Chapter 441 Autumn Offensive
These [-] people have a high degree of firearms. Sixty percent of the troops in the Warrior Battalion and the Four Guards Battalion use matchlock guns. That is to say, the "Red Banner Army" has been eliminated to equip the guard army's bird guns, and one thousand of them are produced by the Huang family. .

Of course, Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian knew that the armor and weapons of the "Red Banner Army" were trustworthy. Most of the existing armor of the soldiers in the Beijing camp looked glamorous, but in fact they were all fake, and their defense was not worth mentioning.

Therefore, they all bought part of the "Red Banner Army" standard armor, but their silver is too little, and the armor and weapons of the "Red Banner Army" are too expensive, so they can only guarantee that [-] to [-]% of the subordinates with outstanding combat skills will have armor similar to the "Red Flag Army". Army" equipment.

Around the Mid-Autumn Festival is also a busy time for farming. Although this year suffered from drought, due to the function of irrigation canals and irrigation wells, the harvest has reached the mid-to-low level.

On average, one mu of wheat field can produce more than nine buckets of wheat, and when the year is good, the average yield per mu can reach two buckets of one stone.

During the emergency of seedling protection, all the war horses and draft horses in the army participated in drought resistance and seedling protection. Even the full-time regular soldiers had a small half of their horses participating for half a month. Everyone in the factory except the skilled workers participated in the field labor.

No one does not understand, everyone has experienced the taste of hunger, everyone knows the importance of food, and knows how many people will starve if there is no harvest, and everyone spares no effort when they have the ability to keep the crops.

Relatively speaking, the drought in the Liaoxi Corridor outside Shanhaiguan is much smaller, because the rivers flowing eastward to the sea there are abundant in water and have a drop in height. Water trucks can be used to lift water to irrigate farmland, saving a lot of manpower and animal power.

The harvest season is full of joy, and every household of the Weisuo Army in the Liaoxi Corridor has a dozen or twenty shi of wheat to sell, and it is not a problem to have a surplus of more than a dozen shi.

This year, the grain purchase price of the "Red Banner Army" has come down, and each stone of wheat is paid eight qian, which means that every household can have more than ten taels of silver in their account.

A well-managed family will raise some chickens and ducks, grow some peanuts, melons and fruits, and sell them to the army to earn a lot of money to supplement the family.

There is no doubt that this year will be a prosperous New Year. Too many guards are planning to add a new padded jacket to their children and even themselves. The households with better economic conditions are now considering whether to buy a duck down jacket. It is said that such The winter clothes are light and warm, and look good.

The Little Ice Age was relatively cold, and Huang Han spared no effort to develop the duck industry, which not only increased the variety of the food chain, but also obtained more protein. Another huge benefit was the ability to produce duck down quilts and duck down jackets.

The households raising ducks this year have all made good profits, and next year, the number of ducks in stock will more than double?Having a large number of chickens, ducks and geese eating insects in the fields, groves, and wasteland can also better reduce the possibility of locust outbreaks.

It is expected that mandarin duck battle jackets filled with duck down as winter clothing will be guaranteed to be distributed to every soldier next year. By then, the "Red Banner Army"'s ability to keep warm when it goes deep into the north in winter will be strengthened, because the loss of personnel due to frostbite will be greatly reduced.

No longer worrying about development funds, the owner Huang Han has a sense of crisis and has never valued money. If he has 1 taels, he must find a way to mobilize other capital to spend 5000 taels.

This is not self-talk. Nowadays, more and more families come to Huxue City to do business. The Gao family has invested no less than 10 taels of silver.

With the money-making effect, new merchants came in droves, the increasingly prosperous Tiger Cave City was well funded, and the industrial upgrading of the "Red Banner Army" system was in progress.

The Huxuecheng Vehicle Factory carried out the wheel revolution, but unfortunately there is no rubber, and the pneumatic tires of later generations cannot be produced, but the tinned iron wheels made of steel are covered with cowhide, hemp, cork and other fillers, and the elasticity effect is not as good as that of rubber tires. But put an end to the hidden danger of being pinched and leaking.

The first batch of new steel wheels was of course equipped with the army. After the wooden wheelbarrow was replaced with steel wheels, it received rave reviews. The soldiers reported that it was much easier to push the cart, and the load capacity was also increased by [-]%.

Due to the current road conditions, the unicycle with light weight, low cost and high practical value is still the first choice of the army.

The four-wheeled carriages already in production can only adapt to smooth roads, and only on such roads can they show the advantages of fast speed and large cargo capacity. If they go on rough mountain roads, their efficiency is not as good as that of a unicycle.

Due to the particularity of the unicycle, it has a prominent position in the "Red Banner Army". All auxiliary soldiers and main soldiers can push unicycles and perform maintenance.

In order to improve the soldiers' enthusiasm for learning to push and repair cars, the publicity team and the town governor jointly held a competition in the army. There were more than a dozen events, including pushing a unicycle cross-country for five miles, ten miles, twenty miles, and forty miles. , eighty miles.

There is also a competition to discover and successfully eliminate the hidden dangers of unicycles in the shortest time, who can change the wheels of ten unicycles in the fastest speed, who can disassemble and assemble ten unicycles in the fastest speed, etc.

Soldiers who have won the championship honor get the most benefits, and their military rank can be promoted three levels in a row, which means that a laborer can directly pass the two levels of guards and apprentices to become a regular soldier.An ordinary soldier won the championship and directly passed the private and private to become a sergeant.

The top ten winners will also be rewarded with a military rank promotion of one or two ranks.

In the "Red Banner Army", the military rank is directly linked to the income, not only an honor, but also real treatment.

The victory of the Battle of Huaihai in later generations was pushed by the people in front of the support with a wheelbarrow. The road conditions at this time were not as good as during the War of Liberation.

But the quality of the unicycle is even better than that time. During the War of Liberation, the Han people were so poor that many people had no pants to wear, and the unicycle still remained at the level of wooden wheels hundreds of years ago.

The root cause of China’s backwardness is that this great country was colonized by the barbaric and ignorant Manchu Qing for more than two hundred years. The common people of the Han people used sweet potatoes as their staple food, and lack of nutrition resulted in a sharp decline in intelligence, average height, and average life expectancy.

Before Huang Han crossed over, he ate steel. When he came to Daming, he naturally spared no effort to increase the temperature of the steelmaking furnace, so that the quality of steel broke through the bottleneck caused by insufficient furnace temperature not reaching full liquid state.

After the wheel revolution, a large number of unicycles have used steel wheels and solid tires filled with cowhide, hemp, cork, etc. to make the unicycle more portable and durable.

In the future, the infantry of the "Red Banner Army" can go deep into the grassland to fight in the field. This army has already surpassed the [-] powerful troops led by the Han general Li Ling who reached the standard of rangers.

One infantry soldier owns a wheelbarrow and carries five hundred catties.

The scouts have binoculars to observe the enemy's situation and find that the unicycles can quickly form a formation when the enemy cavalry raids. Even if the unicycle formation is not very strong, the light cavalry will suffer huge casualties when they drive their horses.

Besides, it takes a lot of courage to hit the shining gun tip, and the impact effect depends on the speed of the horse. The musketeers lined up behind the wheelbarrow are not here to watch the excitement, and the volley of guns will make the enemy cry.

The "Red Banner Army" took the initiative to enter the prairie to launch an offensive this autumn. The Fran machine guns accompanying the army's artillery team took the lead in communicating with the ethnic groups on horseback. good education.

(End of this chapter)

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