Chapter 449

Sun Yuanhua was the most embarrassed to see Huang Han, but fortunately, the "Red Banner Army" only saluted with one hand, otherwise he, the chief banner officer, would definitely kowtow when he saw General Pingliao.

Even if the imperial court didn't remove his fame, he still couldn't avoid kneeling. After all, Huang Han was already a first-rank military officer of General Hang Yin, and the difference in rank was too great.

The Ming Dynasty gave preferential treatment to scholars, and scholars could see officials without kneeling. Many people misunderstood it. In fact, this only meant that students saw seven-rank sesame officials like the county magistrate.

When seeing the Futai, Daotai, and Fantai, you still have to kneel down and salute. Of course, even a small talented man will not have the turn to meet the big officials of the frontier.

Don't talk about little scholars, officials are three levels older, even if they are also scholar-bureaucrats, they still need to kneel and see.

Therefore, Sun Yuanhua liked the military salutes of the "Red Banner Army" the most, which made him feel no humiliation, because when he saw the superiors saluting, the superiors returned the salute without exception with the same one-handed movement.

This is Huang Han's intention of reforming military etiquette. He always kneels down, and kneels down the blood of a man of strong bones.

Soldiers with weak legs and always kneeling will lose their arrogance, without pride in their hearts, they will lose their backbone, and they will have no psychological pressure to raise their hands and surrender.

Seeing Huang Han appearing behind him, followed by four young guards and four warriors, Sun Yuanhua stood at attention generously and saluted, then said:
"I've seen generals before. In the army, a humble job is already a hindrance. A mere two brats can still memorize a humble job."

Huang Han went to Sun Yuanhua's side and said: "Everyone makes the best of his talents, senior brother is a well-educated man, there is no need to compete in physical strength, don't you realize that there are also many scholars in the army?

They are good at teaching soldiers to read and read, and they often tell stories about sages to Paoze. The soldiers don't care whether they are marching with heavy loads or not. "

Sun Yuanhua said: "The humble staff knows, but the humble staff is willing to do what they can."

"Brother, you must take care of your health. Didn't anyone tell you that this time you shouldered a heavy responsibility, you personally commanded five Franco cannons to climb mountains and mountains, and also bombarded the Tartar cavalry. You must be able to sum up a lot of areas that need improvement.

What's more, the artillery drill code is not perfect, and you, an expert, are still needed to standardize it. "

"Xiaozhi knows that Liu Qianhu often comes to talk to Beizhi. The general's subordinates have nothing to say. I admire him so much. Don't worry, Beizhi writes a marching diary every day.

The pens and pencils in the military are really convenient to use. The general invented such a good thing, which can really benefit millions of scholars. "

Indeed, the formula of the ink has been improved a lot, and the situation that the nib dries up in a short time when it is protected by the cap has been greatly improved. word ink.

Now that the pen has been finalized and mass-produced and sold, many scholars in the army and soldiers who have mastered more than [-] characters have already practiced calligraphy with hard-tipped pens in their spare time. few.

Sun Yuanhua fell in love with the pen when he got it. He is a scholar-bureaucrat, and the skill of writing with a brush is not limited. With this foundation, writing with a pen can get twice the result with half the effort, and now he can write beautiful cursive script.

Huang Han said to Gu Rushan, Shen Ming, Peng Huaiyi, and Yu Fei, the four teenagers beside him: "You are already 15 years old, and you will be sixteen in a few months. Awarded the general flag officer.

Shen Ming and Yu Fei went to the navy, first as trainee captains to take charge of a warship, and then strive to command a new type of battleship with two to three hundred sailors. "

The four teenagers have expectations for such an arrangement, because the head of the family has arranged the task of finding a few teenagers to be personal guards in advance, and the publicity team has made the news public, encouraging qualified children in the system to participate in the selection.

Shen Ming and Yu Fei didn't pretend to stand at attention and saluted: "I am humble, obey orders and obey orders!"

Huang Han then arranged: "Gu Rushan went to General Song Pengfei's command to directly lead a general banner gunner. Peng Huaiyi is now a trainee with Master Sun, and will also serve as the artillery chief banner officer in the future."

Huang Han said to Sun Yuanhua again: "Peng Huaiyi is both excellent in character and learning, and he is familiar with artillery drills. Today, I will give this good seedling to my brother for training."

The four teenagers have studied literature and martial arts with Huang Han for more than two years, and they are among the best in both the culture test and the combat skill test. They had beheaded the last time they attacked Jinzhou.

It is a credit to participate in the battle when attacking the Nine Ghost Pirates' lair, but it is not the time to be a personal soldier with a small flag, and it is time to let them lead the army.

These four children belonged to Genzheng Miaohong's confidantes, and they have been together for more than two years. Their loyalty to Huang Han is beyond doubt. As long as they are lucky enough to survive the battle, their future prospects are limitless.

At the end of the year, Huang Han will recruit a few more young soldiers to stay with him and train them personally. Many master craftsmen, old gunners, and sailors with fourteen or fifteen-year-old sons are concerned about this matter.

No one is a fool, and there is no competent father who does not fight for his son's future. The publicity team has counted dozens of candidates with excellent character and learning.

Peng Huaiyi always liked to study artillery and often participated in artillery training. Of course he was happy to become a trainee artillery commander today. He was even happier to be able to follow Sun Yuanhua, an artillery expert, for a period of time.

He came to Sun Yuanhua respectfully and said: "I have seen the master in my humble position."

Sun Yuanhua returned the salute with one hand. He took a good look at this capable young man, nodded and said to Huang Han, "Don't worry, general, not only Peng Huaiyi, the general banner official, will teach well, but also the 56 subordinates under his command will give them half a day's lectures every day." time."

Huang Han said: "Brother, you've bothered. Talent training is the most difficult thing. It's their blessing that these youngsters can have a famous teacher like you."

At this time, Wang Zhicheng, the first cavalry battalion of the Western Expedition, had already taken the two cavalry led by Chen Song and Ma Fulin to investigate over the mountains.

After passing through this difficult mountain, the infantry and artillery will gather at the foot of the mountain, and wait for all the horses to get together and make a simple repair before moving on.

Crossing the river will be attacked by the enemy halfway, because the army has no formation when it is busy crossing the river, it is more chaotic, and it is easy to be attacked. The same is true for crossing mountains.

In order to ensure safety, when they climbed over the ridge and came to the foot of the mountain, even if there was a cannon in place, it would be assembled immediately and ready to fire at any time.

Even if a small flag musketeer is in place, he must form an formation behind two wheelbarrows with ash rods and spears to prevent the enemy's cavalry from charging.

Seleng and Subudi, two Dataiji from the left wing of Karaqin, have assembled more than [-] control strings, and they are going to choose a Ming army to start with.

Instead of ambushing Hanzi's men who were crossing Longfeng Mountain, they chose to come to Beizi Mountain to attack Huang Han's team.

(End of this chapter)

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