Chapter 436
What they get from selling fertilizer every day is pure profit, because the monthly money paid by the women who empty the toilet is deducted from the sanitation fees paid by each household.

Li Ruolian can earn 8 to 8 taels of silver every year for selling dung alone, and the balance is another [-] to [-] taels when sanitation fees are added.

Under normal circumstances, martyrs who are willing to die to serve the country are not people who have an eye for money, nor are they big corrupt officials. Wang Chengen, Li Ruolian, and Fang Zhenghua are all such people.

Li Ruolian has these unexpected money, it is impossible to fill his own pockets, and it is no longer a problem to raise a Jinyiwei who can fight for three to five thousand.

What's more, Jinyiwei has many other ways to get money, such as the secret door of Yanhualiuxiang restaurant and tea shop, which one can't give Changli?

It turns out that managing the city in this way can bring fame and fortune, Jin Yiwei is convinced, seeing that the capital is getting cleaner day by day, everyone has a sense of honor, even the emperor has heard about it, and verbally commended Li Ruolian many times.

Li Ruolian's happy life is entirely due to Huang Han's idea. He brought dozens of confidantes to drink, so that the brothers who have never fought with Huang Han among the Jinyi guards can meet with General Pingliao. Let's get familiar first.

Fangzhenghua's Beijing camp originally had military pay, but it was too much, and the Beijing camp was emptied out, leaving only a show.

He does not have the power to turn things around, nor does he have this ability. He can only focus on training 6000 men and horses with a limited amount of food and horses. Armor, weapons and food must be guaranteed for these 6000 men first.

Fang Zhenghua didn't care if the other generals in the Beijing camp had any objections. He regarded himself as a servant of the emperor and didn't care about other people's opinions at all, and was only responsible to the emperor.

Fang Zhenghua had already uttered harsh words that these 6000 people were going to the Liaodong battlefield to fight Jianshou.

They get full pay, wear new clothes and eat enough to train to death. Whoever dawdles during training is guaranteed to beat him until he spits out everything he eats.

Most of the guests present at the Huang Han banquet were Jinyiwei and Jingying generals. During the dinner, he told everyone that the Huang family had invested in a city that never sleeps on Chongwenmenwai Street in the outer city.

It won't be able to open in time for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it will be able to open for business at the end of October this year at the latest. I hope you brothers will help to keep an eye on it. Whoever dares to go to the city of nights without opening his eyes to make trouble, just beat him paralyzed.

Jinyiwei and Jingying have always been bullying others. Hearing General Pingliao ask for help, they all slapped their chests with the strength of alcohol.

It is inevitable for friends to gather together to drink and sing. Zhang Chao and a group of Jin Yiwei asked Qian Lixue and Xiao Taohong to play, and they all shouted "The sea is laughing, the waves on both sides of the river..."

Then he asked Haitang to sing a song by name, "Love is only one word, and I only say it once..." Then Haitang is Li Ruolian's old friend, but the two of them didn't make each other, and they always laughed when they met, and they didn't think about it afterwards.

The Peony Pavilion in Yichun Courtyard had a melodious singing voice, melodious piano sound, and the rough and lively singing of the elders was heard from time to time, which caused other guests to probe their heads, but when they saw the flying fish suit, they immediately shrank back.

Who would dare to mess with the Son of Heaven's pro-army?What's more, the people present are all the leaders of hundreds of officials and above, and the princes and nobles will stay away from these people when they see them.

After drinking for three rounds, both Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian wanted to know when they could pull their trainers out to see the blood.

They have trusted Huang Han unconditionally, not only because they often win battles, but the most important reason is that every time they fight with Huang Han, the soldiers can get a lot of capture.

Money is the only way to do things. It’s not enough to win a battle without capturing gold, silver and treasure. At that time, even the pensions of the soldiers who died in battle will not be able to afford it, which will seriously affect morale. There are endless.

Sitting around the Eight Immortals table on Huang Han's side were Li Ruolian, Fang Zhenghua, Lou Yun, Zhang Chao, Ai Guodong, and the Jingying generals Chen Gao and Lin Daye.They have been training men and horses for more than half a year, and these people are not farmers who put down their hoes at all.

Instead, they were carefully selected from the tens of thousands of troops in the Beijing camp and the Jinyiwei gang. They already had some combat effectiveness, and after a year and a half of forced training, their discipline has been strengthened, which seems to be no less than that of the frontier army.

Fang Zhenghua, Li Ruolian, etc. were particularly concerned about the next step. They thought that they had already accomplished a small amount of military training, and they couldn't wait to make meritorious service so that His Majesty, the emperor who supported them, could see the results of the military training.

Fang Zhenghua has great ambitions, and is a role model with a strong body and a strong will. In the past six months, he has lived a full and energetic life with the soldiers of the Beijing camp. Today, when he gathered with his friends, he basically poured out his glass. At this time, his face was pale , Sweat dripping down his face.

Li Ruolian was completely opposite to Fang Zhenghua, his face was flushed from drinking, as if the smell of alcohol could be touched.

Seeing that several adults had something to discuss, Haitang smiled and toasted, poured wine to everyone present, left a few opened bottles of spirits, and led the sisters to leave.

Now Huang’s Liquor has launched three series of high-grade, medium-grade and low-grade spirits. The name of the high-end baijiu is “Yangchun Baijiu”, which means that the cotton is soft and elegant like spring snow. Smooth and dripping, relaxed and comfortable after drinking.

It is packaged in a carved wooden box and a glass bottle depicting mountains and water, which is as exquisite as a work of art. The price of a bottle of wine is half a year's living expenses of ordinary people.

The advertising slogan of this kind of baijiu is very frank, "Give Yangchun baijiu as a gift", and it is really sought after by many people now.

The easy-to-understand name of resist baijiu is "drunk not dead", which means that although this wine is strong, it is relatively safe.

"Drunk Immortal" has a high degree and is cheap, and it is Shengdou's favorite. It is a little more expensive than a catty of polished rice. The current price of polished rice is inflated.

The name of the middle-end baijiu is "General Triumph", which means it is suitable for use at celebration banquets. Each bottle of one Ming Shijin is equivalent to nearly [-] milliliters. The price of six varieties and three alcoholic strengths is between [-] and [-] renminbi a bottle.

This kind of baijiu is the best-seller in Loutang halls, Huang Han and a group of Jinyiwei and Jingying officials have already killed dozens of bottles of Gaogao liquor.

Seeing that there were no other people around, Fang Zhenghua asked, "General Ping Liao, brother Huang! Our family is really humbly asking for advice, and with our life-threatening friendship, please give me some advice.

Brother, you also often say that you can only train soldiers on the training ground. To turn soldiers into fighters, you must go to the battlefield to kill people. We know that the [-] troops in the capital camp are not enough to lure them to Liaodong to provoke slaves. We really can’t think of where to take them. It's good to see blood. "

At this time, Daming is using troops everywhere, if he really volunteers, will there be no place to go?Huang Han didn't make a sound and still waited for the next article.

(End of this chapter)

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