Chapter 444
Knowing that the "Red Banner Army" was about to march, Sun Yuanhua's eyes brightened, and he was all dead. Why not die in battle instead of being escorted to Caishikou to ask for execution?
He said: "It is my wish to die on the battlefield. I am willing to lead a general banner artillery to the battlefield. However, the mobility of entering the grassland is very important. Is it possible for the artillery to participate in the killing of the Tartar cavalry?"

This question hits the nail on the head. There are slaves and cities that need to be guarded. Tartars on the prairie run all over the world.

Liu Zaiqi introduced: "Your general flag has five one-pounder Francois machine guns, and its mobility can keep pace with infantry. I suggest that you immediately carry out adaptive training. Don't let the 56 people under your command not hold back. Only You commander can't keep up with the team."

Unbelievable, what kind of artillery team can maintain the same mobility as the infantry, Sun Yuanhua was attracted, and especially wanted to see what the five artillery pieces under his command looked like.

At this time, a man in bright armor strode up to Sun Yuanhua and saluted with one hand: "Report to Sun Zongqi, the artillery officer Cheng Luyong who wiped the banner will report for duty, and 56 people below the rank and file are fully staffed and wait for Sun Zongqi to take over. "

Cheng Lunyong looked excited, he knew Sun Yuanhua, but Sun Yuanhua didn't know him, Cheng Lunyong was a small soldier in the artillery of the Ming Army, and Sun Yuanhua was a civil servant of the Ministry of War, the head of the Department of Officials, and he was sent by the Ministry of War to deploy fire artillery on the Ningjin defense line official.

Unexpectedly, after he surrendered and became a slave, he was accepted by the "Red Banner Army" because he got a chance to fight back in Jinzhou. Because of his military merits and skills, he became a small banner officer of the artillery and commanded a Franc machine one-pound cannon.

This time, he was appointed as the General Banner Officer of Cong Qipin to assist Sun Yuanhua in managing the five Frangji small cannons.

The Chief Banner Officer is actually Lord Sun Yuanhua who used to be the governor of Denglai. Cheng Luyong knew that Sun Yuanhua was an artillery expert in Ming Dynasty, possessing authority and unattainable. It's just unbelievable.

At this time, his mind was full of a sentence that Huang Han, the head of the family, often blurted out when he was attending the study: "There is no such thing as a general, and a man should strive for self-improvement."

Cheng Luyong had already decided in his heart to take advantage of this great opportunity to serve Sun Yuanhua well, to do his best to learn culture and technology from him, and strive to become a general in the future.

Sun Yuanhua learned that he would go to the battlefield within a few days and didn't want to die. He followed Liu Zaiqi and Cheng Luyong to see the 56 men and five Francine one-pounders under his command.

"Salute!" Fifty artillery soldiers, led by five small banner officers, stood upright and stared at the newly appointed chief banner officer with piercing eyes.

Liu Zaiqi explained Sun Yuanhua's identity to the artillery soldiers a long time ago, and asked everyone to respect and care for this scholar-bureaucrat. After all, he is over 50 years old and his physical strength cannot keep up with a vigorous young man.

The "Red Banner Army" has a lot of horses. Infantry, artillery, engineers, etc. are all equipped with horses at the level of the small banner officer, and the horse level of the chief banner officer is even higher. As long as Sun Yuanhua is determined, his physical strength will not affect him. flag officer.

Because he has actually been taken care of, the overall combat effectiveness ranking of the artillery of the general banner has always been leading.

Without him as the general banner officer, Cheng Luyong could command the general banner just as well, and there are also the small banner officers of the first and second small banners who also serve as positive and negative town governors to guide the soldiers to practice literature and martial arts, and to correct their thinking.

There are only seven or eight artillerymen of the Sun Yuanhua General Banner who are 30-[-]-year-old artillerymen of the original Ming army. The others are all teenagers of fifteen or sixteen years old. Everyone is looking forward to the artillery expert as their chief banner officer.

Sun Yuanhua felt unreal when he saw his energetic subordinates and the jet-black Fran cannon.

Originally, he thought that he would take care of it himself. The Denglei artillerymen trained by Instructor Franji were already second to none. After seeing the artillerymen of the general banner, he finally understood that there is a sky beyond the sky.

He always felt that these young people had the aura of being the best!There is even a feeling of being unclear.

Sun Yuanhua had once commanded thousands of troops and could not be stage fright, nor did he think that being appointed as a small artillery general banner officer to participate in the upcoming battle was an insult to him.

For the next half month, he really followed the artillery general to conduct training. When climbing mountains and wading, he spent most of his time walking with his horses. When he camped at night, he would teach the young artillerymen under his command the principles of geometry for half an hour.

Huang Han planned to use this autumn offensive to push the actual control area of ​​the "Red Banner Army" beyond Yanshan Mountain. It was unrealistic to kill all the Tartars within tens of thousands of square kilometers, but they would have to flee north and west for at least five hundred miles.

The small tribes that choose to surrender can stay alive, and will be protected and managed by the "Red Banner Army" from now on. At that time, they will be sold salt, tea and grain at a fair price, and their cattle, sheep and horses will be purchased, and some young adults will also be recruited. Join the Cold Weapon Cavalry.

Huang Hanlai's level of management of grassland nationalities is not at the same level as Houjin, and what else can the backward Jiannu give to Tartar women?
The Mongols who took refuge in the "Red Banner Army" system will be compiled into a household registration record file, and in the event of extremely cold weather, they can get food and feed to ensure that their livestock can survive the winter safely.

Mongolian families with young and middle-aged men who joined the "Red Banner Army" and became cavalry soldiers enjoyed military treatment. They would become small-level leaders in charge of [-] or [-] households, just like Han Baochang.

The Tartars, who believe that if you have milk, you are your mother, see that people who take refuge in the "Red Banner Army" can get a lot of benefits, and their lives are getting better and better, so they will definitely follow suit.

For the country to maintain long-term stability, it is especially important to beat the nomads in the north to the point of discoloration. Since the Tartars in the Yanshan area are relatively scattered and relatively weak, the [-] soldiers prepared by Huang Han to attack were divided into five battalions and marched together.

The first battalion of the Western Expedition team formed has about 3000 people and horses. It has two cavalry with a total of 760 cavalry, and two cavalry with a total of six hundred cavalry. Half of the cavalry are firearms and light cavalry. .

Among the four infantry generals, one is a sword and shield hand and a pikeman who uses cold weapons, and three are musketeer generals. At the very least, everyone has a self-produced blunderbuss.

The Western Expeditionary Battalion also has an artillery commander, an engineer commander, and a medical soldier commander.

Each battalion has a thousand generals who accompany the army. They are managed according to the standards of the guard army.

(End of this chapter)

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