Chapter 430 near the water tower
A new concept of urban development is about to be born. If it can lead the trend, it will be beneficial to the country.

After all, human beings have a clean and hygienic living environment, clean water sources, and a good water supply and drainage system to better prevent the spread of diseases.

To prevent it before it happens, you have to explain the total benefits of the city that never sleeps in front of the emperor in advance. It is often very important to be preconceived, and the emperor will react very differently when he hears the slander.

When Qin Yuyi found out that her husband was home, she asked for leave immediately and returned to Huxue City. Song Pengfei was in charge of the Jinzhou defense line, and the generals under his command included Zhao Kun, Wang Zhanpeng, Yang Danian, Yang Guobing and so on.

Hanzi assisted his father in the garrison in Ningyuan, and his generals included Zhang Yang, Sang Yu, Liu Fenyong, Yuan Siming, Wang Zhicheng, Wang Gensheng and so on.

The "Red Banner Army" likes to use cavalry intensively, so most of the cavalry are deployed on the front line of Ningyuan. During this time, they often enter Yanshan to search and drive away the Mongols within a hundred miles from the Liaoxi Corridor.

During this period of time, the Liaodong frontline was quiet, and the Jinzhou side was more stable. There was no Jiannu entering the buffer zone to provoke, and there was not a single time when a large group of troops approached the defense line.

Even so, the frontlines of Ningyuan and Jinzhou did not slack off for a day, because the "Red Banner Army" never thought of being passively beaten. During the garrison, they spared no effort in training and exercises, and everyone was preparing to enter the Jiannu-controlled area.

In the case of great development, the strength of the "Red Banner Army" can be strengthened by three points every month.

First of all, the recruits have been trained, and then the number of weapons and armor, especially self-made guns and miniguns, has increased. There are about thirty short guns.

The production of blunderbusses had been completely discontinued in June, and the main soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" eliminated all blunderbusses in July. In the future, blunderbusses would only become the defensive weapons of the guards.Due to the inconvenient loading of the gun, it is too cumbersome, and the cost performance is not as good as that of the light Fron machine. The one-pounder gun was also eliminated.

Instead, the Franji cannon is equipped with 48 sub-guns, with [-] iron pieces of about three coins inside, and the effective killing distance is similar to that of a gun.

But when raising the gun, it fires a projectile that weighs three or two, while the Franji one-pound gun fires 48 iron pellets that weigh three coins, and their power is incomparable.

The female blunderbuss of a Franji one-pounder weighs [-] jin, and each loaded sub-gun weighs [-] jin.

A cannon cart can be pulled by a single person, and each cannon cart is equipped with three wheelbarrows with gunpowder for transporting gunpowder. A combat team is exactly one small flag, and there are 11 people including the small flag officer.

The production of firearms in July will reach the peak during this period. There are more than [-] Fran cannons and Hongyi cannons of different sizes and calibers leaving the factory.

Produced [-] self-produced blunderbusses, [-] miniguns, and [-] self-produced short blunderbusses.

Large-caliber artillery is too bulky and cannot be transported over long distances under the road conditions of this era. It is impossible to equip the army in large quantities, and most of them are equipped with warships.

A warship needs dozens of heavy guns ranging from dozens of guns to launch, and it will be even more spectacular to develop a battleship equipped with a hundred guns in a year or two.

The army's largest caliber artillery is the [-]-pound gun, and the most equipped will be the one-pound Francois machine gun with an effective range of [-] paces. In the future, a hundred general infantry will be equipped with a general flag artillery.

A general flag one-pound Frang machine artillery has five one-pound Flang machine guns. The Flang machine mother gun weighs only 200 catties, and the gun carriage weighs more than [-] catties.

Twelve-pound and six-pound field guns are the main battle guns of the "Red Banner Army". These big guys are used to attack cities and pull out villages and fight large-scale battles.

The cast steel 750-pound gun that has been finalized and produced normally is [-]% lighter than the famous bronze Napoleon field gun. It weighs [-] jin, and the total weight is [-] jin. Now the army has [-] guns.

The caliber of the six-pound cast steel field gun is 93 mm, and the gun body weighs less than [-] catties, and the total weight is [-] catties in the Ming Dynasty.Now there are as many as seventy gates.

During World War I and World War II, steel production was compared, and countries with strong industrial power will definitely win the final victory.

The steel quality of the "Red Banner Army" system has crossed the ages, and it has been exported to the north and south of the river to form a monopoly. The output has gradually approached the total output of Ming Dynasty, which is dozens of times that of Houjin.

For a long time in the past, it was only natural for Jiannu to perish due to disastrous defeat, so Huang Han was not in a hurry.

As long as a confrontation is formed now, the later the Jin Kingdom is destroyed, the more beneficial it will be for the "Red Banner Army". Under the condition of being able to form a crushing situation, the casualty rate of one's own side will be much smaller.

Traveling to Japan for trade made huge profits, and bought 25 shi of life-saving food. In the future, there will be such a good deal every year, and I will earn several 10 taels of silver.

This time, he also made a fortune through robbery, and he gained more than one million taels of silver by eliminating the pirates of Jiro Kuki.

In fact, trade with the Wa country can only be carried out once a year, because the purchasing power of the Wa country is so much, and there will be no profit if the goods are saturated, so the profit budget for the goods brought to trade can only be a few 10 taels.

Don't panic if you have food at home. Now you have not only food, but also money, and the expectation of annual profits. When will we not expand the army?
Huang Han issued an order to the generals in the system to turn the Guards, Reserves, Labor Service, and Junior Soldiers into full-time soldiers. As long as the source of soldiers is qualified, the number of people who turn into full-time soldiers can be enlarged to [-].

At the very least, the number of troops approved by the imperial court is full. Huang Han and his father Huang Yizhou are both actual commander-in-chief officers. The main barracks directly led by the two can have [-] cavalry and half infantry.

It is reasonable to develop two extra battalions, two reinforcement battalions, two ranger battalions, and Lushun Saltwater battalion to produce 5 or [-] horses.

But Huang Han didn't plan to do this. The commander-in-chief's main battalion can be full of 6000 people, and the other battalions can have 3000 to [-] people, so that Chongzhen will not be restless.

After the "Red Banner Army" expanded its army, it had 200 regular soldiers, including [-] sailors. However, it only reported the total number of one thousand to the court, and it reported that it had [-] large and small warships and horse boats.

The army of more than 4000 can't report to the court in full, and report 10,000 troops with a 60% discount. In this way, Huang Han should be able to get Liao's salary of [-] + taels of silver in one year, and finally he can get [-] to [-]. two silver.

Qin Yuyi won the first month near the water, and after winning three total quotas for the expansion of the army in her husband's arms, she was so excited that the carved bed creaked for half the night, causing the two close-serving maids, Qin Yin and Qin Yue, to sleep all night , The next day I looked tired with dark circles under my eyes.

When Zhang Fengyi sent someone to Shanhaiguan to deliver winter clothes to her husband last fall, she did not forget her sister-in-law. Among the well-known Qin family girls, she selected two 15-year-old female workers with good cooking skills and sent them to Huxue City to be Qin Yuyi's personal maids.

(End of this chapter)

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