Chapter 433

Although the cost is small, it is guaranteed that you will get unexpected gains!Chongzhen was very satisfied with Huang Han's strategy and gave him praise, and gave Ma Yuanyi, Jiang Shiji and other eight people the official status of the eighth rank.

The emperor Jinkou Yuyan stated that if the plan is successful, the eight doctors will be promoted to three levels in a row.

The eight people including Ma Yuanyi, Jiang Shiji and others are just young scholars. It is a dream that the Miansheng got the official status this time, and everyone kowtowed a bump on their foreheads without knowing it.

They were grateful and withdrew from the hall, leaving only Huang Han and Wang Chengen who had been waiting for him.

It is rare to see the general officer stationed at the border. Of course Chongzhen inquired carefully about the movements of the Dongnu.

The topic gradually talked about the Hongyi cannons that made great military exploits, and the instigator of the deployment of these cannons-Sun Yuanhua.

The young Chongzhen liked to listen to stories, especially the story of defeating Jiannu. When Huang Han mentioned Sun Yuanhua, he was also unaware of being fooled, and was introduced to the next topic.

Seeing that the emperor was interested in the topic, Huang Han hit the rails while it was hot:
"Your Majesty, Chen Guanning is far from being indestructible, but the dozens of cannons deployed there need to be repaired and adjusted. It's a pity that Sun Yuanhua, who is good at using cannons, has no eyesight and improper employment, which leads to Denglai's corruption and incalculable losses to the country."

Chongzhen asked: "Is there no professional gunner under Aiqing's command? Then Sun Yuanhua's crime cannot be pardoned, and the court's public opinion is raging. If you don't kill him, it may be difficult to rectify the court."

Huang Han said affirmatively: "Kill! Sun Yuanhua deserves to be killed if he is dead! It's just that I think he still has some use value and can be delayed for a year before killing."

Chongzhen was playing with a deep expressionless face, and said: "Aiqing continue to talk!"

Huang Han didn't care about Chongzhen's attitude at all. He knew that this young man's IQ was not very good. He had been pretending to be a young man since the day he accidentally became the emperor. He didn't know if he was tired of living with a mask every day?
Huang Han talked eloquently: "I think that Sun Yuanhua can carry the shackles and go to Ningyuan to guide the maintenance and repair of those artillery. I send dozens of literate gunners to study with Sun Yuanhua. I believe that one year is enough to learn those things about Hongyi cannons. doorway."

Chongzhen was silent for a moment, and asked: "Is it feasible to kill Sun Yuanhua in a year and let him spend this year repairing the Ningyuan cannon and teaching the gunners under Aiqing's command? Will Sun Yuanhua do things with his heart?"

Huang Han said: "I can take my life as a guarantee, Sun Yuanhua will definitely do things with my heart.

Because I learned that Sun Yuanhua and Zhang Tao were not willing to defect when they were captured by Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde's rebels, and when they were persuaded to surrender and faced with the conditions of the rebels' self-establishment as kings, they refused with righteous words. "

Chongzhen asked suspiciously: "Is there such a thing?"

Huang Han said very seriously: "It is true. At that time, Sun Yuanhua's answer was 'I was born as a minister of the Ming Dynasty, and died as a loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty. There is no need to say more, but I am the only one who dies'.

After another moment of silence, Chongzhen seemed to have made up his mind because of Sun Yuanhua's loyalty to Daming. He said: "I can give Sun Yuanhua a year. If he doesn't do anything in Ningyuan, I will definitely spread the Dharma to the first nine sides."

Huang Han said: "The situation in Ningyuan waits for no one. I guess that in autumn Jiannu might attack massively. At this time, my father is strengthening the city every day. However, due to the extraordinary skill of cannons, there is no way to do it."

Chongzhen nodded and said: "Every time after the autumn harvest, the slaves will be ready to move, they may choose to attack Ningyuan, and tomorrow I will suspend the question of beheading Sun Yuanhua!
Try to decree as soon as possible for Li Ruolian to send Jin Yiwei to escort Sun Yuanhua to Ningyuan to work as a prisoner in the army. "

Huang Han didn't thank Sun Yuanhua when he saw that he had achieved his goal, because it was a trick to earn Sun Yuanhua's effectiveness, and expressing gratitude was counterproductive.

In order to consolidate the achievements, Huang Han also deliberately said: "I ask for an order. If Sun Yuanhua pretends to be a scholar-bureaucrat in the army and refuses to work hard, General Ningyuan can directly send him back to Beijing for disposal."

Seeing that Huang Han made it clear that he wanted Sun Yuanhua for Ning Yuan's defense, Chongzhen was very satisfied and said, "I'm sure."

Huang Han was cautious. He went home without visiting anyone that afternoon. He said he would rest for three days without seeing any visitors. He concentrated on spending time with his wife and concubines.

Chongzhen acted cautiously, although he agreed to Huang Han's invitation, but he was full of doubts. After Huang Han resigned, he immediately asked Wang Chengen to call Dongchang and Jinyiwei spies for questioning.

Chongzhen was very happy when he got the Dongchang spy report and knew that Huang Han came directly to the Forbidden City after he entered Beijing, and he didn't contact any ministers after returning.

He didn't like to form cliques the most, seeing Huang Han like this, he believed that he wanted to give Sun Yuanhua a year out of selfishness.

Although the Jinyiwei and Dongchang in Chongzhen were not very good, but the emperor wanted to pay special attention to a certain minister or general, and he could still check it out.

After Huang Han left, Jin Yiwei and the relevant personnel of the East Factory reported Huang Han's situation to the emperor in detail. These people were royal eagle dogs. So what if Han has some friendship?
At most, these people were afraid of settling accounts after the autumn and did not dare to make things out of nothing, and did not dare to plant and frame them. They basically told the truth in front of the emperor. Fortunately, Huang Han did not have much contact with Sun Yuanhua.

There was also Sun Yuanhua Gao who was caught by Denglai Governor's military and political affairs. It was the time when the spring breeze was in full swing. Huang Han was unwilling to curry favor too much.

Unexpectedly, it showed benefits at this time. Sun Yuanhua had close contacts with the Donglin party members, and was taken care of by the first assistant minister Zhou Yanru.

The emperor also learned that Huang Han did not form a party, and several friends formed a comrade-in-arms friendship when they fought together. Liu Zhilun, Li Ruolian, Fang Zhenghua, including his father-in-law Zheng Guochang, uncle Qin Yiming, and Ma Xianglin were all building They made friends in the barracks of the slaves.

It’s okay not to kill Sun Yuanhua for the time being and give him a year to commit crimes and meritorious deeds. Besides, he sent Ningyuan in the name of exile. Presumably the courtiers who shouted for beating and killing might not openly object.

State affairs are the most important thing. When it comes to guarding Ningyuan and fighting against the establishment of slaves, it would be too blind to hold on to some small details.

In the early morning of the next day, Xu Guangqi's face was very ugly. He really didn't expect that the disciple who had placed his hopes in the closed door came to the capital to face the saint directly, and then went home to thank the guests behind closed doors.

Seeing Sun Yuanhua's precarious situation, the boss's heart is cut like a knife. He really has high hopes for Sun Yuanhua, and he really can't stand him being slaughtered.

(End of this chapter)

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