Chapter 453
Upon receiving the report from the scouts, Hanzi couldn't laugh or cry, hating why those Tartars didn't come to fight the second battalion.

If the second battalion could greet the Tartars with cannons while waiting for work, and then personally lead a hundred more cavalry than the first battalion to charge, the results would be brilliant.

Now it is obvious that the Tartars will be beaten to death on Beizi Mountain. Only at this time can the Ming army cavalry join in to inflict a lot of damage to the Tartars.

Hanzi ordered the infantry to cross Longfeng Mountain in accordance with the marching regulations, and he took the Bai Zong who led directly and the two cavalry who led the cavalry in light clothes and led the spare horses to cross the mountain and head directly to the direction of Beizi Mountain.

Se Leng and Subu failed to charge into battle but were killed by Ming army cavalry, losing half of their troops. Biaorenma came from the northeast.

The cavalrymen of the Biaoming Army rushing forward were all wrapped in steel, only two oval eyeholes were exposed at the eyes.

The headed one hundred or so are all tall men with big horses, and all of them are Arabian war horses under their crotches.

I saw a tall, long-armed, burly general wielding a long-handled mountain ax like a white wax spear, and none of the Tartars who appeared nearby could withstand his move.

What does it mean to be invincible?Today Hanzi staged a teaching version.

There were pursuers behind and interceptions in front, and the courageous Tartars became even more flustered. No one wanted to fight, and everyone was running around like headless chickens, trying to escape from this hell on earth.

"Come on! Kill the Tartars! This opportunity is rare. A Tartar's head is worth three acres of fertile land. Brothers, hurry up!" Liu Fenyong, who has already been granted the false title of general from the second rank, is the one who knows the robe best. Mind, a loud roar got too much sympathy.

Sang Yu, who also has the rank of general and general manager, was extremely excited at this time, and every time the special armor-piercing horse in his hand stabbed, a stream of blood would fly.

The horse lance is a heavy-duty boutique version of the spear. It is most suitable for knights with both strength and skill. The blade of the lance is two feet long. Under the horse's spear, he penetrated it with one blow.

The knights of the "Red Banner Army" have made many meritorious deeds because of their frequent battles. The current feature is that false titles are flying all over the sky. There are really many generals with titles such as generals, guerrillas, and capitals.

But everyone understands that there is a huge difference between the rank of general in the imperial court and the status of the actual conferred general, and no one takes it seriously.

In the "Red Banner Army", they don't even care who is awarded by the imperial court, and every general knows who can lead troops and how many troops can be determined by the mentor.

Sang Yu was satisfied to be able to command the cavalry with a total of more than three hundred cavalry under his command. After all, he joined the "Red Banner Army" later than Yuan Siming and Liu Fenyong.

He laughed loudly as he stabbed, "Happy, happy, I didn't expect that the Tartars on the grassland are worse than a litter of weasels and mice. Why are Tartars so easy to fight?"

Liu Fenyong, wielding a saber and slashing big chops, said with a strange smile: "It's not because of the Tartars. Have you forgotten what horse we were riding and what we were wearing? Is there such a good thing as a self-generated short gun? "

At this time, they discovered that a group of madman-like knights had come from the south, and the knife-clamp in the leader's blood-soaked hands was not only dripping with blood, but also stained with a lot of white things.

"The two generals are really in a good mood, and they are willing to spend their time talking nonsense. I have smashed the heads of more than a dozen Tartars all the way here, and there is at least one commander among them."

Hearing the voice, Sang Yu could tell who it was. He laughed loudly and said, "Crazy Wang, mother, I wouldn't be able to recognize you unless you open your mouth. Why is it like soaked in blood?"

Liu Fenyong laughed and scolded: "Wang Zhicheng, you boy never do good things. I asked you to change your weapon, but you chose to use a knife and stick. It's a pleasure for you to smash the head of a tartar. When you finally count the harvest, you always have to mess around."

Liu Fenyong used to wield a knife and stick to kill the enemy. Later, he found that the knife and stick were easy to smash the enemy's head, making it difficult to harvest the head, so he decisively changed his weapon.

He admired the Patriarch's way of imitating Huang Han's style everywhere, and the horse-cutting knife he uses now is also made by Yang Laoshi and his son with a hammer, and it weighs 12 catties and [-] taels.

"Hahaha..." Wang Zhicheng laughed loudly and said, "I killed the slaves and Tartars for the sake of the Han people, not for the sake of showing merit, and I never cared about how many levels I personally gained."

As long as Wang Zhicheng is on the court, he fights with his life every time. He really has the heart to die every time, because he has a deep hatred with the Tartars and Jiannu, and his wife, wife and children all died before him. Change.

His family was killed and he was the only one living alone. Wang Zhicheng had nothing to think about in his life. Every battle he took the initiative to seek death, and this was often the case on the battlefield.

Therefore, Wang Zhicheng is not only alive, but because of his many gains, great contributions, and growing officials, he is now the same as Liu Fenyong and Sang Yu in false titles, but they are two levels higher and can command three generals. total.

His special knife-clamp stick weighs 27 jins. He can defeat any strongman who uses a mace against Shang Jiannu during the charge. He kills the enemy for the sake of killing the enemy. Regardless of the momentum, the enemy is often the first to be timid in a duel.

Sang Yu shouted: "Brother Wang speaks quickly to our brothers' hearts. Our mentor often teaches us to fight for the country and the clan, and we really don't need to care about the number of beheadings."

Liu Fenyong said: "Then don't dawdle, brothers, go ahead! Kill! Kill the Tartars! ..."

"Tiger, tiger, tiger!" The battle flag is picturesque, and the blood spilled on the white snow is like a red plum blooming...

At this time, there is no poetic and artistic feeling, only the earth-shattering shouts of the Ming army, and the wailing of the Tartars...

The recruits were inexperienced, so they didn't know how much combat power the Tatars had, but all the veterans felt that the scene in front of them was a bit unbelievable. It stands to reason that the Tatars shouldn't be cowardly like this!

This is not surprising, the "Red Banner Army" has progressed too fast, and its equipment and discipline are unparalleled.

In addition, the small cavalry flag officers can also cheat in the charge duel at the higher level. They can pull out their own short guns and kill Battelle, who is the bravest person in the tribe.

Battelle, who was able to fight three or five at a time, would often scream and roll off his horse after encountering the Ming army, which made the martial arts that he had practiced hard for more than ten years go to waste. Such a case is too frightening.

Therefore, the Tartars had no fighting spirit when they encountered the "Red Banner Army". They rushed to flee as if they had seen a devil.

(End of this chapter)

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