Chapter 438
Huang Han didn't create something out of nothing, Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde's rebels had indeed robbed too much property, as many as several million taels in silver.

However, after the Denglai rebels were suppressed in history, the imperial court did not get any captures. Why?
The reason is very simple, it was divided privately by the military leaders.

Gao Qiqian served as the supervisor of the army during the Denglai pacification period, which gave Wu Sangui a great opportunity to flatter him. In the end, Wu Sangui became the godson of the dead eunuch.

Later, Wu Sangui's strength was unstoppable, and the reason was that he swallowed more than one million taels of capture in the Battle of Denglai.

The eunuch Gao Qiqian also rose to the sky because of his military achievements in pacifying Denglai, and he became the most popular Ning Jin Supervisor Army. Since then, he has worked hand in hand with Guan Ning Army and embezzled a lot of Liao's salary.

These days, without servants, there would be no strong army, and without money, one would not be able to support servants. Wu Sangui gained a lot in Denglai, which increased the cost of great development.

After all, relying on his father to do business to earn money, he would not spend too much money on the army. With the cheap money from robbery, Wu Sangui has a lot more money in his hands, so the Wu family's armored family members also doubled, and Wu Sangui gradually surpassed Wu Xiang up-and-coming.

Gao Qiqian is now serving as the supervisor of the Denglaiping Rebel Ming Army. He belongs to the existence of the army and has strong support from the Guan Ning Army headed by Wu Xiang, Wu Sangui, Zu Dale, and Zu Kuan.

At the beginning of April, Liu Yulie, the minister of the Ministry of War, brought troops to Denglai to quell the rebellion as a supervisor. There were also two governors, Zhu Dadian and Xie Lian, and several prefects.

But when Gao Qiqian supervised the military pay, the commander-in-chief Jin Guoqi was the main general, and under his command were the deputy generals Jin Guochen and Liu Bangyu, the participating generals Zu Dabi, Zu Kuan, Zhang Tao, the guerrilla Bai Yongfu, the former commander-in-chief Wu Xiang, Wu Sangui and his son. When six or seven thousand Guanning troops joined the battlefield, all civil servants can only stand aside now.

So what if the Ming Dynasty was supposed to be under the command of civilian officials?That means without the restraint of eunuchs.

There is a great eunuch in Denglai, and he is a treacherous and slippery eunuch. He is exactly the same as Yuan Chonghuan, he is good at fooling around, and he is very good at both sides.

The young emperor thought that he knew the soldiers to give him a heavy responsibility, and somehow the generals of Guan Ning's army supported Gao Qiqian as much as they supported Yuan Chonghuan back then.

It may be that Guan Ningjun felt a sense of crisis after the spokesperson Yuan Chonghuan was hacked to pieces. They urgently needed a new spokesperson with weight.

In addition, before Gao Qiqian brought his troops to join the war, the battle of the Ming army was a mess, and even the governor could be killed by others. It can be seen how bad it was, and the civil servants headed by Liu Yulie naturally did not have the confidence to dictate.

This is not scaremongering. In history, there are high-ranking and underhanded people. Several times, Lu Xiangsheng, who has the false title of governor of Xuanfu, Datong, and Shanxi Military Affairs, was assigned to the soldiers of Lu Xiangsheng. Dead battlefield.

It is better to draw fire from the bottom of the pot than to make the soup boil. Huang Han has no way to prevent Wu Sangui from showing up. After all, this kid can even do the thing of accepting a eunuch as a godfather, and he is completely shameless.

Under normal circumstances, if a person has the ability, regardless of morality and shamelessness, even gods cannot stop him from making a fortune.

Huang Han came to make a big move, encouraging Fang Zhenghua to lead the 6000 troops of the Beijing camp he trained and Li Ruolian to bring some Jinyi guards to participate in the battle of Denglai, with the purpose of winning merit.

This is definitely not digging a hole for Fang and Li to jump, but really creating an opportunity for them to make great military exploits, because the Denglai Rebellion in history was put down by the Ming army headed by the Guan Ning Army.

Now the history is different, the rebels such as Li Jiuzheng, Kong Youde, etc. are less powerful than Mao Chenglu, Chen Shishi, etc., who lead troops to join the army, and the Ming army will have more [-] or [-] new troops trained by Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian. Quite a lot.

It was originally destined by history that the winning side strengthened its strength, and the losing side weakened its strength. Of course, a dramatic change in the ending is impossible. As long as Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian's luck is not so bad that they are hit by shells, great achievements are indispensable.

With Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian's current prestige in the court and the emperor's trust, Gao Qiqian would immediately put himself in the third place when he went to Denglai.

Besides, Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian have their own direct descendants of seven or eight thousand troops, plus three or four thousand firearms troops of the Shenji Battalion, their strength is extraordinary, and it is incomparable to the hypocrisy that Gao Qiqian and Guan Ning's army are using each other.

Fang and Li's men will also get the "Red Banner Army" to supply food and grass from the sea without looking at anyone's face.

They fought with Huang Han and took part in the capture several times. It can be said that they have rich experience. This time, when they rushed into Dengzhou City to grab benefits, they would definitely outperform most of the Ming army.

With the ferocity of Jinyiwei and the domineering of the Beijing camp, the Guan Ning Army may have to give up three points. This time, Denglai's gold and silver treasures will not be the turn of the Guan Ning Army headed by Wu Xiang, Wu Sangui, and Zu Dabi.

The Wu family lost hundreds of thousands to millions of taels of silver, and of course their development would be restricted. If the Guanning Army who entered the customs could not get a lot of silver, it would also reduce the funds for increasing troops.

This is entirely an expedient measure, because Huang Han and his son are stationed on the front line against the establishment of slaves and shoulder heavy responsibilities. At this time, it is too late to actively ask to enter the customs to participate in the Denglai Ping Rebellion. The court will think that they have neglected their duties.

The "Red Banner Army" could only watch Denglai as a mess and had no way to sneak a vote. Only when Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming gave up Dengzhou and prepared to cross the sea to join Jiannu could they give a fatal blow.

In order to allow the Denglai rebels to use sea routes to escape with confidence, the "Red Banner Army" navy did not appear in the coastal waters of Denglai at all, but there were more than a dozen clippers that were used as sentinels and operated by only 11 people to keep a close watch on Denglai.

This kind of fast boat with a length of 15 meters and a width of five meters, with one deck, is equipped with a Fron machine one-pounder at the bow and stern, and has flywheels on both sides. It can reach seven knots when sailing at full speed.

When speeding up is needed, the small flag officer, the captain of the sentinel ship, steers the helm, and the other ten sailors pedal and drive the two flywheels in turn, allowing them to run at a speed of nine knots.

Compared with small boats of the same displacement, such a sentry ship has a speed advantage of one knot, and the sentry ship can also fire its stern cannon while running away. It is no small matter for an enemy ship that is about the same size as the sentry ship to get too close to the shotgun.

It is very possible that the sailors were killed or the sails were damaged and then captured by the "Red Banner Army" sentry ships.

The small boats of the Ming army, including Shibazhi, are at most equipped with guns and no sights. They have short barrels, slow rate of fire, and short-range guns. attack.

The small boat does not have a thick deck, and the sub-gun of the one-pound Furlong machine gun loaded with solid bullets can completely penetrate any part of the small boat within two to three hundred steps.

(End of this chapter)

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