Chapter 439 Calculation
The sentry boats will play a greater role when they enter the Yangtze River in the future. These small boats with a load of 50 tons can completely carry [-] people up the river and directly to the stone pillars.

When going down the river, I am afraid that the sound of apes on both sides of the river will not be able to cry, and the speed of the light boat will pass the Ten Thousand Mountains.

Huang Han knew that Kong Youde became the leader of the rebel army when Li Jiuzheng was killed in history. He abandoned Dengzhou at the beginning of February when the sea had just thawed in the sixth year of Chongzhen. He brought a lot of gold and silver treasures, artillery and family members. Hundreds of merchant ships and warships fled from the sea.

When calculating Kong Youde, it is necessary to take precautions, and it is also to prevent historical deviations from causing the Denglai rebels to run away early.

Therefore, the sentry ships of the "Red Banner Army" took turns to guard Dengzhou Shuicheng around the clock. The purpose was to obtain information at the first time when the rebels went to sea and defected to Jiannu, so that they could choose the best time to intercept and kill them.

I just don't know if Zu Dale, who shot and killed Li Jiuzheng, is missing from Guan Ning's army, will the self-proclaimed Generalissimo Li Jiuzheng die in front of the battle?

If Li Jiuzheng did not die, it would probably not be Kong Youde's turn to be the big brother of the rebel army. Moreover, Li Jiuzheng also had his son Li Yingyuan as his successor.

Having received Huang Han's guidance and promise, Fang Zhenghua, Li Ruolian, Lou Yun, and Ai Guodong were all overjoyed.

The overwhelming momentum of the Denglai rebels has been successfully contained by the Guanning army. The siege of Laizhou should be released around the Mid-Autumn Festival in August. Finally, the rebels will retreat to Dengzhou to resist stubbornly.

The imperial army and the rebels suffered a loss in shelling each other outside Laizhou city. Due to the sharp artillery fire of the rebels, they were repeatedly defeated and lost troops. It also caused the rebels to seize the six red cannons specially approved by Chongzhen to send Zhongguan to escort the front line.

Now the Ming army officers on the front line of Denglai are asking for reinforcements and artillery fire.

In history, it was also because of Denglaiping's protracted rebellion that the troops were lost for a long time. On July 23, the fifth year of Chongzhen, the furious Emperor Chongzhen beheaded Sun Yuanhua and abandoned the city.

The Shenji Battalion has many artillery pieces, and the emperor did not agree to send the Shenji Battalion temporarily because he was worried that these artillery pieces would be taken away by the rebels.

Fang Zhenghua was one of the chief eunuchs in charge of the imperial horse supervisor and one of the eunuchs who were in charge of the ceremony and the pen. The new army trained was the warrior battalion and the four guard battalion in the capital camp under the direct management of the imperial horse supervisor, with a total of [-] troops.

Li Ruolian was ordered by the emperor to train at least [-] Jinyiwei captains who were able to fight on the field.

Now that the two have achieved some success in military training, they jointly requested to lead a new army to go to Denglai to participate in the war in the name of military training. The emperor would think that Sleepy sent a pillow, and would definitely give him a compliment, and agreed to send troops to Dengzhou immediately.

Chongzhen trusted Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian, and with them personally leading thousands of new troops to join the Shenji Battalion with a large number of red barbarian cannons to quell the chaos, what else did the emperor have to worry about?

Fang Zhenghua, who believed that this strategy must be effective, took Li Ruolian's hand and stood up to raise his glass: "Master Huang, our family toasts you! Our family just admires your resourcefulness.

Everyone only sees that there are refugees everywhere in Denglai, and the food supply is difficult. Seeing that Dengzhou has a thick wall and a high city with hundreds of cannons, how easy is it to capture it?

Only you can judge that half of Shandong's wealth has been accumulated in this strong city, and you won't have to worry about military pay within a few years after you settle here. "

Li Ruolian, who was drunk, clinked his glasses and said: "There is nothing to say, we are good brothers, we will never forget my brother when we go to Dengzhou to make a fortune, and we will return double the food from the 'Red Banner Army'.

How can the fighting power of the mere rebels compare to that of Jiannu, and we will gain countless gains when we go to Dengzhou this time, hahaha..."

Huang Han said: "Remember, Denglai City is really difficult to attack because of its high walls, thick walls and sharp artillery fire, but the rebel army has a fatal shortcoming. There is no food in Dengzhou City.

The Denglai Rebellion has been going on for nearly a year, and the food production has been delayed for a whole year, resulting in a serious food shortage.

Tens of thousands of rebels huddled in Dengzhou, and their food stores would not last for a few days. They would eventually give up Dengzhou because they were too hungry to escape.

As long as you seize the opportunity to launch a fierce attack when the rebels are fleeing, who will be able to tell whether the rebels were beaten away by the two, or starved? "

Fang Zhenghua laughed in a high-pitched voice, which was creepy to hear. He said, "General Ping Liao is too vicious, but he is very angry with our family. Our family likes you, and we hate pious scholar-bureaucrats the most."

Damn!Huang Han had already thought about how to destroy the city, so if he didn't try his best to go to Denglai to participate in the war at this time, he won the great achievement of recovering Dengzhou City, and seized those millions of taels of gold and silver. Wouldn't he be sorry for his ancestors?

The Jin Yiwei and the generals of the Beijing camp who came to drink were excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and they were all drinking heavily. The spirit "General's Triumph" produced by the Huang family was not a joke, and half of them were knocked down on the spot.

They are all warriors. After a few glasses of wine, they feel full of pride. Those who have not fallen down are singing: "True love is like a vast grassland. Layers of wind and rain cannot be blocked. There will always be a time when the clouds bloom and the sun rises..."

The few songs that Huang Han modified after piracy came from popular songs of later generations. Civil officials and scholar-bureaucrats thought they were minor tunes that were not elegant, but warriors loved to sing them without exception.

The common people don't care about elegance, they don't know much about Yangchun Baixue, they are all from Lower Liba, and they always like to come up with a few easy-to-understand lyrics and music pirated by Huang Han.

At this time, Haitang had already brought dozens of Yingying and Yanyan in, and the warriors were even more unrestrained, and after a while, some people were flirting and cursing, guessing how many people are staying in Yichun Courtyard tonight.

Huang Han was also very happy in his heart, he couldn't get the benefits of Dengzhou City, and he didn't take advantage of Guan Ningjun, but let the friendly army and good friends take advantage of it, what a big deal!

With Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian leading their men and horses to fight for success with the artillery of Shenji Camp, Gao Qiqian will definitely fade out of the emperor's sight. After all, Fang and Li are Jane's favorites in the emperor's heart.

I just don't know if Wu Sangui will come to recognize Fang Zhenghua as his godfather again?

After the banquet, back home, the two brothers Sun Heding and Sun Hedou had been waiting for a long time. They came to present generous gifts to thank the uncle for saving his father, and also asked the uncle to take care of his father who was going to Ningyuan to serve as an army, because they knew that his father needed to perform meritorious service. In order to truly avoid death.

Isn't it just a matter of saying a word to the general in the army?

Huang Han is now a rich man, how could he covet the tens of thousands of taels that Sun's family had cobbled together, but Huang Han didn't help in vain, and directly ordered Sun Hedou to go back to Songjiang Mansion to handle errands.

Sun Hedou's task was to go to Songjiang Prefecture to purchase the latest looms, and recruit more than a dozen senior weavers and master craftsmen who repaired looms to work in Tiger Cave City.

These things are too simple, the Sun family has a weaving factory, their own looms are the most advanced, and the master is also ready-made.

(End of this chapter)

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