Chapter 446
This is an indisputable fact. It is very easy for the Mongolian light cavalry to escape, but the pots, pots and food at home will definitely be lost.

These foods are what they need for a year, how can they survive if they lose them?

This is why Huang Han chose to settle accounts after autumn. If an attack is launched in spring, the Tartar tribes will be scattered across tens of thousands of square kilometers of prairie, and it will be difficult to find them one by one.

How can it be so refreshing to gather and annihilate them now?Besides, I'm not afraid of them running around the world at this time.

Because the monk could not run away from the temple, and there was no food or yurts to keep out the cold, the fate of running into the prairie alone for the winter was freezing to death or starving to death.

Selen was silent. He didn't know that disaster was imminent, and the loss of the tribe was immeasurable, but if he didn't run away, he would have to fight the notorious 'Red Banner Army'. Can we beat them?

Subudi seemed to have made up his mind, and he said: "Communicate the order, the Ming army invaded on a large scale, in order to protect the wives and children, all the sons and daughters of our department immediately assembled and stood by."

Selen asked: "Subdi, are you really ready to fight the 'Red Banner Army'?"

"What's the matter? The 'Red Banner Army' doesn't have three heads and six arms, and there is a problem with their deployment. They come in two groups. Hasn't Uncle heard the story of the old master of the Dajin Kingdom?"

Selen's spirit was lifted, and he said: "Of course I have heard that the old Khan of the Dajin Kingdom said boldly when the Ming army attacked several times, 'No matter how many times the Ming army comes, I will go all the way alone' In the end, Dajin The country defeated the Ming army and won the battle of Sarhu."

"The Ming army came in divisions and there were a lot of infantry, and they pushed countless carts, it's ridiculous, ridiculous!
All the warriors we gathered should be no less than [-]. I took the warriors and chose to ambush the Ming army all the way. When they crossed the mountain ridge and came to a flat area, they suddenly rushed out and launched a cavalry raid. It is very possible to defeat the Ming army in one fell swoop. "

Selen, who was in his forties, was ten years older than Subudi, who was in his early thirties. At this moment, his pride was aroused, and he said, "Our uncles and nephews should work together to resist the massive attack of the Ming army. Now is the time to come!" When I do my best, I will personally command all the troops to charge."

Subudi stepped forward, held Selen's hand tightly and laughed loudly: "Our uncles and nephews work together to break gold, so why be afraid of the 'Red Banner Army'?"

Huang Han and his father had a total of more than [-] troops, but there were too many new recruits, so they deliberately chose recruits who had never been present before forming five battalions to march west under the leadership of some veterans.

The main generals of the first battalion and the second battalion are Huang Han and Hanzi respectively.

The leader of the third battalion of the Western Expedition is Yang Hanwei, and the leaders of the fourth and fifth battalions are Zhao Kun and Wang Zhanpeng. Those who have gone to sea to fight in May have all entered the front lines of Ningyuan and Jinzhou to deploy defenses.

Looting money, food, population, territory, and livestock are the main purposes of this expedition. The five battalions must complete the autumn "five looting operations" well. Of course, the five battalions will cooperate with each other.

The "Red Banner Army" robes are close to each other, and everyone understands the truth that their lips are dead and their teeth are cold. Everyone firmly believes that they are not fighting alone, and behind them are the strong support of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the system.

They are not afraid of a lone army going deep, nor are they afraid of a heavy siege by the Tartars, because as long as they hold back the erratic Tartar army, the brother troops who hear the news will attack.

In order to increase the search area, the Fifth Battalion Western Expeditionary Forces have formulated combat plans, marching routes, and attack ranges.

Before departure, Hanzi asked to join forces with the first battalion of the Western Expedition, and took the initiative to find Huang Han to explain that his scouts had detected the main force of the left wing of Karaqin. In order to kill more main forces of the Tartars, he proposed that the second battalion Joint operations with the [-]st Battalion.

The two-year-old Hanzi, who is older than Huang Han, ranks third in the "Red Banner Army" after Huang Yizhou, and he fights bravely and leads his subordinates to the forefront every time.

For this reason, I don't know how many times Huang Han reprimanded him, but he just listened to it at the time, and his blood boiled as soon as he went to the battlefield, and he would rush to the front row again soon.

It was the first time for Hanzi to lead a battalion to act separately. He asked to unite his first battalion to attack the left wing of Karaqin. Huang Han of course raised his hands in agreement.

Huang Han was actually worried that the idiot would go to the battle in person again, he didn't watch by himself, and his father was not around, who could persuade this fierce general?
The hundred cavalry led by Hanzi are fierce men who are armed to the teeth. There are more than [-] people whose fighting skills are no less than those of Yan Congyou, He Yongqing and Huang Han's four personal guards. , warrior rank, and the other seventy-odd people are all sergeants.

Huang Han believed that a hundred troops led by Hanzi could win in the end against the same number of Jiannu Bayala. It is the equipment that wins them by several levels.

The cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" is not only more protective than Jiannu's white armored soldiers, but also lighter than Jiannu's iron armor. Now the senior officials who are directly led by Hanzi have obtained more than two self-generated short guns equipment.

Why didn't the rest of the cavalry of this Bai Zong equip self-generated short guns, but the corporal leader was equipped with several?This is the idiot's decision, and his purpose is to rather lack than abuse.

Because Hanzi has been studying new cavalry tactics with Yang Danian, Sang Yu, Liu Fenyong, Zhang Yang, etc. Since the advent of the self-generated short gun, they realized that it would be a big killer in cavalry duels.

However, the production of self-generated short guns is limited, and it will take time to equip troops on a large scale. Now they can only equip soldiers such as officers and cavalry flag officers.

The Baizong directly led by Hanzi are all non-commissioned officers, and their rank is higher than that of ordinary small banner officers. The small banner officers of this Baizong are all from the level of sixth-rank warriors.

Therefore, they have obtained the conditions that can basically meet the conditions of a self-generated short gun in each hand, but the fools did not average out, and concentrated their equipment to the level of the corporal leader.

The self-generated short gun has a shortcoming, the misfire rate is about [-]% to [-]%. Originally, the self-generated short gun that was loaded by the cavalry passed by and galloped, causing the miniature bullets in the barrel to bump loose, fall off and sprinkle gunpowder. Finally, what was pulled out was a gunpowder. empty gun.

The solution was thought up by people, and Hanzi and all the cavalry brothers worked together to use their brains.

In the end, everyone thought that there would be no time to reload the blunderbuss immediately after emptying them, so it was better to use oval lead bullets that were a circle larger than the miniature bullets, and poke them in with some effort when reloading.

Since the short guns are all short gun barrels that were remodeled from the scrapped barrels when the Mini guns were produced, they all have rifling.

The oval buckshot is stuffed into the barrel. Due to the effect of the rifling, if you don’t choose to fire the buckshot, it’s impossible to take out the loaded buckshot. There is no possibility.

(End of this chapter)

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