Chapter 452 Invincible

The cavalry can only attack after the shelling stops, and there will be restrictions on playing roundabouts here.

Because the width of the front is not enough, and there are hillside obstacles on the left and right, I don't know how far the road is to go around the hills, and I don't know if I can walk through it.

Tubuwen, a cavalry flag officer, came from a small tribe in Inner Kharkha. He was one of the more than [-] Mongolians who voluntarily joined the "Red Banner Army" in Qingcheng the year before last.

Most of these people were left behind by the "Red Banner Army" to graze horses. Later, they successively liberated several small Mongolian tribe slaves whose names had never been heard, and also accepted some volunteers.

Now there are already a thousand and a few hundred Mongolian young and middle-aged men working for Huang Han, and the small Mongolian tribe has more than one thousand households and a population of more than five thousand.

After investigation, more than [-] young and middle-aged Mongolians who were proficient in bows and horses who volunteered to join the army were judged to be reliable and accepted as cold weapon cavalry of the "Red Banner Army".

The more than [-] people came from more than [-] Mongolian families. They received military pay, and the family received military treatment. The living conditions immediately widened the gap with other herdsmen.

Don't worry about the shortage but the inequality. The young and middle-aged Mongolians who are not selected are working hard, studying Chinese earnestly to earn performance, and strive to pass the ruling of the town governor in the next selection.

After joining the army, Tubuwen bowed horses and performed meritorious service. Unfortunately, due to lack of literacy, he could not become the chief banner officer. Now he is a small banner officer with the rank of sergeant.

His tribe was destroyed by the Karaqin people, and he instinctively hated the Karaqin people, but at this time, he couldn't help but feel a little sad about the death of the rabbit.

Tubuwen is a warrior on the grassland, and he is used to fighting with cold weapons. Since the selected Mongolian cavalry with cold weapons are all good at shooting without exception, they can't let them practice their own firearms at the expense of the basics.

It stands to reason that Tubwin is a small banner officer who already has the rank of sergeant and can prepare a self-generated short gun, but this Mongolian thinks it is too troublesome and has to take responsibility and is not willing to play this new weapon.

All the guns in the "Red Banner Army" are numbered, and the owner of the gun is recorded in detail. If you lose the distributed self-generated short gun, you will face a series of punishments such as downgrading and being fined with a military stick.

Tubuwen was worried that he didn't like to practice using short guns, so he was convicted of losing them and didn't apply for them. Today, he saw the cavalry rushing all over the mountains and plains under the artillery fire and bullets.

It was too scary, which meant that the practice of riding and archery since he was a child was basically useless against guns. He couldn't help but secretly rejoiced that he had joined the "Red Banner Army", and since then it was impossible to fight fiercely with such troops.

Tubwen now has a wife and a concubine in his family and a fat son who is just three months old.He is already in his 30s, and he has finally lived a life without worrying about food and clothing, and has no nostalgia for the prairie.

Because the grassland left him with the impression of constant attack and killing. He once had three wives and four children, but he still doesn't know if he is still alive.

Tubuwen loves his home in Tiger Cave City, loves his current woman, and loves his fat son even more.

He sincerely hoped that the "Red Banner Army" would be strong and that Tiger Cave City would never be affected by the flames of war, so he did not hesitate to fight with his life on the battlefield.

He knew that he was old, and his service period was less than five years, because the "Red Banner Army" stipulated that the maximum service age for soldiers and non-commissioned officers was 35 years old.

He thinks he can fight, but he really has no confidence in knowing Chinese characters. He has self-knowledge and knows that it is impossible to become an officer beyond the age of service, so he cherishes every opportunity to participate in the war and strives for meritorious service to be rewarded.

There is one cavalryman from Tumet and one cavalryman from Chahar in Tubwen's small banner, and the remaining eight are from the Han army.

The "Red Banner Army" clearly stipulates that as long as they have robes, they will not be distinguished from each other. Therefore, the few soldiers of different nationalities in the cold weapon cavalry are not discriminated against, and they are treated equally for their military exploits.

It's a pity that due to the strict cultural examination, there are very few people who can pass the test and break through the position of small banner officer to become the general banner officer.

They can only get higher treatment and honors if they strive to gain military merit and be promoted to the rank of sergeant, warrior, and warrior.

At this moment, Tubwin was planning to try to chop off a few heads and capture a few horses in the next attack, and strive to be promoted to a warrior by a rank when rewarding meritorious deeds.

Seeing the tragic situation in the first two hundred steps of the formation, the corpses of horses and tartars piled up one after another, and the horses that were seriously injured and could not die for a while were struggling. Due to the rumbling of the guns, the mournful neighing could not be heard.

The Tartar who had been shot and fell from the horse covered his bleeding wound with his mouth widened and howled. Although he couldn't hear clearly, he could still guess that he was shouting for help.

Seeing that the Tartars were running away, Huang Han issued an order to attack. While waving the flag, the commanders at all levels were shouting in plain language to convey this very simple order, with only two words "cease fire".

Soon the Fran cannons quieted down. At this time, shouts broke out in the army formation, and the cavalry rushed forward like flying horses.

The musketeers marched in formation with self-produced guns equipped with bayonets, and the three hundred laborers also shouted and rushed out of the formation with their white wax pole spears.

After a while, "Puff, puff..." After the sound of a gun point and a bayonet piercing into the flesh, too many tartars who were shot and rolled all over the ground in pain were relieved.

Even the Ming army was defeated without even touching the edge of the formation. Se Leng and Subu who ran back were ashamed of the ground. The scene just happened was too scary, and the two Taiji who fought almost every year still had lingering fears.

At this moment they finally understood that the "Red Banner Army" had nothing to fear. They possessed cannons whose bombardment speed was faster than that of matchlock guns. That kind of cannon was too terrifying. A large area could not be resisted by manpower.

Running, running, the horses fell to the ground with a sad hiss, and the knight fell far away, and his life and death were unknown.

It was the horse that was hit by the shotgun and didn't die for a while. The owner was so frightened that he didn't realize that the horse was bleeding when he ran back. At this time, too many horses couldn't hold on any longer and fell dead on the spot.

There were bursts of shouts from the Ming army cavalry behind, and everyone ran away with their heads buried in their heads. They all knew that if they ran a step slower at this time, the head on the neck would become a reward for the Ming army.

At this time, it was the time when dead fellows did not die poor people, when they did not want to outrun the Ming army, but only wanted to outrun their companions. Of course, no one would check on the fallen robe.

The two Taijis were no exception at this time, and they were also racing at the end of the road. From time to time, there were "boom, boom, boom!"

The Second Battalion of the Western Expedition, which crossed Longfeng Mountain, kept in touch with the First Battalion. Originally, the two Battalions agreed to attack the winter gathering place on the left wing of Harqin.

Unexpectedly, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and the tartars were stunned and sent out to Beizi Mountain to attack the first battalion of the Western Expedition directly led by Huang Han.

(End of this chapter)

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