Chapter 456 Yanbei Great Victory
The propaganda team spread the word to the Tartars, don't think that after following the team, you will become a regular soldier for granted.

The "Red Banner Army" will only look at those who have outstanding combat skills, can use Chinese proficiently, and serve Daming sincerely. The selection ratio will not be higher than one out of four.

The Mongols who became trainee soldiers will face selection again after six months. On the day when they become the real "Red Banner Army" cavalry, if the family is willing, they can live in Gaotaibao.

Of course, the "Red Banner Army" will vigorously publicize the treatment and benefits after becoming a real Ming army, telling the Tartars that they will farm land at that time, and Mongolian families who are willing to farm land can give each household [-] acres of wheat fields, and families willing to work and raise horses Will arrange work to earn monthly salary.

The two-pronged approach of disintegration and wooing will give real benefits to the Mongols who are willing to follow the "Red Banner Army". .

Regular inspections of Yanshan Mountain will become a system. In the future, every half a month, the cavalry of the Ming army will patrol the area, reminding the tribal leaders at all times that they are managed by someone.

The cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" used to train frequently, but now they just inspected the Mongolian tribes along the way.

In order to prevent this kind of management from becoming bad in the long run and becoming a heavy burden on small Mongolian tribes, Huang Han took preventive measures and strictly stipulated that the inspectors should bring their own food. The town governor was dismissed on the spot.

Of course, soldiers bring spirits and white flour in exchange for herdsmen's cattle and sheep to kill and eat meat, as long as it is a fair trade, it will not be prohibited.

Only the long ringing of the alarm bell can deter Xiaoxiao. The well-equipped and well-equipped "Red Banner Army" cavalry has raised the presence of the Tartar tribe twice in a month. Naturally, the Tartars know how to behave in the future.

At the beginning of December, the Western Expeditionary Army returned to the division one after another, and brought back [-] Tartars to serve in the army. At the same time, the victory report was sent to Shanhaiguan by Gao Youmou.

Although Lao Gaodi was the most unpromising existence among several Liaodong economic strategists, his military orders basically couldn't go out of Shanhaiguan, but he was lucky if he couldn't be held back.

Other Liaodong economic strategy officers lost troops and lost generals, but he was the only one who not only did not suffer a defeat, but also achieved the "Great Victory in Yanbei".

Now that General Pingliao is here, it will be difficult for Tartars to spy on Yanshan!With the Yanshan Mountain stretching for hundreds of miles as a buffer zone, the Shanhaiguan and even the Jizhen defense zone should be as solid as a rock.

During this period of time, the health of the Weisuojun stationed in the Liaoxi Corridor has doubled their sense of happiness, because many bachelors over the age of 30 will get mothers-in-law.

The captured Mongolian women "Red Banner Army" were not left to those small tribes who surrendered. The purpose was to prevent the Tatars from having as many women as possible, and the opportunity to marry wives and concubines could only be given to the Han people.

After the war, there are often more women than men, and it is normal for a young and middle-aged man to have several women if he throws women to the small tribe.

The small tribe got the breeding sheep, foals, calves, etc., and also got a lot of food, and there was less exploitation from the big tribe. Next year's life will be greatly improved immediately.

If we leave a few women for the young and middle-aged Tartars who are fed and clothed, won't they make them "sex" all day long?It is also possible that the population will increase several times in less than 20 years.

Such a good thing as increasing the population must be left to the Han people. This winter, many bachelors in the villages in the western Liaoning Corridor will marry wives, and it is not impossible to take concubines.

Tartar women have no concept of chastity, marry a Han, marry a Han, wear clothes and eat, and after marrying a villager, they can get enough food and clothing, and can get rid of the chaos of war. They rarely complain.

Gaodi's appointment as Liaodong Economic Strategy is entirely for the sake of his descendants. He delegated power to Huang Yizhou and his son, basically responding to requests, and now he is very proud of his unique vision.

After examining the heads of the Tartars, he began to write the victory report. The old man was a Jinshi in the 17th year of Wanli, and his level of writing articles was very high, and his level of writing memorials was even higher. .

In mid-December, when the news of the "Yanbei Great Victory" was heard, the capital was once again a sensation. Why did the word "again" be used?
Because on the eighth day of November, the capital had already started to make a splash, and it was still in the ascendant.

That was the grand opening of the city that never sleeps, written by the emperor himself. Immediately, too many princes and grandchildren felt that they had spent half their lives in vain. When they returned home, they didn’t even want to poop. Got it there.

This is normal. If modern people who are used to using flush toilets go to use ancient toilets, and the feces splash all over their buttocks, who can bear it?
Going to squat outside in the cold winter, and the cold wind blows on the buttocks, of course, this feeling will make the son and grandson nostalgic for the warm and clean bathroom, and think of the flush toilet.

Many dignitaries who are not short of money are asking whether they can install flush toilets in their homes, and the answer is that it is not possible for the time being, because the running water system must be installed in spring to have a bathroom.

The dignitaries of this era have never seen a running water system, and the guest rooms in the city that never sleeps have modern toilets.

As long as you unscrew the thing called the faucet, which is made of nickel-nickel-nickel copper, there will be clear water flowing. There is also a hot water faucet in the bathtub, and there will be steaming bath water at any time.

I enjoyed the ingenious sauna even more. Hot pebbles were packed in wooden baskets and brought in by two servants. When a wooden spoon was poured on it, there was a burst of heat.

The kind of comfort is indescribable. Too many people are fascinated by the thrill of sweating profusely in the cold winter. After bathing, put on a cotton bathrobe, soak a cup of tea, and listen to a little song. This feeling is really a paradise on earth.

The dignitaries finally knew that there was a different life, and they immediately fell in love with the environment and services of the city that never sleeps, and those who would never miss Shu knew how many people there were.

Zheng Xiaoqian, the eldest son of the Zheng family, is in a state of shock now, it is rare for his father to allow him to invite friends to go to the city that never sleeps.

He also has a great face, as long as the princes and grandchildren brought by his Mr. Zheng, they will enjoy the membership treatment when they finally pay, and it will cost [-]% less money.

Today's wealthy businessmen, high-ranking officials and dignitaries, without exception, hate the instigator Huang Han who is far away from the customs.

Because of the city that never sleeps, the nobles who thought they could afford everything with money found that their money didn't seem to be too much, and they didn't have enough money to go to the city that never sleeps.

If you were in the city that never sleeps and yelled arrogantly like ordering the servants, bustards, and waiters in other places: "Arrange the best room for the young master, and the most expensive table..."

Trouble, this young master may really want to spend a lot of money.

(End of this chapter)

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