Chapter 437 Instigation
Li Ruolian said with a big tongue: "Natural disasters and man-made disasters continue in Shanshan, Shaanxi and Henan. It is said that the food is a tael of silver for a bucket of rice, and people are starving everywhere.
The officers and soldiers who went to suppress the bandits were miserable. They were not thinking about how to fight the bandits every day, but how to get food so as not to starve to death. "

Fang Zhenghua said: "Our family has also heard about this, so Shaanxi is definitely not allowed to go. The people in the Beijing camp are used to being pampered, and the training is more difficult. They can bear it. If they don't even have enough to eat, they may collapse."

Li Ruolian said with a smile: "Who can guarantee that our team will not collapse when we are hungry? I am afraid that it is inevitable to rob the people and harm the people. Therefore, we really can't go to Shaanxi. I am afraid that the team will be infected with gangsters. From now on It will be even more difficult to carry after that.”

It turned out that the situation in Shanshan was so bad that even Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian did not dare to lead troops in, not because they were afraid of starving to death, but because they were afraid that their subordinates would become murderous and robbery robbers.

Huang Han said: "Leading troops is to protect the country and the people, in order to resist foreign enemies, how can you bear to send troops to plunder the common people in the territory?
Once the soldiers show signs of looting, their conscience will be broken from then on, and it is impossible to expect them to be loyal to the emperor and patriotic. "

Fang Zhenghua said: "That's the case. Our family has worked so hard to train people to do something. You must not join the war for the first time just to avoid starving to death and killing and robbing everywhere. My brother! You have a lot of ideas, give it to my brother!" Let me show you the way!"

Huang Han said with a smile: "The road is ready-made, Shaanxi is so far away and so poor, why do you go there?
Why don't you take the initiative to ask for orders to go to the rebels of Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde when Shandong is so close?
There, the Ning army was in the front, and you Jingying troops and Jin Yiwei brothers were in the back to supervise the battle. If you find that there is an advantage, you can jump on it and rush forward. It is not a problem to get military merit. "

Li Ruolian said: "We know the situation in Shandong, there are refugees and soldiers everywhere now.

In the spring, Denglai governor Xie Lian and Shandong governor Xu Congzhi, who took office as new officials, requested the imperial court to adjust grain one by one.

But the situation has not changed at all. Every month, there are no less than dozens of requests for food adjustments. However, the autumn grain has not yet been harvested. I don’t know how many people are starving. How can there be grain transfers to Shandong? "

No wonder they were not optimistic about the chaos in Denglai. There may be two worries. The first reason is of course that the soldiers are afraid that the lack of military discipline due to hunger will lead to unacceptable, and their hard work will be in vain.

The second reason may also be the fear of the total artillery fire of the rebels, which currently ranks at the forefront of Ming Dynasty.The rebel artillery has been personally guided and trained by Sun Yuanhua, and has been standardized by Portuguese mercenaries. The technology is really extraordinary.

It can be seen that even a senior official at the level of the governor of Shandong who was newly appointed was able to be killed by rebel artillery fire.In history, Xu Congzhi's death did leave a psychological shadow on many civil and military generals.

Fang Zhenghua said: "Isn't our family asking for orders to take people to Shandong to starve the brothers? To avoid starvation, the only option is to rob. How is this different from going to Shaanxi?"

"Hahaha!" Huang Han laughed and said, "It's completely different, completely different, Shaanxi is too far away for the 'Red Banner Army' to reach, Denglai is close at hand and has the convenience of being close to the sea.

I don't care if the others are hungry or not, but if you two lead troops to go out, I can guarantee the supply of more than half of the army's rations. "

Fang Zhenghua smiled sadly, and he said: "Our family is the supervising army sent by the emperor himself, whoever is short of food and grass, it is impossible to short our family's direct line, and there is the 'Red Banner Army' from now on." Subsidize some from the sea, and our family will definitely not be hungry."

Li Ruolian said proudly: "Jinyiwei is the Son of Heaven's pro-army. I have never heard that going out on errands will make us hungry. If we dare not give us food, we must be tired of work."

Indeed, they must be indispensable for the food in the states along the way, even if there is no food.

Huang Han said: "Eunuch Fang brought troops to Denglai, he must be the biggest supervisor army, Master Li brought one or two thousand Jinyi guards, he must be the supervisor team.

You have to see the right time to force Guan Ningjun to fight Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde's rebels. Don't be stupid and let your descendants rush forward to take shells. Once you find that the Ming army can enter Dengzhou City, you have to take out all of them. The troops pursued fiercely. "

Everyone here knows that General Pingliao and Guan Ning's army are in a relationship, and when they saw him come up with an idea, they still didn't forget to give Guan Ning's army a hard time, trying to use Guan Ning's army as cannon fodder, everyone looked at each other and laughed.

Li Ruolian couldn't understand and asked: "Master Huang, urban street fighting is more likely to lose manpower. Isn't it unreasonable to increase casualties if we try our best in street fighting?"

The old god Huang Han said: "Denglai has not been able to afford swordsmen for a long time! The wealthy people don't know how many people there are. Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde's rebels swept half of Shandong, burning, killing, and looting.

They may have eaten up the food, pigs and sheep, but can the gold and silver treasures that were robbed be eaten into their stomachs? "

Fang Zhenghua stared wide-eyed and asked, "General Ping Liao means that the rebels transported all the looted gold and silver treasures into Dengzhou City."

Huang Han said affirmatively: "Of course, according to my estimate, the rebel army swept half of Shandong and took the big city of Dengzhou. It is estimated that the robbed gold and silver treasures will not be less than 300 million taels in silver."

At this time, Lou Yun from Shandong interjected: "Master Huang's words are true. There are always dozens or hundreds of local rich men in a county in Shandong, and there are no less than a few dozen rich men with 1 taels of silver in their families.

When the rebel army broke through the county seat, it is very possible to rob several 10 taels of silver. You must know that the rebel army has already broken through more than a dozen county and state capitals in Shandong. "

Ai Guodong said in shock: "The rebel army can rob a few hundred thousand taels of silver by destroying one county town, but if they rob more than a dozen cities, they can raise millions of taels, my dear! It's better to rob to get money quickly!"

Lou Yun said unhappily: "What do you think? You just rush into a well-to-do family to see, which one doesn't have dozens of taels of silver in cash, and which one doesn't have a few pieces of gold and silver utensils?
Of course, the gang of rebels accumulated too much gold and silver and transported them into the strong city of Dengzhou. Mr. Huang analyzed that Dengzhou had no less than 300 million taels of silver. Believe it or not, the lower officials believed it anyway. "

Chen Gao and Lin Daye, the two generals of the Beijing camp, were a little cautious when they met Huang Hannai for the first time, but they already knew that every time they fought with Huang Han, they would be able to earn military merits and get a share of silver.

At this time, the two listened to Huang Han's advice, and immediately understood that it was possible to make a fortune by going to Denglai to fight.The two looked at each other, unable to hold back the excitement in their hearts.

I want to get promoted and get rich!However, opportunities are hard to find, this time we must go to Denglai to show our strengths.

(End of this chapter)

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