Chapter 440
It's not surprising that the family property of a feudal official like Governor Denglai would be so small?How could his family's looms and craftsmen lag behind other families!
If Sun Yuanhua is convicted, he may not suffer the tragedy of being overthrown by the crowd, because he is organized.

Jiangnan is the old nest of the Donglin party members, and the family members of the party member Sun Yuanhua cannot be bullied. Besides, Sun Yuanhua's mentor Xu Guangqi is still the elder of the court!

Huang Han wanted new machines if he didn't want money, and the Sun family was willing to give them advanced technology. Besides, Tiger Cave City was thousands of miles away in the north, and it couldn't compete with Songjiang Mansion when it started producing cloth.

The weaving technology of the Ming Dynasty leads the world, and the looms are also the most advanced.

Huang Han bought some samples and used master craftsmen to study them, replaced the vulnerable parts with steel, and used springs to control the shuttle, which would immediately innovate the technology of the loom and directly improve production efficiency.

Then the golden finger was used to make the spinning jenny come out more than a century earlier, and the cost of cloth will plummet in the future, and the cheaper cloth will greatly reduce the naked Han people.

Inexpensive and high-quality cloth will also become a competitive product for export, crushing the country's textile industry and earning a lot of profits.

There is only one ripe crop per mu in the north, and there is too much slack time for farming. It is necessary to increase opportunities for ordinary people in the system to get paid for their labor and increase their income.

The weaving factory is a labor-intensive industry that employs a lot of workers, and can also use a large number of female laborers. However, in the late Ming Dynasty, too many people did not cover their clothes and could not keep out the cold in winter, so the demand for cotton cloth was huge.

Moreover, the Huang family is building sailboats on a large scale. The traditional Chinese hard sails that use bamboo and straw mats as raw materials are gradually being replaced by Western soft sails. The demand for high-quality canvas is increasing day by day.

Huang Han couldn't bear imported canvas being stuck in the neck by Xiyi, so Huang wanted to transform the loom to produce canvas.

In the future, the anti-corrosion and waterproof canvas produced by the Han people's unique technology of smearing tung oil will become a foreign trade product to hit the Xiyi market.

After staying in the capital for three days, although the emperor did not issue a decree or send an oral order to remind him, the more conscious Huang Han went to the Forbidden City to ask the emperor again to bid farewell and return to Ningyuan.

When Chongzhen learned of Huang Han's purpose of seeking an audience, he immediately passed it on.

The Everbright City project is relatively large, and he is envious and jealous. Huang Han thinks that he can't monopolize the profits. Instead of cooperating with other important ministers and nobles, it is better to directly take advantage of Chongzhen.

Huang Han took the initiative to play the role of the emperor. He started a profitable business in the outer city, and asked the emperor to write a plaque for this project. This plaque is of course the first archway to enter the business district of the city that never sleeps.

The emperor bought shares with inscriptions, and he will distribute a bonus of 3 taels of silver every year in the future.

Huang Han took in thousands of refugees to work in the outer city, which better alleviated the thorny problem of refugees gathering in the outskirts of the capital.

Of course the emperor was well aware of such a big movement, he once issued an order to encourage dignitaries to take in long-term followers outside the city at this time, and encourage everyone to hire more workers.

Huang Han asked Chongzhen to write an inscription on this place called the city that never sleeps. The emperor did not intend to refuse at all. He also hoped to set a model for more people to follow. If there were a few more projects of this scale, the problem of refugees in the suburbs of Beijing would be solved.

Unexpectedly, Huang Han didn't let the emperor help in vain. He was generous and planned to send 3 taels of silver into the house every year.

People are poor and short-sighted, and Chongzhen, who was going to inscribe Huang Han, had the expectation of 3 taels of silver per year to write more powerfully. The three big characters of the city that never sleeps are written with full force.

Zheng Guochang didn't understand business, and he was a little worried when he saw his son-in-law invested several 10 taels of silver in the capital. Who knew that the Everbright City project had become a joint venture with the emperor, and the emperor even wrote the plaque himself.

Now the father-in-law is not worried anymore, he is watching the emperor's calligraphy with a smile and expresses his opinion that once the Nightless City opens, he will definitely invite friends to join him, not only to support the son-in-law, but also to support the emperor.

On the second day after Huang Han left the capital, there was a secret report from Gao Qi in Denglai. On the seventh day of July, Governor Liu Yulie fell into the trick of the rebels pretending to accept Zhaoan, which directly led to the trapping and killing of Zhu Wannian, the prefect of Laizhou, and Xie Lian, the governor of Denglai. Grasp.

Fortunately, when Zhu Wannian discovered that the rebels were swindling their surrender, he put his own life and death at risk, and shouted at the defenders in Laizhou City to fire on the rebels, which aborted the rebels' plot to seize the city.

Due to the fierce artillery fire of the rebels, the Ming army suffered heavy casualties. Fortunately, the iron cavalry of the Ning army braved the artillery fire of the rebels to save Laizhou.

The emperor was furious after receiving Gao Qiqian's secret report, and sent Tiqi to Denglai to arrest the incompetent Liu Yulie. Conscripted into the army and dispatched, Xiong Ming, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, was sentenced to dismiss him as an inspector.

Really Xuan, fortunately Huang Han made an early move, if Sun Yuanhua came to the capital a few days late, his head would really be beheaded.

Just when the court was panicking, two people made a high-profile request to take troops to Denglai to quell the rebellion. These two were the emperor's favorite retainers, inner ministers Li Ruolian and Fang Zhenghua.

"The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the toughness knows the honest ministers." Chongzhen couldn't help but think of Tang Taizong's poems. Over the years, the emperor was really heartbroken by being deceived by many ministers. Now he feels that the ministers are caring and heart-warming.

Nothing to say.Ready to play!The emperor not only entrusted them with important tasks, but also entrusted Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian to lead the Shenji Battalion, and bestowed them with python robes and jade belts, and Fang Zhenghua's Shangfang sword.

Not only were there a large number of artillery from the Shenji Battalion to assist in the battle, but they also did not expect to get Shang Fang's sword. Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian were more confident in their next actions.

At the end of July, the Warriors' Battalion, Siwei Battalion, Shenji Battalion, and Jinyiwei's total of 3000 troops were insufficient for the expedition. Due to the proper publicity of the Jinyiwei, tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians from the capital came to see them off.

Halls and halls came to make fun of it one after another, and finally the streets were full of heroic military songs like "Where you are leaning on the railing..." .

Of course, the dispatched troops from the capital camp and Jinyiwei will shake their feet in the capital, and more than [-] people will sing the triumphant song "When all people are united, the mountains can be shaken. Only loyalty and righteousness, and a bullfight. The lord will kiss me, better than my parents. ..."

Emperor Chongzhen, who personally inspected and saw off, finally saw the different Beijing camp, and he was full of pride. He hoped that this army would win the flag and make great achievements in battle, because these troops were one of the few troops that could make him do what he wanted. .

Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian led the soldiers without procrastination, and the official road from the capital to Shandong was in good condition, so even if there were eight [-]-jin Hongyi cannons pulled by a few bullocks in the Shenji Camp, the army would be able to fight in one day. Advance thirty or fifty miles.

(End of this chapter)

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