Chapter 435 Hanging Oven Roast Duck
Knowing that the emperor wanted to take his own attitude, Wen Tiren came out of the class and said loudly: "Your Majesty, what is the most important thing right now? Naturally, it is against Dongnu!

If Sun Yuanhua is not killed and the sentence is changed to escort Ningyuan to the army so that Ningyuan's artillery can be maintained, why not do it?
If Sun Yuanhua doesn't want to repent and doesn't do his best in Ningyuan, it won't be too late to kill him, then I'm afraid it will be even more speechless! "

Wen Tiren's performance was very decent, and Chongzhen was very satisfied. On the spot, he asked the cabinet drafter to wear a red seal, and ordered Sun Yuanhua to suspend killing his head for one year and send Ningyuan into the army.

At noon on the third day, Sun Yuanhua was indeed taken to Fusi Prison in Beizhen, escorted by a small banner Jinyiwei, and walked up the official road to Shanhaiguan.

There will be flag guards secretly protecting him along the way, so it is not a problem for Sun Yuanhua to reach Ningyuan safely, and his fate is saved.

That night, Huang Han invited Li Ruolian and Fang Zhenghua to Yichun Courtyard for a drink of flowers and wine. After hearing the news, Haitang, Xiao Taohong, Qianlixue, etc. were all dressed up beautifully. Excited, they fantasized that they would also be as lucky as Chu Chu, and be able to enter the eyes of General Ping Liao.

Dancing in the heart of the Willow Tower, singing in the shadows of peach blossoms and fans, the place of love and moon is really a tomb of heroes, there are beauties playing and singing, and there are delicious wines and delicacies. At this time, Huang Han, who is used to the Iron Horse Glacier, is really a little intoxicated.

Huang Han has never rejected places, because he is not a hypocrite, he even invested in leisure clubs and bathing centers several times larger than Yichunyuan to earn money from dignitaries.

It's just that the restaurant and clubhouse of the family are currently being renovated, and the bathing center has not yet been completed, so it would be a bit embarrassing to have to open around the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Moreover, it is impossible for Huang Han to still be in the capital at that time. He is a general guarding the border.

Huang Han thought that the few restaurants in the city that never sleeps will be able to have a booming business. In Tiger Cave City, they have been training cooks and side dish workers for a long time, and a lot of charcoal-burning copper hot pots have been produced.

The round table with a large turntable is already under production, and it will definitely be one of the features of the eight restaurants in the city that never sleeps. The private rooms with bright glass windows will definitely meet the needs of business banquets.

There are few modern people who don’t know the basics of the production of hanging oven roast duck. Raw materials such as duck, green onions, sweet noodle sauce, pancakes, sesame oil, maltose, etc. are readily available in Daming.

Chili peppers were already grown in many places in Daming at this time, but they were not popularized. Now Sifang Express pays a deposit to buy dried chili peppers. Farmers who originally planted a small amount of them feel that it is profitable and have increased the planting area. At the end of the year, hot pot restaurants in the city will be able to Use red peppers generously.

Hot pot restaurants and roast duck restaurants are completely new things, enough for the rich and young in the capital to hunt for novelties, and they will definitely open well. Besides, Chuchu will invite famous chefs to cook in other restaurants in the city that never sleeps, and even go to the palace to contact the imperial chef to support the venue.

It was not difficult, if Fang Zhenghua, Cao Huachun, and Wang Chengen came forward to contact a few imperial chefs to help, even if the emperor knew about it, he would laugh it off. It was just a few cooks, and Chongzhen, who never cared for pleasure, would not care at all.

Besides, Huang Han was going to bring the emperor to earn some silver so that he would not suffer himself. Huang Han planned to let the emperor enjoy 3 taels of silver every year for the Nightless City project.

Chongzhen was not stupid. If Huang Han, who invested several 10 taels of silver, could not earn any silver, how could there be any silver to pay dividends to the royal family.

Fangzhenghua's purging of the Beijing camp in the past few months has been very effective. At least the selected 6000 troops are already in good shape.

Li Ruolian is a bit of a bully now, Luo Yangxing, the commander of the Jinyiwei, has basically been emptied by him. Originally, the commander of the Jinyiwei at the end of the Ming Dynasty in history was very bad, because Luo Yangxing did not have much bad deeds in the writing of the Donglin Party.

Luo Yangxing first surrendered to the robbers and then to the Qing Dynasty, his bones were so light that he was recorded by the Donglin Party as having no evil deeds!

In fact, Jinyiwei and Dongchang are useless if they are not vicious.

The three thousand Jinyi guards in Beizhen Fusi belonged to Li Ruolian. During this period of time, the sanitation management in the capital was strengthened, and the sanitation fees collected minus the wages for women who did street sweeping, toilet cleaning, etc., could still have a lot of savings.

Now Jinyiwei has an additional source of income, selling fertilizers. The feces that used to flood the streets are now fertilizers and commodities, because when they are shipped out of the capital, someone will buy them for money.

Of course, the people who bought the manure were the households of the "Red Banner Army" system, and Sifang Express was the one who contacted them. The farmers rely on manure for every flower. There is no chemical fertilizer these days, and they rely on farmyard manure formed by fermenting grass and manure.

Since Xu Guangqi set a precedent for planting rice near the capital and bred cold-resistant rice seeds, Huang Han casually instructed Gu Mancang to experiment with planting duck rice.

Last year, Gu Mancang led more than [-] people to plant more than [-] acres of experimental fields and raised [-] ducks. The autumn harvest was bumper, the rice yield was as high as two stones per mu, and the [-] ducks grew fat.

Duck blood vermicelli is very popular. There are countless small shops like this, and they are already very famous. Nowadays, ducks are easy to sell, and the price is also good. After the hanging oven roast ducks are sold, the ducks are even better.

Gu Mancang kept half of the female ducks and sold more than 2000 male ducks for more than one hundred taels of silver.

Do the math, with the combination of men and women and children who are over ten years old in the family, if there are seven to ten people, it is completely possible to grow [-] to [-] acres of duck rice.

The gross profit from selling rice and ducks is close to 100 taels of silver, and finally this big family of about ten people can earn an annual income of 80 to [-] taels.

Therefore, more and more households grow rice, and more families need farm manure.

Sifang Express undertook the task of going to the capital and the surrounding prefectures and counties to buy manure for a fee. They didn't calculate the profit.

There is no need for bodyguards to do these jobs, after all, it is rare for bandits to rob dung trucks.

Sifang Express offered five buckets of miscellaneous grains and five renminbi of silver for a month, and selected laborers with families and strong mouths from the refugees all over the place to do this work.

There are too many refugees eager to get a job. In order to win this job opportunity, I don’t know how many people lined up all night waiting for the selection. However, there are very few responders who persuade those who are not selected to go to sea to farm outside the customs.

This is entirely because the common people are afraid of building slaves like tigers. They have no confidence in the fighting power of the Ming army.

Don't look at how little manure can't be sold for much, but it can't stand to add up. After all, the capital is a metropolis with a population of one million.

Jin Yiwei recruited many women to manage them emptying toilets and excreting manure. The fertilizer and water can be sold for two or three hundred taels of silver every day.

(End of this chapter)

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