Chapter 447
If the cavalry should not be equipped with self-generated short guns at all, they must be equipped with more than two. This is a military order issued by the idiot.

The reasons he explained were sufficient and were unanimously approved by the generals of the "Red Banner Army".

When the cavalry hedged, they lost their lives in the blink of an eye.

In the face of battle, only weapons and comrades-in-arms are their reliance. If in an emergency, in order to kill the enemy to save their own lives or save the life of Pao Ze, cavalry soldiers pull out their self-priming blunderbuss and fire, but what should they do if the short blunderbuss misfires?
This is not an isolated phenomenon. On average, there will be a misfire about five times, and there is no time to reload the primer and start again.

But if there is still a short gun, a well-trained cavalry soldier can draw the gun quickly and shoot again. The probability of two consecutive guns misfiring immediately drops to [-]%. one-third.

Hanzi is a fool, but his benzene method is simple and effective. He doesn't need to wait for the master craftsmen who design and produce self-generated short guns to make technological innovations to increase the rate of fire. He directly uses quantity to make up for the lack of quality.

Corporals don't treat everyone equally when equipped with self-generated blunderbuss. There are many who are equipped with three or four guns. A few people, such as Ma Wu and Pan Yingyong, two chief banner officers, immediately wear four guns, and one on their chest.

Because some people have quick hands and feet, they can complete the action of drawing the gun and firing in one go. They can insert the empty short gun into the cowhide holster without looking at it, and then pull out the next one and start firing.

Hanzi is straightforward, he manages the people under his command with the principle of fairness, Ma Wu and Pan Yingyong are not good at archery, so they work hard to shoot with self-generated blunderbuss.

They won a minigun and five self-generated short blunderbuss equipment not because they have the authority of the chief banner officer to overwhelm others, but because they have been among the best in previous big competitions. Number one and number two.

Concentrate on the use of short guns, and adopt the benzene method of one person with multiple guns, so that the cavalry warriors who use self-generated short guns will have a reliable and powerful weapon. If you hit a gun at close range, Jiannuba Yala, who wears three layers of armor, will be able to was pierced.

Therefore, the elite [-] bosses led by the fool can utter bold words, and they can not only fight but also win against the same number of Jiannuba Yala.

Everyone in the "Red Banner Army" knew that Jiannu's Ba Yala soldiers were also a rare breed, and it would be good to have about 20 people per Niulu.

The heavy armored cavalry of the Bajala level selected by Jiannu is no longer an opponent against the warriors, warriors, and sergeants of our army. In the long run, what strength does Jiannu have to confront the "Red Banner Army" in the long run?
Theoretically, the "Red Banner Army" are all servants of Huang Han, and under normal circumstances, "all" means neither, because there is no particularity.

The generals of the "Red Banner Army" did not have the habit of supporting their families, let alone anyone who brought a dozen or dozens of private soldiers to receive the salary of the "Red Banner Army".

Because Huang Han analyzed Daming's household system from the very beginning, and believed that the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

Therefore, in our own army, there is no such silly rule of paying the generals' servants and paying higher than that of ordinary battalion soldiers, so it is impossible for the generals to bring private soldiers who need to be supported by themselves.

But the hundred cavalry led directly by Hanzi was authorized by Huang Han. They were not Hanzi's family soldiers, but elite cavalry formed from non-commissioned officers of the 'Red Banner Army'.

Mr. Bai is Pei Daneng who has the false title of the fourth-rank signing. The two chief banner officers Ma Wu and Pan Yingyong both have the rank of five thousand households. The 110 people under their command are not only very skilled in using cold weapons, but also Hard training hot weapons.

The cavalry chief who is directly under Hanzi is responsible for the personal safety of Hanzi, the chief commander who loves to charge. This means that Hanzi is going crazy, and the 110 will be even more crazy.

How could it be safe for more than a hundred people to rush forward by one person? Moreover, these people are all non-commissioned officers, and each of them has a burst of force value.

The quality of this hundreds of troops will not be worse than that of Jiannu's current striker battalion after Kabush Xianchaoha.

In order to strengthen the centralization of power, Hongjie asked every Jurchen and Mongolian Niulu to send the bravest and most outstanding Ba Yala to form the Kabush Xianchao Ha Camp this spring.

In Manchu language, Gabusi Xian translated into Chinese means "forward", and Chaoha means "soldier" in Chinese.Now the entire Houjin Niulu will not exceed five hundred, and the total number of Niulu formed by the surrendered Mongols cannot exceed six hundred.

In other words, there will not be too many elites in this elite team, at most, there are more than a thousand people!

Jiannu's vanguard battalion came out two years ahead of schedule, which means that Honggui is faster and faster than the integration of Jin Huangquan in history. Today's four Baylors co-government has become a thing of the past.

In the eyes of Hong Zhe, the old and immortal second brother Daishan started to behave with his tail between his legs, and now he has been sick for many years and will not participate in the court council.

Amin has been imprisoned for two years and now he is eating and waiting to die. The domineering Mang Gurtai's crime of disrespect is still fermenting. He has been placed under residential surveillance for the past few months, drinking and cursing in the mansion every day.

From this point of view, by the end of this year at the latest, Hongguo will straighten out his internal affairs. Next year, it is estimated that he will send troops to North Korea or conquer Lin Danhan. It is not known whether he will choose to rob Daming.

Historically, in July of the sixth year of Chongzhen, Lushunkou was breached by the Hou Jin army, and thousands of people under Huanglong, the general officer of Dongjiang Town, died and died generously for their country.

Now Huanglong is running the Yizhou Tun District with great vigor, Mao Chenglu stationed in Zhenjiang Fort, and his soldiers and horses did not participate in the Denglai Rebellion at all. Lushun Lieutenant General Chen Sometimes, who originally led his subordinates to join the rebel army, became a martyr when he attacked Jinzhou last year.

Giving up Lushunkou to the "Red Banner Army", Dongjiang Town concentrated on managing the territory of the Yalu River Estuary. The shortened battle line allowed the troops to be concentrated and dispatch time was sufficient.

Therefore, the current strength of Dongjiang Town far surpasses its history. It would not be so easy if the later Jin army went to North Korea to fight Huanglong. After all, there is a natural danger in the Yalu River, and Dongjiang Town has water camps that can attack and support from the sea and river.

The biggest reason for the destruction of Dongjiang Town in history is that after Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, Shang Kexi, etc. surrendered, Jin became the leading party. They had warships and were able to cross the river and fight across the sea.

Today is not what it used to be, the "Red Banner Army" navy appeared in Liaohai, it is hard to say whether Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, etc. were ordered to escape from the sea, but it is still gratifying that they have just been rewarded by Chongzhen and are now happily serving as deputy generals of Guanglu Island. There was no thought of betraying Daming.

Jiannu hated Dongjiang Town, but every time he attacked, it was because of the lack of a navy that the people in Dongjiang Town escaped from the river and sea.
With Huang Han disrupting the situation, as time goes by, Jiannu will fall into the predicament of siege from all directions. The slave chieftain with strategic vision cannot sit idly by and choose where to break through to see the outcome next year.

(End of this chapter)

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