Chapter 451 Cannon Fire
Coming to the prairie again, Gu Zhun, who has made many meritorious deeds in two years and has grown into the commander-in-chief of the hundred commanders, is in a difficult mood.

The year before last, he followed the "Red Banner Army" into Harqin Qingcheng as a small banner officer accompanying the army, and accidentally saw his wife and children who had been robbed there.

But after his wife handed over his son to him, he resolutely chose to commit suicide and martyrdom. Gu Zhun, a scholar, was in pain. Since then, he has never smiled.

Hard work pays off, and it is also because the "Red Banner Army" is on the rise and is developing rapidly.

After Gu Zhun came back from Qingcheng, he was selected as a regular soldier, and he became a corps leader within a month of entering the new barracks. Because of his hard training and culture, he became a small banner officer after three months, and was promoted to become the general in half a year. flag.

In the battle to seize the city of Jinzhou, when Gu Zhun led the troops to shoot a volley, he had always acted as the vanguard and made great achievements in battle. He is now the leader of the hundred with the rank of Qianhu.

Gu Zhun's son, Gu Jixiang, is fourteen years old and has been studying in Huxue City. This child was once forced into slavery and saw his mother commit suicide. He matured relatively precociously.

He was full of hatred for the Tartars and Jiannu in his heart. He worked extremely hard in school, never slacking off in literature and martial arts, and his comprehensive grades were always among the best.

I heard that Shen Ming, Gu Rushan and other four young guards next to the Patriarch will be released to the grassroots military officers, and a few young people will be re-selected by the side. There is a sensation in the school, and all qualified children are looking forward to being favored by the Patriarch.

Gu Zhun didn't want his son to be promising, he encouraged Gu Jixiang to participate in the competition, and he also wanted to make great military exploits to add points to his son's selection.

This scholar has personally killed no less than five Houjin soldiers. Today, he will not be merciless when he sees the hated Tartars. Musketeers, small flag officers and above all use Mini guns. The level of the chief executive also has privileges. Possess a minigun plus a spare self-generating gun.

At this time, Gu Zhun had already picked up a minigun to take aim, and he still had two loaded self-generated guns lying flat on the wheelbarrow in front of him. The self-generated gunmen under his command were going to take a three-stage salvo to meet the enemy, Xiao Qi All miniguns above the officer level are designed to target enemy commanders.

It doesn't matter who is the leader because the logo on the armor of the Tartars is not very clear.

The surprise attack that Seleng and Subudi imagined was aborted. It stands to reason that they should give up their actions and evacuate immediately, but the Tartars, who were unwilling to fail, still tried to change their fate.

Because they realized that the "Red Banner Army" was crossing mountains and mountains, and half of them should be formed at this time.

They understand the art of war of the Han people. Crossing rivers pays attention to half-crossing and attacking, and they can also apply it when crossing mountains. At this time, the Ming army should be difficult to care about.

This is a rare opportunity to attack, and it is fleeting. An attack must be launched immediately to avoid the situation that the Ming army that has crossed the mountain will gather more and more and be more difficult to fight.

The two Taijis went all out, and the more than [-] control strings faced the more than [-] "Red Banner Army" and could not break through the formation and slash and chop. There is no need to fight this battle in the future.

Seeing that the Ming army's not-so-thick formation was close at hand, Subudi shouted: "Eagle eagles on the prairie, go! If we don't fight desperately at this time, we are ashamed of our wives and children."

Se Leng shouted: "For the sake of our wives, children, cattle and sheep, we must kill the Ming army in front of us, sons and daughters, we have no way out, we will fight with the Ming army!"

The Tartars are not stupid and know that this battle must be won, otherwise they may not be able to survive the severe winter if they escape, and it is even more unpredictable for their wives and children to fall into the enemy's hands.

The commanders of thousands and centurions yelled, "Speed ​​up, speed up! Kill the Nanmans!", and the Tartar light cavalry clearly wanted to ram into the flimsy chariots even if they used their horses to ram them.

The formation of the "Red Banner Army" was quiet, everyone was ready, and no one was afraid. On the contrary, those teenagers who were eager to fight couldn't hide their joy, and they were all grinning happily.

Although the total number of troops in the formation was less than 800, and there were more than 300 of them serving with the army with only white wax spears, it didn't matter. The Tartar light cavalry had no chance of winning under the attack of hot weapons.

Huang Han put down the binoculars and picked up the minigun, because this time he was going to fire the first shot, and when he heard his gunshot, the thirty Franglers would fire one after another.

According to the visual inspection, when the tartar entered a distance of [-] steps, Huang Hanguo cut off the fire, and there was no misfiring, only a crisp sound of "bang" echoed in the valley.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Bah, bah, bah..."

Everyone has no experience in the first actual combat of using the Fron machine one-pound gun against the cavalry on a large scale, but everyone including Sun Yuanhua knows that there is no possibility of the shotgun flat fire facing such a large target. Fire and reload quickly for continuous firepower.

The gunfire roared loudly, and the horrific massacre began. Where had the Tartars seen such sharp artillery fire? Thirty Fran cannons fired at almost the same time. Adapt to temporary deafness.

There were shrill screams one after another, and the expected sprinting speed of the horses to smash through the unicycle array became a joke, because in just a few breaths, the Fron machine had fired five times, which meant that more than seven thousand A three-coin iron broke into the cavalry group.

This is not the end, although there is only one general infantry musketeer here, but there are more than forty Miniguns among them.

Within [-] paces, every Minigunner can hit a cavalry with one shot to the head. For example, Mr. Gu Zhun has already emptied the Minigun and two self-generated blunderbuss, causing the chests of the three Tartars to open. flower.

The cavalry muskets were not spectators either. Under the leadership of Wang Zhicheng, there were very few of the more than [-] self-produced guns and more than [-] miniature guns that could not hit the Tartars.

Huang Han didn't use the minigun to shoot continuously now, because the four bodyguards were also first-class shooters, and he couldn't let them reload for himself, so Huang Han only had one minigun and two self-generating short guns in his hands.

After he fired the first shot to kill a tartar, he didn't bother to spend time reloading it. He directly picked up the steel bow and played rapid fire. The efficiency was very high, and the tartar who was within fifty steps became the target.

The cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" is not at all chaotic, because the horses have been specially trained, and they often follow the training artillery array, just to hear the huge explosion, and they are already used to the sound of the artillery.

But the cavalry officers and soldiers of cold weapons were in a hurry. Our army's artillery fire kept going, and the cavalry couldn't make a surprise attack. It seemed that the artillery was fighting vigorously, and they didn't care that the Tartars had collapsed and fled.

The archery cavalry brothers also felt that it was not enough, because there were very few Tartars who could get close to the formation of fifty steps, and the thrown arrows were not enough to see under the circumstances of the artillery fire and the bullets drilling randomly.

At this time, rushing out to slash and chop, how can the frightened Tartar have the ability to fight back?
(End of this chapter)

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