Chapter 448 God Knows

Later, the Jin army gave up attacking Dongjiang Town and there was no possibility of attacking Lushunkou, because if they did not capture Jinzhou and break through the defense lines of Wolf's Nest Fort and Eagle's Nest Pier, they would not be able to attack Lushunkou at all.

In his heart, Huang Han really hoped that Jiannu would go to fight the Jinzhou defense line or the Ningyuan defense line. The current "Red Banner Army" is surpassing Jiannu in every aspect, but the motivation is far behind.

Because the "Red Banner Army" relies too much on logistical support in battle, it can be seen that there is a standard unicycle in the first army, which is not comparable to Jiannu riding two spare horses and carrying some dry food to travel thousands of miles.

Waiting for work at ease, luring Jiannu, who is good at mobility, to give up his advantage and come to the battlefield preset by the "Red Banner Army" to attack fortified positions. If such a thing happens, Huang Han will probably wake up laughing in his dream.

The late gold master Zi Hong is a strategist. He found that the defense line run by the "Red Banner Army" could not be easily broken through without sending troops to attack. He was unifying his thinking and accumulating strength.

After years of fighting, Houjin seems to be getting stronger and stronger, but Hongjie knows very well that this is just an appearance.

The Mongols who surrendered did not dare to resist because they were intimidated by the force of the Eight Banners. The Han army who surrendered was even more unbearable.

The late gold master Zihong did not forget to expand the army when strengthening internal affairs. For this reason, he sent Haoge, Jierhalang, and Azig to lead 8000 to [-] people to the north to search for the birth of Jurchen.

The so-called Jurchens are actually the ethnic minorities living between the white mountains and the black waters at this time. As for whether they are Jurchens, God knows.

The living conditions of these people are particularly difficult. Because they obtain their main food through fishing and hunting, they are physically strong. It is a natural law that the same heavyweight eats meat better than those who eat grass.

The birth Jurchen can't understand Jurchen's language at all, nor can they understand Mongolian. Their language may only be understood by dozens or hundreds of people in their own tribe, and this may be a guess.

Jiannu hunted down Jurchen for the purpose of expanding the population and increasing the source of soldiers. Although these young and middle-aged men could not speak the language, they were all capable and powerful. They were natural hunters. Given them armor and weapons to fight one-on-one, Jiannu Ba Yala would not dare to guarantee it. able to win.

Haoge, Jierhalang, and Azig are all happy to capture the Jurchen, because they will leave the strongest and most ferocious young adults to join the direct leadership of Niulu. With these simple-minded barbarians joining the army, the overall combat effectiveness will be improved. Strengthening is a no-brainer.

Is Jian Nu stupid?Obviously arresting the Han people is the easiest, but why did you choose to travel thousands of miles between the white mountains and the black waters to find the birth girl?

That's because once a daughter is tamed, her loyalty is impeccable and her fighting power is unparalleled. The Han people have too many minds, and they are good at fighting and breaking up. Jiannu must always be on guard against being too tired. It's like sitting on pins and needles.

It can be seen from this that at the end of the fifth year of Chongzhen, Jiannu and the "Red Banner Army" were destined to be busy in their own ways. They were all robbers, and they were attacking others to expand themselves. It is estimated that Jiannu's fall arrest effect will not be bad, and thousands of households will be added. Shouldn't be a problem.

Historically, because the establishment of slaves required a large number of people to go to the north to arrest ethnic minorities, the population here dropped sharply, and the armed forces with hundreds of people basically did not exist. In the end, Tsarist Russia only sent a few hundred people to occupy millions of people. square kilometers included in the territory.

The only way to solve this problem is to destroy Jiannu and drive the fast-footed remnants back to Tunguska. Presumably the Jurchens with money rat tails will not tolerate the yellow-haired Russia to grab the territory.

The first battalion of the "Red Banner Army" in the Western Expedition is crossing mountains and ridges. It is really difficult to use a wheelbarrow in a dangerous area, let alone a artillery cart.

A chief engineer led two hundred chief laborers to open the way ahead, at least to ensure that the mountain road can be walked with horses. If this condition cannot be met, the "Red Banner Army" will not try to climb over, but will choose to detour.

Of course, if only a short section of cliffs cut off the road, the engineers would not hesitate to use tens or hundreds of catties of gunpowder to blast a guy. The engineers of the "Red Banner Army" did a remarkable job of opening roads and building bridges in the mountains.

On the dangerous road section, the soldiers dismantled the wheelbarrow according to the plan, unloaded the gun carriage and carried the load over the mountain in a clumsy way on their shoulders.

The town governors of each general banner are writing notes, because the first battalion has traveled two hundred miles of mountain roads that have never been traveled by large troops before after eleven days of marching. These roads will be recorded and drawn on a map Even made into a sand table.

Everyone in the "Red Banner Army" knew that Yanshan would become the home of the "Red Banner Army" system in the future, and that this vast area would be managed as its own territory, and no unnaturalized foreign nationalities would be allowed to touch it.

The mountains, rivers, rivers, roads and forests of this territory must be recorded on a [-]:[-] map. The maps of the Ming Dynasty are all abstract paintings. Nine out of ten will be cheated to death.

The [-]:[-] map drawn under the guidance of Huang Han is the same as the maps of later generations. A city with an area of ​​[-] square kilometer appears on the map as [-] square centimeter. This accuracy is completely different from the map of Ming Dynasty.

The "Red Banner Army" obtained specific data on road conditions through uninterrupted marching and exploration, and the Zanhua of the base camp can accurately determine the specific time when our army arrived at the designated location after dispatching.

The Zanhua Department in important areas will create a sand table with a ratio of [-] to [-]. It is also on paper, and the decisions made by the "Red Banner Army" headquarters will not be taken for granted. It becomes possible to rationally use troops and arrange realistic tasks.

Huang Han also got off his horse and walked across the mountain. He came to see the artillery general and Sun Yuanhua.

"Brother, you are old and don't need to carry heavy loads. It's beyond my imagination that you can keep up with a large team without someone carrying you on the march."

Seeing that Sun Yuanhua was trying to carry two blunderbusses of the Francine one-pounder on his back, Huang Han stopped him.

The two blunderbuss weighed 36 kilograms, and it was really not easy for the 50-year-old Sun Yuanhua to cross mountains and ridges with his back.

The 50-year-old is a determined old man. It is because of poor food and no meat for many years, but he has to do heavy physical work, which overdraws the vitality of life.

But Sun Yuanhua is very different, because his family is a big landlord, a capitalist, and a scholarly family, so he can get enough nutrition since he was a child, and his face looks younger than that of a peasant in his 40s and [-]s.

The troubled Sun Yuanhua has been avoiding Huang Han, and the two have only met once so far.

That was when Huang Han took his eldest son Sun He Ding to visit him and had a drink together. Now that Sun Yuanhua even drove his son away, he really had the determination to die in battle.

Of course Huang Han had to care about Sun Yuanhua, the only one in the army who had reached the grandfather level.

This is not alarmist talk. There are more than 1000 young soldiers aged [-] or [-] in the first battalion of the Western Expedition, and they can really be the grandchildren of Sun Yuanhua.

(End of this chapter)

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