Chapter 442 Request to attack
It was early August when Huang Han returned to Tiger Cave City, and the vigorous autumn harvest began within a few days.

Food is too important, and ensuring that the grains are returned to the warehouse is the theme of this period. The military, civilians, and workers worked together, and it took more than half a month to come to an end.

Now the "Red Banner Army" can be said to have a strong army and sufficient money and food. Huang Han began to think about getting some cattle and sheep for the welfare of the Chinese New Year. After a small year of pulling nets on the east side of the Yanshan Mountains, the Tartars have already given up within a hundred miles west of the Liaoxi Corridor. scope.

But only these Huang Han think it is far from enough, how can others sleep soundly on the side of the couch?
It's time to launch a fierce offensive to completely control the area [-] miles west of the section from Ningyuan to Shanhaiguan in the West Liaoning Corridor. Tartars are not allowed here. If there are any Tartars, they can only be dead Tartars or surrendered to the Huang Han, grazing for the "Red Banner Army" A herdsman of a different nationality who raises cattle, sheep and horses.

Tartars are not good birds. Taiji from Chahar and Tumet even sent troops to blackmail Daming in spring. In autumn, General Pingliao decided to push a cannon cart to have a good chat with them and teach these barbarians etiquette.

Huang Yizhou, the commander-in-chief of Ningyuan, and Huang Han, the commander-in-chief of Jizhen, Pingliao, jointly sent a memorial to Tianting.

The content is roughly like this: Gaotaibao was attacked by Tartars from an unknown tribe, more than a thousand stones of the wheat just harvested were taken away, more than [-] guards were killed and injured, more than [-] people were plundered, and large livestock were robbed Walk dozens of heads.

The Tartars bullying too much is tolerable and intolerable. The two generals decided to jointly send troops to the prairie to retaliate against the Tartars and recapture the captive population and livestock. They planned to send [-] troops, and now they are ready to go. , implore the Holy Son of Heaven for approval.

Huang Han also clarified that the vast majority of the 5000 troops were recruits, and that the purpose of choosing the Tartars who were weaker than Jiannu to fight this time was to let the recruits gain experience and let them all see their blood.

The emperor saw the memorial and thought about it, thinking that the two commanders-in-chief Huang Yizhou and his son were brave, and thought it would be best to let the recruits go to the prairie to fight against the Tartars who were not strong enough to achieve the effect of military training.

The Ministry of War received the letter of invitation for war, and several senior officials were a little excited. It had been a long time since a frontier general took the initiative to ask for a war. The Huang family and his son actually launched a large-scale battle with 5000 troops, which is really satisfying.

At the court meeting, during the court meeting, the emperor openly questioned the ministers, and suddenly there were different opinions.

But no one thinks that Huang Han and Huang Yizhou, the two commander-in-chiefs, provoked the border affairs without authorization, because the Tartars are the old enemy of Ming Dynasty, and they have repeatedly invaded and plundered in recent years.

Huduntu is naive and rebellious. He is Lin Danhan who was beaten by Jiannu in history and lost his wife. The later golden master Hongjie divided up Lin Danhan's many blessings with several Baylors. Most of his people became Mongolia Eight Banners.

In name, this kid united with Ming Dynasty to fight against Jiannu, but in essence he moved westward to avoid fighting with the later Jin army. Over the years, he has been asking for benefits from Daming, who is already overwhelmed by himself, and often acquiesced in the cavalry under his command to invade and plunder.

Therefore, Huang Han's fabricated report that Gaotaibao was attacked by the Tatars and suffered a lot of damage was believed by the court ministers.

Under normal circumstances, when losses occur in the territory, civilian officials and military generals can conceal them as much as possible and do not report them as much as possible. How can there be a new thing that the whole world is clamoring that the jurisdiction is attacked by the enemy and the loss is not small.

To judge others by themselves, the civil servants and generals of the imperial court are guessing in their hearts. The reason why Huang Yizhou and his son are impatient is that the actual loss may be ten times or dozens of times.

No one thought that it was because Huang Han didn't want to let the soldiers slack off. Every year he launched a war to give everyone a chance to go to the battlefield, and it was also to go to the prairie to grab the readily available cattle and sheep to give benefits to the soldiers and civilians for the New Year.

It is a good thing that General Bianguan actively requests to launch an attack!The military preparations are well-prepared and strategic, and the memorials are clearly written. If you are fully prepared for this battle, you will surely have a good chance of winning.

Liaodong Economic Strategy Gaodi has already given the approval. He will spare no effort to support the "Red Banner Army" in the westward expedition to Mongolia to recapture the robbed population, and ask the Ministry of War for approval to launch the autumn offensive.

Originally, the frontier army of the Ming Dynasty would go out to burn wasteland in autumn, and drive the Tatars to migrate north along with it.

The emperor was happy and worried at the same time when he finally saw the memorial that he took the initiative to ask for the battle and did not ask the court to send more troops and food.

With the main force of the "Red Banner Army" going west, will there be any omissions in the Ningjin defense line?He asked Ji Qunchen, saying:
"My dear friends, it is really abominable for the Tartars to attack Gaotaibao and kill our soldiers and civilians. The two commanders of Huang Yizhou, father and son, joined forces to kill the grassland and fight tooth for tooth. It will be a good story! I just don't know if the Ningjin defense line and the Jinzhou defense line are stable?"

The father-in-law, Zheng Guochang, has already received Huang Han's letter. He knows that the strength of his son-in-law today is not the same as that of two years ago. It is easy to break into the prairie of the Tartars and destroy several tribes, but it is difficult to find the Tartars. That's all.

The son-in-law said frankly that Ningyuan's defense line was solid, and Jiannu didn't dare to come. If there was no attack from the Guanning army along the way, Gaodi would immediately write to heaven to impeach Zu Dashou for being passive and lazy, and deliberately let Jiannu pass through the defense zone.

The defense line of Jinzhou was even better, and the failure there was only because the "Red Banner Army" suffered heavy losses, and the imperial court was completely indifferent.

The emperor asked, and Zheng Guochang, who was specially notified to go to court, was immediately watched by many civil servants and generals.The father-in-law should know more about the affairs of the son-in-law's family than other courtiers. Everyone wants to hear Zheng Guochang's opinion.

"Your Majesty, the old minister dares to be the guarantor. The old minister believes that the 'Red Banner Army' will be able to kill the generals and capture the flag to make meritorious deeds." Sure enough, Zheng Guochang opened his mouth and said that his son-in-law can fight and win.

He went on to say: "If Jiannu took the opportunity to attack Ningyuan, it would be harmless. It should have just given the Guan Ning army the opportunity to attack Jiannu with fortifications to make great achievements. As for the Jinzhou defense line, it is not the focus, and it is useless for Jiannu to seize Jinzhou. .”

yes!Attacking Ningyuan had to go through Jinzhou, Songshan, Xingshan, Tashan and a series of fortresses garrisoned by the Guanning Army who spent a huge amount of money to feed the Ming Dynasty. How dare Zu Dashou ignore it?

Sun Yuanhua was finally spared by the emperor. Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant, already regarded Huang Han as someone he could fight for, so of course he would speak for Zheng Guochang when he came out of duty.

Zhou Yanru said: "Father and son of the Huang family are good at leading troops. The year before last, Huang Han, who was just a mere guerrilla general, had only two or three thousand troops and was able to enter the prairie, defeating the Tartars thousands of miles away.

Generals Pingliao and Ningyuan, who are currently appointed commander-in-chief, jointly dispatched 5000 troops. I think that no single group of Tartars can stand in the way of the troops.Your Majesty can rest assured that Huang Han and his son will launch an attack. As for the direction of attack, the Lord General can decide on the fly. "

(End of this chapter)

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