130 million taels in Daming.

The goods brought back from the pirate ship and the Nine Ghosts warehouse were also worth 40 taels of silver, and the precious metals, antique calligraphy and paintings, etc. that were snatched plus profits reached 100 million taels of silver.

Throwing away the cost, minus the remuneration and rewards for the sailors, minus the compensation for the dead and disabled soldiers, the estimated profit of this trip is close to 200 million taels, and this does not count the dozens of warships that were robbed. The value of ships and armed merchant ships.

The "Red Banner Army" system will not lack money for major development within three years. After the autumn harvest, the food crisis will no longer exist. At that time, the system will have no less than 100 million shi of grain. It is estimated that after ensuring the needs of the people in the system, there should be more than 50 shi of surplus grain.

The fact that Huang Han was able to collect and store 100 million shi of grain meant that farmers, villagers, and military households in the system should also have so much grain in their hands. After all, the grain output was shared equally between Huang Han, a big landlord, and the peasant household.

Counting the population brought in from Shandong this year, the "Red Banner Army" system is less than 50 households with 50 people. Even the old and the young have an average of two stones of food and basically cannot go hungry, so it is estimated that it will not be less than [-] Stone grain balance.

Both Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu didn't know when her husband would come home, and they had a fulfilling and busy life recently.

Because most of the main buildings of three or four-storey buildings built on land purchased between Chongwenmenwai Street and Guangqumennei Street in the capital have been capped.

The Huangjia Grand Theater, which can accommodate 800 people drinking and watching a play, has entered the stage of interior decoration. The theater has fully considered the sound insulation and sound transmission effects to ensure that the audience in the venue can clearly hear the singing and lines of the actors on the stage.

The investment industry did not enter the inner city of the capital not entirely because of the high land price in the inner city, but also because there were many restrictions on being close to the imperial city.

Originally, Guangqumen Inner Street was relatively sluggish, with a lot of wasteland and vacant land, but now the Huang family has bought and enclosed nearly two square kilometers, and the construction has driven the prosperity of this area.

Huang Han actually borrowed from the model of later Wanda Plazas, and believes that after the completion of the project, the center of the outer city will be here.

A large fully enclosed area, like a city within a city, has the functions of tourism, commerce, business, and residence. When it is put into use, there will be thousands of lights and traffic, and it will be built into a city that never sleeps.

The most eye-catching must be the supply of running water, the perfect water supply and drainage system, and the criss-crossing artificial rivers will better prevent continuous fires. There will be no mud floor here, and all roads will be paved with special green bricks that are not far from city bricks. brick.

It will also have the best public facilities in the world today. At least a dozen public toilets that are managed by dedicated personnel and kept clean and flushed can lead the world.

Huang Han's investment project is not afraid that many jobs will be needed, resulting in high operating costs.

There were too many refugees in the late Ming Dynasty, and they took risks because they could not get a job or hope to survive. Maybe Li Zicheng might have become a good citizen without losing his job as a postman.

When the conditions are limited, the tap water project is used to replenish water to the water tower. In the absence of electricity and pumps, to maintain the operation of the tap water system requires a lot of bullocks and labor to pull the water truck to lift the water.

When Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu made investments at the beginning of the year, they received strong support from Sifang Express, which is also located near Guangqumen.

The Everbright City project is close to Chongwenmen, Sifang Express is close to Guangqumen, and a commercial street will be built at the junction of the two, because this is not a main road, but a private territory, and cars and horses are not allowed in the future.

It prevents pedestrians who are shopping from being hit by horses, and also prevents horse manure, horse urine, and donkey dung from stinking the street.

In order for the project to proceed smoothly, Huang Sifang even embezzled the customer's advance payment for investment, and because of the increase in the commercial street project, the budget may have to double.

As soon as Huang Han returned home, he saw Zheng Xiu'e's letter, knowing that Jingshi's investment was going well, but now he was facing a crisis of running out of funds, and asked for an additional investment of at least 10 taels of silver once the money that had gone overseas was returned.

In order not to affect the construction period, Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu have already borrowed money from the capital.

The mother of Zheng Xiu'e, the old lady of the Zheng family, was really happy. Her married daughter was allowed by her husband to show her face.

In order to support her busy daughter, the old lady emptied the Zheng family's old book.

Chuchu's sisters, such as Haitang, Xiaotaohong, Qianlixue, etc., all trusted Huang Han, and invested all the money saved for retirement in the Everbright City project, and even the bustard took out the coffin book to participate in the shares.

Huang Han announced the management method a long time ago. The Nightless City project is operated on the principle that whoever invests will benefit. It can widely absorb social funds, but there may be no successful cases, so the responders talk about it.

On the contrary, those sisters in the entertainment industry who are familiar with Chu Chu are optimistic about the Everbright City project and are scrambling to invest later, but most of them only have a few hundred taels of silver, and there are very few of them like Haitang who have three to four thousand taels of silver.

Zheng Xiu'e's natal family took out the money not because they were optimistic about the project's ability to make money, but because the old lady spared no effort to help her daughter.

Huang Han has never been worried about the profitability of the Nightless City project. It is reasonable to say that the capital of the end of the world should be a deformed prosperity with "tightness in the front and tightness in the rear".

Too many rich landlords, local tyrants and country gentry came to the capital to take refuge in the capital with the wealth accumulated by several generations or even dozens of generations in order to avoid the scourge of bandits.

The entertainment industry and catering industry in the capital will be unprecedentedly prosperous.

It's boring to ask a woman to worry about silver, so Huang Han immediately dispatched Sifang Express to escort 20 taels of silver to Beijing, and informed Huang Sifang to pay close attention to the movements of all parties, and he should come to the capital to face the saint in late July.

It seems that the Everbright City project is too big, too avant-garde, and the city within the city is too unconventional. This may be criticized by too many Qingliu ministers, so we have to think about it!

(End of this chapter)

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