Chapter 432 Bacterial Warfare

All the utensils in the isolation area are new and high-grade, including porcelain, quilt covers, and bed sheets.

Then these contaminated things were directly packaged and shipped to Gaizhou to be sold to Jiannu, leading to a large-scale outbreak of smallpox in the Jiannu-controlled area. Was it a matter of course?
Although this is not whimsical, it has already exceeded the imagination of the eight doctors. Ma Yuanyi is still not sure after thinking about it.

He said cautiously: "Grand Master, the grandson thinks that this plan seems to work, but we can't be sure whether the things contaminated by the infected are still highly contagious after more than ten days or a month?"

Huang Han said: "In order to enhance the infection effect, you can also collect the patient's acne scabs, grind them into powder and sprinkle them in the expensive silk.

These fabrics must not be affordable for ordinary soldiers and civilians, and nine out of ten they ended up in the hands of princes and nobles who built slaves, so that the effect of smallpox infection on them would be even better. "

Jiang Shiji nodded and said: "Acne scabs are indeed contagious to a certain extent. In the past, before there was no vaccinia, many famous doctors in Jiangnan used acne scabs to prepare human pox in order to obtain preventive effects.

It's just that people often use smallpox to control the disease, and there are not a few people who are really infected with severe smallpox and die. "

Huang Han said: "Based on your knowledge, can you be sure that these methods can spread the virus?"

Ma Yuanyi said: "This is absolutely certain, but no one can estimate the extent of the final outbreak. The epidemic cannot be explained clearly in a few words. The weather conditions, the humidity of the air, and whether there is a strong wind will all affect it."

Huang Han was very happy when he heard Ma Yuanyi's words. It can be seen that these doctors have realized a lot of truth, and they have a deep understanding of infectious diseases.

He said: "It depends on the will of God. We have tried hard. Even if we don't succeed, we can gain experience. You will be in charge of this matter next spring, and you will transfer those young medical soldiers who have studied with your master to participate."

Ma Yuanyi said excitedly: "It is our duty to contribute to the fight against Jiannu. Don't worry, Grand Master, we will try our best to plan carefully and strive for success in one fell swoop."

Huang Han said: "I will present this plan to the emperor. The executors of the plan are the eight of you. For the convenience of command, Ma Yuanyi is the main one, Jiang Shiji and Shen Langzhong are the deputy. If it is successful, I believe the emperor will reward you generously!"

The eight people were very excited, and there were little stars in everyone's eyes. They expressed their opinions in unison, and they would spare no effort to fulfill their mission.

These Jiangnan literati who all have the reputation of being a scholar may become a generation of famous doctors. At this time, the Ming Dynasty may not pay attention to medical and health care. It can be seen when you think about the highest official envoy of the Imperial Hospital.

With the development of the times, medical and health care will be given more attention, and the fact that the Ministry of Health of later generations is on an equal footing with other ministries and commissions is enough to illustrate the problem.

Daming died due to natural and man-made disasters, among which the plague epidemic was not unrelated.

When Huang Han first developed, he paid great attention to the prevention and control of epidemics, and widely disseminated health knowledge. When he had a certain amount of power, he issued administrative orders to prevent soldiers and civilians in the system from drinking unboiled water and strengthen health control.

Now they are working on the Everbright City project at Beijing Normal University, and will show Daming a livable place with unparalleled sanitary conditions.All this is done in the hope that officials and common people in the Ming Dynasty can popularize hygiene knowledge and curb the outbreak and epidemic of the plague as much as possible.

Everyone loves cleanliness, but too many people don't know what level of cleanliness is required. With the city that never sleeps as a model, it is guaranteed that rich people will fall in love with such an environment and follow suit.

Huang Han was going to guide the eight people, Ma Yuanyi, Jiang Shiji, Shen Langzhong, and Ye Zifan, at least give them the status of scholar-bureaucrats first, if it is not possible, even if they are first grade nine, they can accept it.

Huang Han didn't worry that these doctors with Jiangnan literati family background would betray the interests of the country. He ordered:
"After you go back, write down the implementation plan immediately. Remember, this is a top secret! In case Dong Nu detects any clues, the plan will fail in all likelihood.

Instead of writing eight plans, I suggest that Ma Yuanyi and Jiang Shiji form a team of two, and Shen Langzhong and Ye Zifan form a team of two to brainstorm and write a plan for the official to review and then Emperor Chen Zou. "

The plan was actually prepared to go directly to the existence of Tianting, and the eight scholars were inexplicably nervous, but they all knew that their master had been promoted to three levels in two years because of the support of the young grand master.

Obviously, if the two proposals signed by eight people are submitted to the emperor Yulan, maybe they will get a great opportunity for the carp to leap over the dragon's gate.

The key to doing the right thing is to use the right people. Huang Han originally planned to let Li Zhongzi and Wu Youxing carry out the germ warfare plan, but they were busy promoting vaccinia thousands of miles away.

Now recruit Ma Yuanyi, Jiang Shiji, and other eight medically proficient scholars, and divide them into two groups to complete the plan for carrying the smallpox virus to infect the Jiannu-controlled area, and it will definitely have a miraculous effect.

Chongzhen is a few months younger than himself in this life, how much knowledge can he have?

The more professional plan drafted by the eight scholar-officials must be able to make him feel dizzy.

Because Huang Han thinks that the success of the plan is slim, what he wants is the effect of ambiguity, and what he wants is the mystery that ordinary people can't understand.

Even if the implementation of the plan next spring does not achieve the effect of causing a large-scale outbreak of smallpox in the slave-controlled area, as long as a few princes and nobles who built slaves died of smallpox infection, no one can judge that the plan is invalid.

Huang Han didn't want the credit, as long as he can get rid of the suspicion of deceiving the emperor, it would be great!

As for whether it will lead to the phenomenon of nonsense, Huang Han will not consider it, as long as he can make his goal of saving Sun Yuanhua's life by going to Beijing this time, the plan will be successful.

Huang Han stayed in Tongzhou for a day, and the eight scholars worked hard to write and revised many times, and finally concocted two proposals with demagogic power.

On the afternoon when he arrived in the capital, Chongzhen, who couldn't wait, summoned Huang Han immediately.

After reading the plan for building slaves, Chongzhen really didn't know why, and then summoned Ma Yuanyi, Jiang Shiji and other eight people who were waiting outside the hall to inquire about it.

But Chongzhen supported the implementation of the plan, and specially gave twenty bolts of bright yellow silk and satin. This is a tribute, which belongs to the royal family and cannot be bought in the market. Of course, no one dares to buy it if it is available.

These silks and satins are polluted and sold to the slave-controlled areas. The merchants or military aristocrats who built slaves got such good things. They may not be able to offer them to the slave chiefs and enter the harem of the slave chiefs. expect.

Emperor Chongzhen was afraid of poverty, and he was most worried that he would need to invest millions of taels of silver at every turn with the plan of "breaking the slaves and building slaves".

Now that it turns out that eight doctors used some manpower to launch the plan, the cost is not worth mentioning, Long Yan is delighted!

(End of this chapter)

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