Chapter 443
Wen Tiren is on the rise, Jane is in the heart of the emperor, and the countdown to replace Zhou Yanru as the chief assistant has entered.

He thought he already had a tacit understanding with Huang Han, so of course he would follow the trend at this time, he said:
"Your Majesty, it is abominable for the Tartars to repeatedly violate the border. I should be disrespected in the morning. I respectfully ask Your Majesty to send an order to General Ping Liao to attack immediately!"

Several elders also expressed their opinions one after another. Everyone supported the initiative to attack the Tartars.

Just now, Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian took the initiative to ask for a war to relieve the country's worries, and then there were two frontier commanders who wanted to lead their troops into the prairie to show off for the Ming Dynasty. The emperor was of course happy.

This time was quite different from the past. The ministers almost unanimously supported the upcoming Western Expedition of the "Red Banner Army".

Huang Han didn't care much about whether the imperial court would gossip. Whether there was an imperial edict or not, the "Red Banner Army" needed this autumn offensive for actual combat training.

Exercises also require cost, so why not do it if the Tartars who fight in a mess will also achieve the effect of military training?What's more, if you get the beheading, you will be rewarded with silver, and you will get the opportunity to be promoted.

Even if the imperial court often cheated and failed to cash in the beheading silver due to the financial crisis, after bargaining, the reward of 15% off the head of an adult Tartar could not be less than [-] taels of silver.

Once you enter the grassland, you will get a number of war horses. The reason why the "Red Banner Army" has no shortage of war horses is largely because the Karaqin Qingcheng was destroyed the year before and they got tens of thousands of large animals.

Although the imperial decree has not been received, launching an attack has been put on the agenda, and the mobilization order for the "Red Banner Army" system has been issued. The soldiers and civilians are all talking about the Western Expedition, and everyone is rushing to sign up.

After the autumn harvest, when the farm is slack, too many strong men are unwilling to go to cement plants and steel plants to find short-term jobs. A chance to fight for the future.

This time, they will lead [-] regular soldiers to fight. Since too many auxiliary soldiers will become full-time soldiers in the second half of the year, the number of military service, guard troops, and student soldiers has dropped sharply. It is of course a good thing that tens of thousands of people have voluntarily signed up for labor selection.

This is enough to show that the hundreds of thousands of ordinary people in the system already have trust and dependence on the "Red Banner Army", and the vast majority of strong laborers are willing to work for this collective.

Denglai was in turmoil, and every month, ordinary people in Shandong had to grit their teeth and bring their families across the sea to Ningyuan and Jinzhou.

The refugees who fled to the capital were also continuously guided by Sifang Express to work in Tiger Cave City.

The population growth momentum of the "Red Banner Army" system is really strong. In July, there was a net increase of more than [-] people, of which [-] men and thousands of laborers.

After the autumn harvest, there will be food, and it is estimated that there will be a surplus of more than 50 shi under the condition that the existing military and civilian food supplies are sufficient.

In addition, it is expected to be able to purchase more than 30 shi of Japanese polished rice in May next year. It is no longer a problem to accept a large number of refugees and war refugees. It is believed that the population in the system will double by the end of next year, exceeding 20 households with a population of 100 million.

Next year, the "Red Banner Army" system will not have the problem of not having enough land to allocate to new households, but if the population increases according to this momentum, this problem will appear in the year after.

Based on the Liaoxi Corridor and looking forward to the eastern foot of Yanshan Mountain, it is imperative to expand the actual control area to the west by three to five hundred miles.

There are also many fertile and beautiful fertile soils in the basins of the mountainous areas that have been reclaimed by the mountain people, but due to the continuous military disasters in the late Ming Dynasty, too many acres of land were abandoned.

Taking this vast area, it was easy to create a million mu of fertile land in the past, but in later generations, the more than [-] square kilometers of mountainous land has been reclaimed to cultivate no less than tens of millions of mu.

It would be easier for Sun Yuanhua to be sent to Shanhaiguan, at least he would not have to carry the shackles, and he would be like a free man when he came to Ningyuan.

He really wanted to come and participate in the deployment of Ningyuan's anti-fire artillery. Who knows that when he climbed to the top of the city, he saw that this place is no longer what it used to be. The total number of artillery fire has doubled. There are 36 24-pounder guns and eight [-]-pounder guns. Even Sun Yuanhua has no casting experience.

These cannons are all new guys, so how can they be repaired by him?

There were two people who were both excited and anxious after seeing Sun Yuanhua. They were Fulang Yalanda and Fang Sigu, two of the four Xiyi artillery instructors borrowed by Huang Han. The two are stationed in Golden State.

Both Fulang Yalanda and Fang Sigu knew that Dengzhou had been captured by the rebels, and they were all concerned about whether their companions were still alive.

Seeing these two Portuguese mercenaries, Sun Yuanhua was ashamed. He really felt ashamed of these people. In the defense of Dengzhou, the Ming army was basically defeated with one blow, but the Portuguese mercenaries fought fiercely with the rebels with all their dedication. More than half the casualties.

Fulang Yalanda already had psychological expectations, but now that half of his compatriots were killed and injured, and half of them were captured by the rebels, he crossed himself in the sky and sighed:
"My God! There are so many defenders and so many artillery in Dengzhou, and the city is still so strong. Even if the rebels come ten times stronger, they will not be able to defeat them. Mr. Sun, are you all pigs?"

Fang Sigu sighed: "No wonder General Huang often said that it is difficult to catch [-] pigs, and it is much easier to catch [-] demoralized soldiers than to catch pigs. Mr. Sun, you are not suitable to be a general, you can only do it." Do scientific research."

Sun Yuanhua was already ashamed, but now he was humiliated face-to-face by two Xiyi who didn't know the etiquette of the Han people. .

At this moment, a voice sounded coldly: "Is death really a one-and-done thing? Fulang Yalanda and Fang Sigu's words are ugly, but are they wrong? Dengzhou City fell, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians died, the emperor wants to kill There is nothing wrong with you."

It was Liu Zaiqi who spoke, and he was given the task of persuading Sun Yuanhua to forget his status as a scholar-bureaucrat and start as a grassroots artillery commander in a down-to-earth manner.

Sun Yuanhua's face was ashen, he sighed and said: "I didn't shirk my responsibility in the first place, I admit to being stabbed at the entrance of the vegetable market, there is really no need for your general to bother to save me."

Liu Zaiqi asked back: "Did you find that Ningyuan City's defenses are impeccable, you can't help at all and feel that you are useless?"

Sun Yuanhua was full of bitterness, and he said angrily: "The artillery of the 'Red Banner Army' has surpassed my level. I don't know why your general still asked me to come here. Is it to humiliate me?"

"My general wanted to prevent you from dying in Caishikou, and he didn't want to see you committing suicide in Ningyuan. He wanted you to die on the battlefield against Jiannu and Tartars.

In a few days, the "Red Banner Army" will take the initiative to send troops into the grasslands to kill the Tartars. If they want to kill the Tartars, they will change their color. Bring a flag artillery into battle. "

(End of this chapter)

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