Chapter 454
In history, when Hong Chengchou’s defeat in Songshan was formed, a small hundred thousand Ming troops fled. The Qing army then covered up tens of thousands of prisoners and killed 200 to [-] Ming troops. However, the Qing soldiers only suffered one or two hundred casualties. One spot.

More than 800 cavalry below Hanzi participated in the interception, and the effect was great. The Tazi soldiers who were already out of breath were killed by thousands of people. Unfortunately, Hanzi and the non-commissioned officers under his command discovered Seleng.

Because the Da Taiji surrounded by dozens of Tartar cavalry was different, at least these people had iron armor on their bodies, and they looked much neater than other Tartars.

Ever since, the Bai Zong led by Han Zi went crazy, because their chief general Han Zi found out that the enemy chief had already found out that he was the chief general of the second battalion, not an ordinary cavalry soldier. Dozens of people who were stupefied chased after him.

Huang Han once seriously warned the chief executive who was specially set up for the safety of the fool, if the chief general cannot be restrained from rushing too far, then everyone must be responsible for the safety of the chief general. Don't go back to the team.

The warriors, warriors, and sergeants of the Baizong understood it. The head of the family implicitly told everyone that if they lost the head, everyone would be beheaded, so he warned them not to return to the camp to avoid military law.

Seeing the general rushing fiercely, all the soldiers did not dare to be negligent. They beat their horses like flying one by one to try to surpass the idiot. Fortunately, this commander is always riding on an Arabian horse. One is fighting the odds.

Of course, the guards of Selangor are proficient in bows and horses, and the horses under their crotch are all selected good horses. This chase can be said to be evenly matched, but because the horsepower of the Tartars is far greater than that of the Ming army's pursuers, gradually some people He was caught up by a fool and chopped down with an axe.

The idiot doesn't like capturing captives very much, because he thinks it's troublesome. After capturing the captives, he has to take care of them, which will affect the efficiency of killing the enemy. How easy is it to chop up the enemy with an axe?
What's more, Huang Han has always believed that the enemy can only be trusted when he is in two parts of the body, and those who raise their hands to surrender are not guaranteed to have evil intentions.

The Patriarch's attitude towards the Tartars and Jiannu was of course followed by his officers and men, so in every battle, more heads were cut off and fewer prisoners were captured.

Se Leng's men and horses fleeing became fewer and fewer, and the number of Ming troops chasing them gradually increased. Se Leng simply stopped running when his horsepower was gradually exhausted. He turned his horse's head and led a dozen confidant guards to launch a desperate attack.

It was Hanzi and the [-] or so warriors who ran in the front. Just when the Mongols approached [-] paces, Hanzi let go of the two throwing axes that Hanzi had been reluctant to use.

Although Taiji, who is already in his forties, has good skills, but his age is not forgiving, and he is exhausted after running back and forth for too long. Facing the oncoming flying axe, he decisively swung the Mongolian knife to block, but he did not Thinking that the force of the throwing ax was too strong, Se Leng almost fell off his horse.

When the second flying ax came one after another, Se Leng, who had just stabilized his figure, had no time to react, and was chopped firmly on his chest by the flying ax and fell off the horse.

Seeing that the general had fallen, the Tartars who followed Se Leng's decisive charge turned their horses away from the direction to avoid hedging. Even so, more than half of them were cut off their horses by the Ming army, and only three or five were able to escape in the end.

Subudi, who died down, was better off than his uncle, and ran away with hundreds of people.

It may be because he is only in his early thirties. Generally speaking, the older ones in the Tazi army must be generals. The older they are, the bigger the officials. Selen is a big disadvantage of his age, and he is recognized as the main general by the Ming army. , and thus lost his life.

The winter camp on the left wing of Karaqin basically had no decent resistance, because the two Taijis were desperate, and if the choice was unsuccessful, they would be benevolent. They took all the young and middle-aged men who could be organized in the clan to Beizi Mountain to attack the Ming army. There are men who are also old and young.

Knowing from the more than 300 ethnic groups who fled back in a hurry that the two Taiji were defeated by the Ming army and disappeared, the young and old in the clan immediately chose to mount their horses and flee, because the law of the grassland would not spare their lives.

After the cavalry of the Ming army entered the camp, only two hundred soldiers were left to monitor the area, waiting for the infantry to take over.

The rest of the troops did not hesitate to continue chasing and fleeing the enemy, because chasing and killing a cavalry can capture at least one war horse, and maybe these Tartars have hurriedly picked up gold and silver treasures.

Of the five troops, only the first battalion and the second battalion fought a decent battle, and the other three battalions were basically all the way to hide and kill, and there were no large-scale counterattacks by more than [-] Tartars.

After the main force of the left wing of Harqin was defeated, the tribes with a radius of three hundred miles became lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

The established Tartar cavalry no longer existed, and the chiefs of the small tribes learned that the two Dataiji were defeated, Seleng died in battle, and the whereabouts of Subudian were unknown.

Those who could escape immediately migrated, and those who could not escape saw the Ming army appearing near the camp, and they brought the young and middle-aged men of the clan to kneel and beg for permission to surrender.

These Tartars who have milk or mothers can't kill them all. Accepting the surrender of small tribes is the only way. As long as the tribes surrender, they must choose half of the string control people between the ages of 30 and [-] to serve in the Ming army.

This condition is very kind. Because of the age limit, all Tartar men under the age of 16 and over the age of 30 can stay in their own tribe, plus half of the young and middle-aged men, and the tribe's combat effectiveness and productivity will not suffer huge losses.

What's more, the Ming army didn't ask for cattle, sheep and horses to pay tribute at all this year. It just stipulated that when the defeated Seleng and Subudi's troops defected to the tribe that declared surrender, the tribal chief must arrest or kill them and send them to the Ming army for inspection. .

Send a head or a prisoner, and the Ming army will reward you with a stone of wheat.

If you don't want wheat, you can exchange for [-] bottles of "Drunk Immortal" high-grade liquor. If you dare to hide the fleeing defeated soldiers, the clan will be wiped out!

The fleeing defeated soldiers really needed to seek refuge with the tribes they encountered, because no one could last for a few days without food and yurts for the night, and finally there was infighting.

The defeated soldiers may not be all in twos and threes, there are also gangs of hundreds of people who fled together. Of course, small tribes dare not accept these defeated soldiers.

In the end, some small tribes who had surrendered to the "Red Banner Army" were beaten by the defeated soldiers and took the initiative to find the Ming army to avenge them.

Next, under the leadership of the small tribal light cavalry who had suffered a loss, it was more efficient to chase the defeated soldiers on the left wing of Harqin.

After forcibly robbing the small tribe of the tribe, the defeated soldiers who thought they could escape the pursuit after being supplemented with horses, food, meat and other supplies were often followed and chased by tribesmen who were familiar with the environment and habits and could not get rid of it.

(End of this chapter)

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