Chapter 450
Wang Zhicheng, who went forward, had two cavalry officers in his hands, with a total of more than [-] horsemen. They carefully explored the area ahead with the general banner as a unit, and found thousands of Tartars overwhelmingly coming from twenty miles away from the foot of the mountain.

The scout encounter started immediately. Because the Ming army was cautious, they used the general banner as a unit to investigate. The tartar scouts suffered from the gap in equipment and numbers, and had to flee after several cavalry were killed in a row.

In order not to startle the enemy, Chen Song, the commander in chief, didn't gather his troops to prepare for the charge, but took alternate cover when he saw it was good. Wang Zhicheng, who was notified, ordered Ma Fulin to form a formation on the spot to cover Chen Song. total retreat.

Chief Chen Song and Ma Fulin were the first group of Huijiazi who voluntarily joined Huang Han as family servants. They were from the same village as Zhao Kun and Wang Zhanpeng, and they are now third-rank military generals.

Zhao Kun is now a general of the second rank, and Wang Zhanpeng has the title of deputy general of the first rank because of his contribution to capturing Zhuo Erbi alive.

Although Wang Zhicheng, the actual conferred thousand general, followed Huang Han later than Chen Song and Ma Fulin, but the number of beheadings was much higher than them. Now he has the rank of second-rank general and is the direct superior of Chen Song and Ma Fulin.

Wang Zhicheng knew the power of our army's artillery, and he also knew that the Tartars had brought a lot of troops, and he had no chance of winning against the two cavalry he led.

The "Red Banner Army" never commends mindless individual heroism. Even if Wang Zhicheng was able to lead two Tartars who charged and killed the general cavalry to defeat the enemy, it would be in vain.

Even a three-level resignation and dismissal investigation is light, and the casualties of the subordinates are too large, and the leader may be beheaded.

The established plan was to make full use of the artillery brought in with great painstaking labor to inflict mass destruction on the Tartars, and of course Wang Zhicheng resolutely carried it out.

The Tartars originally planned an ambush, but the Ming army was cautious, and the cavalry scouted for thirty miles. The possibility of an ambush with such an arrangement was basically ruled out.

Seeing that the number of cavalry in the Ming army was small, the more than [-] Tatars who had gathered gathered courage to pursue them. At this time, only half of the troops of the first battalion of the Western Expedition had crossed the mountain ridge. .

Huang Han also went down the mountain not long ago and was checking the equipment he was carrying.

Wang Zhicheng sent scouts to report the discovery of the enemy's situation. It is estimated that more than [-] Tartar cavalry are coming aggressively towards our army's assembly point. He will lead two general cavalry under his command to attack the Tartar forward in turn, buying a moment or two for the army.

Is there such a good thing?Sun Yuanhua was overjoyed. He already knew the performance of the one-pound Francois machine gun and led his men to practice live ammunition several times. He knew that it would be a disaster for cavalry to be covered by shotguns.

Sun Yuanhua had always been worried that dragging the cannon to catch up with the Tatars would be a waste of time, but now it seemed that the Tartars were going to hit the muzzle of the guns.

With Huang Han's order, all the troops who had descended from the mountain stood in formation within a moment, and the slow-moving cavalry completed their task and returned to the formation to protect the two wings. At that time, the artillery fire must start.

A moment is enough time, because the first wheelbarrows have been assembled as many as one hundred, and at this time the spears have been inserted in the array, and the shining spears are pointing obliquely at the north where a large number of Tartars are about to appear.

Sun Yuanhua's general banner moved quickly, and they soon appeared at the reserved position of the unicycle formation. There were always three hundred generals, six general banners, and thirty Franciers. At this time, the dark muzzles were aimed at the open land in the north .

The artilleryman is aiming and adjusting, and the loader is loading the sub-guns. Even if the eighteen sub-guns are not fully loaded when the gun is fired, it doesn't matter, because it can be loaded while firing.

The bloody cavalry kept rushing back to the original formation. Many of them still had feathered arrows stuck in their bodies, but their morale was high.

They found that although the Tartars were large in number, their combat effectiveness was not satisfactory. After the Tartars were shot by the light cavalry with firearms, they were rushed and killed by the cavalry with cold weapons, and they became chaotic.

There were no Tartars rushing up with the intention of entanglement with the charging Ming cavalry, so the two took advantage of the total Ming cavalry and were able to escape calmly.

Wang Zhicheng was worried that there would be too many Tartars. The hot-armed cavalry tactic of platooning guns is to retreat immediately after emptying the self-generating blunderbuss and Miniguns in their hands. Can't get out.

So he personally led Ma Fulin's cavalry to attack. Fortunately, the Tartar forward lost 200 people and was beaten up. He didn't dare to chase and stop to wait for the main force. Wang Zhicheng was able to lead the troops back.

Half of the cold-armed cavalry who re-arranged could not shoot arrows and were spectators at this time. Only when the tartars were beaten to death and wounded by artillery fire, self-generating guns, and miniguns could they rush forward to chop melons and vegetables.

The hot-armed cavalry dismounted as soon as they entered the formation. They had already loaded the self-propelled guns and miniguns. At this time, they were about to fire and kill the enemy with the infantry brothers. Participate in the hunt for remnants.

Looking at the less than 2000 troops that have been deployed, Sun Yuanhua, who has extraordinary knowledge, smiled. He used to defend the city in Ningyuan. No comparison at all.

He is familiar with the performance of artillery, and has already let go of the five Fron machine-pounders under his command. He knows that the Tartar cavalry must be looking for death if they rush up, even if the Tartars come and double the number of our soldiers who have already lined up. How about?It's a big victory in this battle!

With the expectation of a big victory, Sun Yuanhua temporarily forgot that he was going to die on the battlefield. At this moment, he only wanted to choose the right time to fire and kill as many Tartars as possible.

"Boom!" Five thousand horses galloped with extraordinary momentum, and the ground was trembling, but the hands of the "Red Banner Army" musketeers holding their self-generated blunderbuss were still steady. People looked at the smoke and dust rising from the north with contemptuous eyes.

56 people under Cheng Luyong are ready, the loader has completed the loading of [-] sub-guns, one sub-gun has been loaded into the barrel, pierced the gunpowder pack from the fire door and inserted the fuse.

In order to improve the efficiency of the next firing, Sun Yuanhua asked the gunner to pierce the fuse on the powder package in the five sub-guns in advance. After doing this, the sub-guns can be ignited and fired directly.

Sun Yuanhua skillfully adjusted the focal length of the telescope in his hand, and knocked out the Tartar cavalry group that had entered the three-mile range clearly. At this time, he was full of regret and hated Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde.

At that time, his fantasy was to train a strong army to conquer the slaves in the east and attack the Tartars in the north with artillery fire. Unexpectedly, the troops he trained did not fight for the country once, but smashed half of Shandong to pieces.

Unexpectedly, I, who was supposed to be stabbed at Caishikou, would have the opportunity to bombard the Tartars.

(End of this chapter)

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