Chapter 445
Most of the conscripts have just been recruited, and they are only trained to stab with ash pole spears.

But the labor corporal and the small banner officer are both guards who are not qualified to become regulars. They both have matchlock guns, or bird guns.

Because there is no need to attack fortifications on the prairie, the artillerymen always carry light one-pounder guns, and each commander has six general flags and thirty Francier cannons.

On the eighth day of September, the imperial decree was issued, and the "Red Banner Army" marched westward.

The fifth battalion of troops plus more than [-] military servicemen rushed to the hinterland of Yanshan aggressively. The first goal of the battalion led by Huang Han and the first battalion commanded by Hanzi was the left wing of Karaqin, which is about [-] miles away from Ningyuan. .

The road conditions at this time are incomparable to those of later generations, and the technical strength of road construction is even more incomparable. Later generations can basically approach the straight-line distance when building roads and opening tunnels through mountains.

At this time, there is no possibility of building a tunnel. Walking on the winding mountain path in a day may not be able to cover the road with a distance of seven or eight miles in a straight line.

Although the altitude of the Yanshan Mountains is not too high, it is not so easy to march completely on two legs, and advancing thirty to fifty miles a day is already the limit.

After marching for five days, Huang Han and his troops did not encounter the Tazi tribe, and only on the sixth day did they start to discover the yurts.

The two general cavalry who went out to investigate were knights with cold weapons and light cavalry with hot weapons.

When they found small tribal settlements, they used the cavalry to outflank and the infantry to advance forward to defeat the enemy. The Tartar light cavalry, who didn't even have leather armor, were basically defeated at the first touch.

After the attack advanced for five days, basically no gold and silver were seized, but a lot of Mongolian packages were dismantled. The Han people rescued hundreds, captured hundreds of prisoners, obtained thousands of cattle, sheep and horses, and obtained a lot of cowhide, wool and cart.

In the second year of Chongzhen, Zilama Subudi and his uncle Jilama Selen, two Dataiji from the left wing of Karaqin, led the tribe to seek refuge in Hongdai and were welcomed.

They were given titles equivalent to Gu Shan'erzhen by the slave chieftains. These two men now have a population of no less than [-], and the population may exceed [-] including slaves.

Because the neighbors who were relatively strong in the previous year, Daiqing and Taiji Zhuoerbi, the capitals of Burga, were attacked by Huang Han and lost the only big city with a radius of hundreds of miles-Qingcheng collapsed.

In the past two years, the left-wing Subudi and Selen's uncle and nephew have jointly conquered and integrated many small tribes, and their overall strength has surpassed the formerly invincible Bulgadu and Zorbi, and they are the uncrowned kings of this area.

At this time, Houjin’s rule over the Mongols was loose. Tartars and Jiannu were gangsters who robbed together. The Mongolian tribes, big and small, who usually took refuge in Houjin paid tribute once every two or three years.

It is not necessarily Taiji who rushed to Shengjing in person. They could send their sons or younger brothers to drive cattle, sheep and horses to pay tribute in exchange for rewards and canonization.

It was mid-September at this time, and the first snow had already fallen on the prairie. Subudi and Selen brought their direct tribes to the traditional settlements for the winter, and more tribes would come one after another before the end of October.

Although there is no city structure like Qingcheng, there are many permanent buildings like temples.

Nomads can get together except in winter, and other times are avoided, because sheep need pastures, and only winter is to eat stored forage.

There are many benefits to living together in winter. The big leader can call the small leaders of various tribes to get together to gain a sense of presence. The tribes can communicate with each other. The tribes that need help can also feel the benefits of the collective. When it is abnormally cold, the tribes can also hold together Heating together to resist disasters.

There is also a huge benefit. With more concentrated tribes, there will naturally be more population and fighters, which can better resist foreign enemies.

Subudi and Selen, uncle and nephew, are drinking spirits brought in by Han merchants in a luxurious yurt. Sorry, all of these wines are from the "Drunk Immortal" series produced by Huang's Liquor Industry. The raw materials are potatoes and sweet potatoes. Great stamina.

Drinking spirits is very popular in the prairie now. Huang’s baijiu is a best-seller because of its good taste, strong alcohol, fair price, and high cost-effectiveness. Even the glass bottles and wine jars that contain wine have become the favorite of Mongolians. One of the favorites.

Through Sifang Express, Shanxi merchants were able to obtain a large amount of liquor from Huang's Liquor Industry, and it was even more profitable to exchange these liquors for horses, cattle and sheep.

The bitter cold of the prairie is really easy to cause people living here to drink too much, because the winter is too long and too cold. How comfortable is it to drink a big drink to make yourself dizzy and sleep well after a warm sleep?
"What? The Ming army launched a massive attack? All the troops were flying the red flag?" Hearing the scout's report, Subudi, who was about to drink himself up, turned pale with shock.

The scout affirmed: "My lord, that is indeed the case. The young ones not only saw the Ming army team with their own eyes, but also met many tribesmen who had their yurts taken away."

When he couldn't drink anymore, Subudi stood up and walked back and forth restlessly in the huge yurt. His clan uncle Selen asked suspiciously: "This place is five or six hundred miles away from Ningyuan, and there are more than a dozen mountains separated." 'Will it kill here?"

Originally, the straight-line distance from Ningyuan to the traditional wintering area on the left wing of Harqin was only about [-] miles, but due to the continuous ups and downs of Yanshan Mountain, the distance was more than doubled.

Selen believes that the five or six hundred miles is still a path that the Mongolian light cavalry can pass. If it is the traditional Ming army's chariot march, it may take a thousand miles. The speed of the "Red Banner Army" frightened the uncles and nephews.

The scout said: "My lord, we have to be on guard. The Ming army has already appeared in the south of Beizi Mountain, and it is less than fifty miles away from us by bypassing Beizi Mountain."

Just before Subudi and Selen's uncle and nephew could react, another scout entered the yurt and reported loudly: "My lord, I found a Ming army appearing at the eastern foot of Longfeng Mountain. I don't know if the Ming army crossed Longfeng Mountain and continued westward." Enter."

Selen broke out in a cold sweat and asked, "How many people are there in the Ming army? Are they also flying red flags without characters?"

The scout said: "Ming soldiers have many horses, probably several thousand. Their armor is too neat, and the horses of the cavalry are also good horses. They pushed a lot of carts, and they couldn't see the end at a glance."

Subudi stopped in his tracks and said viciously: "The 'Red Banner Army' made it clear that they would attack our winter camp with a two-pronged flanking attack. What should we do now?"

Selen said: "What else can I do? Run! Run north immediately, the fighting power of the 'Red Banner Army' is not given for nothing, even the master of the Kingdom of Jin can't stand them fighting."

Su Budi's face trembled, and he asked: "Run? We can run away. What about our family? What about food, livestock, and belongings? What if we lose these and we run thousands of people? What should we do this winter?" How are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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