Chapter 431 Loyalty

There used to be quite a few women who followed Qin Yuyi, but none of them were normal women. They were all Lianjiazi, at least they were female men who assassinated with white wax spears all day long.

The two girls, Qin Yin and Qin Yue, have never practiced martial arts, and their parents have deliberately cultivated them since they were young to be able to work in the Qin family and the Ma family.

The two white and clean Sichuan girls came to Huang's house and had an easy job. They were Qin Yuyi's personal maids, but they had nothing to do because the hostess didn't bring them with them when they were in Jinzhou Rong.

However, the male master lived in the military camp all day long, often went to sea and seldom returned home, so he finally had the opportunity to serve him these few days, and the two of them were very attentive.

Huang Han saw that the two daughters carefully asked Qin Yuyi to take them with them, and it was really hard for those female soldiers to serve others lavishly.

The female barracks will have seven battalions with a total of about 500 people.All refitting of self-generated guns is already in progress, and there will be [-]% minigun shooters in the future.

Seeing the two little girls sent by Zhang Fengyi, Huang Han couldn't help but think of this heroine who fought alone and generously.

Huang Han's deception was successful. On the night when the secret paper was played to the emperor, Chongzhen sent Cao Huachun, Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian for questioning, and Wang Chengen was always by the emperor's side.

Undoubtedly, I saw the memorial that Huang Han wanted to come to the capital to offer advice to the king in person.

Huang Han was not summoned by the emperor, but he took the initiative to ask to go to Beijing to face the saint. This shows that this son is frank and loyal to the court.

Chongzhen asked: "Cao Banban, Li Aiqing, Dongchang, Jinyiwei, any news recently? Can you predict what general Pingliao will do to defeat Dongnu?"

Cao Huachun and Li Ruolian glanced at each other, and Li Ruolian made a gesture of invitation, which of course meant to let the factory owner speak first.

Cao Huachun said: "Your Majesty, the old slave has not found any news related to General Pingliao's defeat of Dongnu. General Pingliao's plan is meticulous, and it is impossible for the city to be full of storms before the action.

But the old slave got many secret reports. The slave chief wrote to General Pingliao many times to persuade him to surrender, and the conditions he offered were unparalleled. "

Li Ruolian also said: "Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei has also detected such news. During this time, the news that Dong Nu gave Ping Liao General Wang Jue to persuade him to surrender has been spread in the streets and alleys.

Obviously someone did it deliberately, Jin Yiwei arrested some people who spread the rumors and tortured them, but unfortunately they couldn't find the instigator. "

There are such rumors?Chongzhen's face was serious, and his brows were wrinkled again. He cared too much about the loyalty of his favorite "Red Banner Army".

Chongzhen asked: "Dong Nu is so willing to spend money, I wonder if there is any change in the 'Red Banner Army'?"

Li Ruolian said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the 'Red Banner Army' has the mission of killing Jian slaves from top to bottom, and will not fluctuate in morale.

General Pingliao killed people like hemp, most of them were Jiannu and Tartars. He is an extremely proud person, and it is absolutely impossible to commit himself to the ignorant Dongnu. Those savages have a population of nearly 10. The so-called kings are nothing. what? "

The emperor nodded and said: "Dong Nu has racked his brains to deal with General Ping Liao, and even used such a despicable divorce scheme. The Ming Dynasty has a lot of talents. Who doesn't know such a small skill?"

Fang Zhenghua peeked at the emperor, and said cautiously: "Your Majesty, the slave chief should know that this plan will not work, and the slaves reckon that they are just trying to create a estrangement and suspicion between my Ming emperor and his subjects."

This is very accurate. Chongzhen already has an idea in his heart, and he is already thinking about checks and balances. The current situation is to use the "Red Banner Army" to check and balance the mighty Guan Ning Army. What if Huang Han has unparalleled force? Can you give checks and balances?

Fortunately, Guan Ning's army should be powerful in a short period of time, and there is no need to consider the next step for the time being, but the "Red Banner Army" cannot easily surpass Guan Ning's army, and must be restrained when necessary.

Now the emperor is most interested in how to destroy the slaves. He couldn't wait to know the result, so he immediately issued an imperial edict that Huang Han came to the capital to report on his duties.

Huang Han wrote to the three old apprentices at the same time as sending out the secret booklet, asking Wu Youxing, Li Zhongzi, and Li Zhonghua to select eight disciples from the full master to listen to.

In the past two years, the promotion of vaccinia to prevent smallpox has been very effective. Unfortunately, due to insufficient manpower, it has not been able to cover the whole country, but as long as people who have been vaccinated will not be infected with smallpox virus.

This plague has become a controllable disease. Wu Youxing, Li Zhongzi, and Li Zhonghua were delighted to see it. The three of them humbly accepted Huang Han's suggestion to recruit more disciples, and even let dozens of disciples who were full of masters open their doors. only.

The three of Wu Youxing were instructing vaccinia vaccination in various places and their whereabouts were erratic, but Huang Han had no trouble contacting them, because the "Red Banner Army" had an espionage organization like the Banner Guard, and it was a joke that they couldn't even know the whereabouts of the three famous medical officials.

Unfortunately, Wu Youxing, Li Zhongzi, and Li Zhonghua were not near the capital. Wu Youxing was in Zhejiang, Li Zhongzi was in Shanxi, and Li Zhonghua went to Huguang, but there were a few disciples left by them in the Imperial Hospital.

Knowing that the grand master wants to study medicine, the accomplished disciples come to discuss the plan to break the slavery. Eight disciples headed by Shen Langzhong, Ye Zifan, Ma Yuanyi, and Jiang Shiji happily came to Tongzhou to wait for Huang Han, who came to Beijing to meet the saint.

I'm going to fool Chongzhen, how can I do without some dry goods?
Therefore, Huang Han had to communicate with Wu Youxing, who was proficient in medical skills, at least to make them psychologically prepared for the outbreak of smallpox epidemic in the Jiannu-controlled area caused by the bacterial warfare they were going to take.

In case Chongzhen asked about this matter, Wu Youxing and the three of them could also answer fluently.

As for whether it will be successful or how bad the damage will be, Huang Han doesn't think about it at all.

Because Huang Han didn't think at all in his heart that launching germ warfare in this era would have a great effect, because this thing is too difficult to control, it's the same as deliberately setting a fire on fire, and accidentally falling a spark can set the company on fire.

Shen Langzhong, Ma Yuanyi, Jiang Shiji, Ye Zifan, You Cheng and so on, of course bowed their heads respectfully when they saw Huang Han. Although these eight were without exception a few years or ten years older than Huang Han, Huang Hanzu was taller. The two generations of them, in theory, belong to Huang Han's disciples and grandchildren.

Huang Han raised a big question, causing the eight doctors to look at each other unable to make a judgment.

Next spring, they will be responsible for collecting dozens or hundreds of smallpox-infected patients into the isolation area, and they will also treat and take care of the daily life of the patients.

The Ming Dynasty had merchants and generals who smuggled and traded with Jian slaves, such as Wu Xiang, Fan Yongdou, Wang Dengku, Jin Liangyu, etc. This time, they could be used.

(End of this chapter)

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