Chapter 434
The news that Huang Han came to the capital to face the saint somehow spread, and many Qingliu ministers were looking around, wanting to see if that stunned young man came to the early court.

Everyone whispered to each other, all inquiring about the purpose of this son's rushing to the capital.

Some people thought of the relationship between Huang Han and Sun Yuanhua as brothers, and speculated whether Huang Han came here to save Sun Yuanhua.

Cifu Wen Tiren was full of thoughts, because his habit was to go out early and go to court early, who knew that someone was even earlier, and he was visited as soon as he woke up.

The evaluation of Wen Tiren in history is a mess. In fact, if you think about who is the main author of Ming history, you should have a good reputation.

Most of the compilers of Ming history were members of the Donglin Party who surrendered, and there are not many records that confuse black and white.

Wen Tiren has fought against the Donglin Party all his life, and overthrew too many chief assistants of the Donglin Party cadres, and he was the chief assistant a few years before the fall of the Ming Dynasty. How could he fall well?

Regardless of whether Wen Tiren is a good person or not, in fact, whoever becomes a high-ranking official, and who is under one person and above ten thousand people, will be a person of high morals?Can you climb up without being dirty?

First of all, Wen Tiren was a Qingliu in the late Ming Dynasty, indeed, Wen Tiren's life as a clean and honest official was miserable, haha ​​he almost caught up with Hai Rui, and he didn't form a clique, and his family never came to give gifts.

The literati's mouth is vicious, and they ignore Wen Tiren's incorruptibility. The explanation they give is that Wen Tiren is too bad, and he is so bad that he is afraid that his political opponents will catch him, so he dare not corrupt.

Isn't this very hilarious?Thinking about it the other way around, can it be understood that most of Wen Tiren’s political enemies are good people and moral gentlemen, and they don’t need to worry about their political opponents catching up on them and daring to commit corruption, and finally corrupting Daming to the point of ruining the country!

An acquaintance came to Wen's residence early this morning to visit, he was Huang Han's disciple and grandson doctor Ye Zifan who had just obtained an eighth-rank official title.

A few days ago, Wen Tiren's old wife had an old illness. Many doctors prescribed medicines but nothing improved. Ye Zifan often visited the house for the purpose of studying pathology, and finally cured the old lady's illness.

Therefore, there was no obstacle for Ye Zifan to enter Zaifu's house, and Wen Tiren was also very polite to the doctor.

Wen Tiren was very surprised to see Ye Zifan early in the morning, this doctor never came out so early in the morning!
Seeing Elder Ge respectfully saluting, Ye Zifan approached him and said in a low voice, "Elder Ge, my grand master asked a subordinate official to bring a message to Sun Yuanhua."

Wen Tiren is dizzy, Ye Zifan is already in his thirties, will his master's master become a fairy?

He asked puzzledly, "Mr. Ye, who is your grand master?"

"Ping Liao General Huang Han!"

"Pfft!" Wen Tiren just took a sip of tea, and spit out all the words after hearing the words.He looked at Ye Zifan with a serious face and smiled like a night owl.

"Your grand master at such a young age took a big breath and spared Sun Yuanhua's life? Why did the old man do this?"

"From now on, General Pingliao owes Elder Ge a favor. Even if Elder Ge is high-ranking and powerful, General Pingliao doesn't need to repay the favor. He is young, and he will definitely have the opportunity to take care of Elder Ge's descendants in the future."

Huang Han instructed Ye Zifan how to speak concisely, even Wen Tiren, who was cunning and scheming, couldn't help but think to himself, he could not give Huang Han face, but from now on he would push Huang Han to the opposite side.

Young is Huang Han's capital, and a strong army is Huang Han's reliance. Wen Tiren has brothers and has several sons and grandsons. Does he hope to suffer revenge from Huang Han, a warrior, or does he hope to get Huang Han's care to benefit his descendants?

The multiple-choice question is not difficult. Wen Tiren had already decided to give Huang Han some face. He asked, "Why should Sun Yuanhua be spared? Shouldn't someone be responsible for the 10,000+ people who died in Qu in Shandong?"

Ye Zifan said calmly: "Sun Yuanhua has superb cannon-casting and firing techniques, and the 'Red Banner Army' needs heavy artillery to guard Ningyuan against Jiannu."

Wen Tiren nodded and twisted his beard and said: "This reason is acceptable. Sir, I told General Pingliao, and the old man agreed. But the old man is not out to sell favors, but because he knows that Sun Yuanhua is really proficient in casting cannons, and keeping him alive is useful to the country."

"Thank you Mr. Ge, the student will leave!"

Seeing Ye Zifan walk out of the courtyard in a hurry, Wen Tiren fell into deep thought, that Huang Han is unfathomable!

The emperor has also been wondering about Huang Han's motives, first he checked with Dongchang and Jin Yiwei, after falling asleep and thinking about it, he couldn't sleep, and today he went up with dark circles under his eyes.

Not long after the court meeting, the emperor took the initiative to talk about the treatment of Sun Yuanhua, he said: "Sun Yuanhua's improper use of people caused the crime of corruption in Denglai, which cannot be forgiven, and should have been executed immediately.

General Pingliao played the right game yesterday. In the past, Sun Yuanhua presided over the defense of Ningyuan and personally deployed dozens of cannons. When Ningjin was victorious, those cannons made great military exploits.

Now, after six years, those cannons have to be repaired and maintained. There is no such talent in the 'Red Banner Army'.

General Pingliao therefore asked for an order to suspend the execution of Sun Yuanhua and give him one year to go to Ningyuan to repair the cannon. "

Xu Guangqi felt relieved when he heard this, and felt that he was in a desperate situation. It turned out that the closed disciple lived up to his entrustment and talked directly to the saint yesterday about Sun Yuanhua.

Zhou Yanru's eyes also lit up, and he quickly winked at the Donglin party members.

Yu Yinggui, Li Mengchen, Lu Zhenfei and others were dumbfounded by the group of ministers who impeached the chief assistant Zhou Yanru and tried their best to demand that Sun Yuanhua be punished.

Huang Han has a notorious reputation. He once committed the crime of shooting Zu Dale, and threatened to beat the ministers who dared to destroy his good deeds in the court. In the spring, he eliminated dissidents in Ningyuan and cleared out dozens of generals above the fourth rank. the Marquis.

Now this person named important people to the emperor, the purpose is to let Sun Yuanhua go to Ningyuan to repair the cannon as a supporting army, within one year, if he does well, he will be saved, and if he does not do well, he will be beheaded at this time next year.

This is a problem!Should we oppose it or should we support it?Yu Yinggui, Li Mengchen, Lu Zhenfei and others looked around and couldn't make up their minds.

Xu Guangqi is really not suitable to be an official. He can't be the old god at this time. Seeing that Sun Yuanhua has a glimmer of life, he can't help it anymore, and immediately leaves the class and says:

"Your Majesty gave Sun Yuanhua a chance to atone for his crimes. The old minister dares to guarantee that Sun Yuanhua will seriously repair and cast cannons for the imperial court when he goes to Ningyuan."

Seeing Xu Guangqi open his mouth, Zhou Yanru immediately chimed in and said, "Your Majesty, from a strategic position, let Sun Yuanhua go to Ningyuan to serve the country. It is very kind! The artillery arranged by Sun Yuanhua in the Ningjin Great Victory did make great military exploits."

Han Rizhuan, Li Changgeng and other cabinet ministers also supported the proposal one after another, thinking that as long as it is beneficial to the state affairs, Sun Yuanhua can be kept alive.Chongzhen glanced at Wen Tiren, because this cabinet minister had always advocated that it would be difficult to rectify the law of the country without killing Sun Yuanhua.

(End of this chapter)

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