Chapter 455
The management of the "Red Banner Army" is not comparable to that of Jiannu. After accepting the surrender of the small tribe of Tartars, the young musketeers began to conduct a census for the small tribe and establish personnel files.

In order to deter the chiefs who surrendered under the prestige of the Ming Dynasty, they rarely have crooked thoughts.

Next, the "Red Banner Army" will suddenly encircle the small tribe that has surrendered and re-check the population to identify whether the leader of the tribe is acting obediently and violatingly, or whether he is taking in defeated soldiers in an attempt to increase his own strength.

It is inhumane to punish without reporting. The young musketeers of the "Red Banner Army" told the tribal chief and some elders the usefulness of doing so when they recorded their household registrations. The tribal chief was so frightened that he immediately sent many people to find the hiding tribesmen.

The chief was worried that the Ming army would not accept the surrender, so he sent some young people to hide in the mountains. The purpose was to leave some seeds for the clan, so as not to be exterminated, and also to hide part of their strength. It was like this when they dealt with Jiannu before.

Who knows that the Ming army is so powerful that anyone who can be drawn out can write and count. There are also many Mongolians in the team. These people are very familiar with Mongolian tribes. They took the young Han soldiers to find someone to talk to and record , It takes less than half a day to get a general idea of ​​the situation.

The situation of each family in the tribe was recorded by the Han youths in their notebooks. Unfortunately, the Tartars were uneducated and had no idea what the Ming army wrote.

But they all understood that this was the record of the population of the entire tribe, and it would not be so easy to lie in the future. If there were suddenly more young and middle-aged men, it would be regarded as the defeated soldiers who had taken in Subudi and Seleng.

The chiefs took the initiative to confess the hidden population, and the "Red Banner Army" recognized it, and gave time for the young and middle-aged men who ran out to hide to go home, but after the time limit was over, they would be punished if they found that there were more young and middle-aged men in the tribe for no reason.

Only the combination of grace and power will have an effect. The "Red Banner Army" first raised the butcher's knife to kill, not only the left wing of Harqin was wiped out, but also many small and medium-sized tribes were wiped out.

Just when the chiefs of the small tribe who chose to surrender and accept the management of the "Red Banner Army" were trembling, Operation Charity began.

Tribes who do not have enough food to survive the winter will get some miscellaneous grains that barely keep them from starving. Not only that, they also get a lot of lambs, calves, and foals.

This time the attack on the prairie was completely different from two years ago. At that time, they burned, killed, and looted everything, trying to destroy the ability of the Tatars to resume production as much as possible.

Today is to manage this land, and the Tartars who were left alive will become herdsmen to produce cattle, sheep, horses and fur for the "Red Banner Army".

Therefore, Huang Han issued an order before departure that all the breeding sheep should not be killed, not even a single lamb should be killed, and the calves and foals should not be lost.

This autumn and winter, the prairie lost tens of thousands of people and 10,000+ cattle, sheep and horses. Those who survived will have a much better life next year.

If there are fewer people, the food and meat needed will be correspondingly reduced, and the resource ratio of a family will naturally be higher.If there are fewer cattle, sheep, donkeys and horses, the damage to the pasture will be small, and the pasture will get precious recovery time.

To govern the prairie and control the Tartars, they must be kept in a state of disunity forever. Now we must have foresight. It is very important to restrain the development of the Tartar tribes. It is best to keep the number of each Tartar tribe no more than [-] and the population no more than [-]. is suitable.

Most of the people choose to be chicken heads rather than phoenix tails. Of the dozens of small tribes left behind, the strongest is no more than two hundred control strings. The possibility of them wanting to bully or rule other small tribes is much smaller.

The strength of the chiefs is almost the same, so the merger cannot be completed, and the great development cannot be completed, and it is impossible to have tens of thousands of control strings, which will cause the tail to become a serious problem for the Han nationality.

Of course, in order to achieve long-term stability in the prairie, it is necessary to accept some Mongols who are willing to serve the Ming Dynasty, so that the leaders of the "Pro-Ming faction" can benefit, and the chiefs who are obedient and vicious will lose their power.

With the "Pro-Ming faction" tipping the news, the "Red Banner Army" was able to grasp the situation in a timely manner, and with the control of ironware, grain, and trade, as well as the strict household registration management system, it would not be a problem to control Yanshan.

After rampaging in Yanshan for a hundred days, the autumn offensive came to an end, and the "Red Banner Army" suffered less than 300 casualties.

This number is similar to the number of casualties caused by accidents during the march. Due to the thick clothes, the soldiers who fought hand-to-hand were wearing helmets and armor, so the death rate was not high, and the current loss did not exceed 200 people.

When the army returned to the division, it brought many people from various tribes who came to serve. These people were in a good mood, because Huang Han didn't let them be busy, gave them the most basic treatment, and paid them half a year's salary in advance. Leave it to the family.

These Tatars who came to serve began to calculate their monthly salary in December, and they were given six renminbi and five buckets of miscellaneous grain every month. Now three taels of silver and three shi of miscellaneous grain have been paid in advance.

The purpose of doing this is to show that they serve the Ming army, and their families will be fed and clothed immediately.

They plundered the winter settlements on the left wing of Harqin, and seized the rations and daily necessities of [-] to [-] Tartars, enough to distribute several thousand stones of miscellaneous grain to the Tartars who followed them.

The total amount of grain seized exceeded [-] shi, and after subsidizing several thousand shi of grain to some tribes, there was still a balance of [-] shi.

Disposal of tens of thousands of shi grains and thousands of lambs, breeding sheep, foals, calves, and young donkeys on the spot greatly reduced the amount of transportation, and the rescued Han people and captured Tartar women would not be able to satisfy all the carts. Capacity.

Fortunately, the "Red Banner Army" brought a lot of wheelbarrows, and all of them were fully loaded when they returned to the division.

More than a thousand young and middle-aged Tartars did not expect to be forced to follow the Ming army and receive food and wages, let alone the Ming army generously gave it half a year in advance.

The Tartars are very poor, and there is never enough food to eat. Their small tribes have been bullied and exploited by the big tribes to make them even poorer, and there are countless people who are hungry.

The Ming army required young adults between the ages of 16 and 30 to serve in the military service not by the chiefs, but by having them queue up for on-site selection based on their registered residence files.

The Tartars didn't know what the Ming army's intentions were, and the young and middle-aged men who were selected were all downcast, and half of the people who were not selected secretly called it a fluke.

Unexpectedly, the Ming army was too bad, and then it was announced that the soldiers who followed the service would have their food and salary paid in advance for half a year. The vain money was in their hands, and six sacks and three shi of miscellaneous grains were piled up in front of them. Stop, crying so hard.

Not only that, the "Red Banner Army" propaganda team and the town governor also widely advertised that six months later, young and middle-aged men with a good attitude and adept bow and horse skills will be selected again as trainee soldiers. Possesses steel armor.

(End of this chapter)

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