Chapter 457 Success
The most expensive room in the city that never sleeps has a weird name called "Presidential Suite".

People in Ming Dynasty don't even know what the president is. Maybe it's the abbreviation of Chief Military Officer and Du Tong?

But living in a room that is full of spring in the severe winter is too comfortable, and the price of 300 taels of silver for a night of doing nothing is quite cheating.

Casually invite a few playmates to take a bath in the sauna, and it will cost tens of taels of silver, and a massage by a full-body relaxation technician is another hundred taels. Enter the guest's room, but the price is expensive...

In the past, I often clamored that I was not short of money, but now I dare not speak big words. In order to save some money with a 500% discount, too many people are willing to pay 500 taels of silver as a deposit in exchange for something called a membership card. Of course, [-] taels of silver is a deposit. can be refunded.

After more than a month, Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu were dumbfounded. The total investment of 60 taels was basically returned. Although they didn't earn so much money, they couldn't accept it.

"Why does my husband have such a brain?" Zheng Xiu'e happily asked Chu Chu after finishing the accounts: "At that time, he said that he would accept the Jinfa membership card, but I thought it was a whimsical idea, 500 taels of silver is enough to buy seven or eight small courtyards in the outer city.

Unexpectedly, more than a thousand copies have been sent out in just over a month. No, our investment in Everbright City has almost returned to its original value. "

Chu Chu looked at the thousands of lights outside the window, and felt that the night view of the city that never sleeps is so beautiful, she pulled Zheng Xiu'e and pointed to the crowds of people on the street and said:

"Sister, I only know that no matter what business you do, popularity is the most important thing. We spent a lot of fire oil to light up the city that never sleeps. Every night, there are more than [-] people who come here to play, and at most it exceeds [-] to [-]. We have a lot of novelties here. It is reasonable to make a lot of money."

A big weapon used by the Ming army to defend the city is called fierce fire oil tank. This thing is pressurized by manpower to make the oil tank have a certain pressure, which is similar to a water dragon for fire fighting, so that fierce fire oil can be sprayed out.

The siege enemy army and the approaching shield vehicles and rush vehicles were doused with fierce fire oil and then attacked by torches, and a raging fire would be ignited immediately, with a little bit of the shadow of a flamethrower of later generations.

Menghuo oil is not vegetable oil, but a petroleum product. As early as the Song Dynasty, the Han people began to use oil. In this era, they already knew how to make fierce fire oil that is easy to ignite through simple cooking.

The term oil was written by Shen Kuo, a scientist in the Song Dynasty, in his book "Mengxi Bi Tan". At that time, people in the Song Dynasty discovered oil and knew that it was easy to burn.

Huang Han has studied fierce kerosene, and also knows that some petroleum crude oil can obtain diesel oil and kerosene close to later generations through natural precipitation. The fierce kerosene used by the Ming army is similar to diesel and kerosene.

Then take the method of atmospheric distillation to remove impurities and get relatively pure kerosene, which can be used to light lamps.

This primary processing technology is not worth mentioning. It is similar to distilling liquor. After the craftsmen mastered the relationship between temperature and oil quality, it became possible to obtain a large amount of kerosene of the same quality as later generations.

Of course, the fierce oil lamps are not the vegetable oil lamps that use rushes like Daming now, but oil lamps with glass bases and glass shades with special cotton wicks.

The technology of this thing is not worth mentioning, the key is to have suitable lamp oil, but in order to earn money from dignitaries, this kind of oil lamp is very delicate, and the use of gold and silver for the lamp head is much longer than that of iron.

The street lamps in the city that never sleeps are just such oil lamps, but the lamp base is not made of gold and silver but copper, and the brightness and cost performance are much different from those of lighting candles.

Large theaters and places use fierce oil lamps, and in order to prevent some people from being overwhelmed by the smell of burning oil and to prevent fires, the oil lamps are all placed on the walls and separated by glass covers. Ladies change lamp oil and keep lampshades clean.

The cost of operating the city that never sleeps is high, and many workers are employed. There are two to 300 people in charge of lighting in two shifts, and [-]% of them are women.

Because compared with men, it is more difficult for women to find employment, and the principle of women's priority is adopted for jobs that do not require heavy physical strength in the city that never sleeps. Of course, this refers to the priority given to military dependents.

For this reason, the rooms of the main building of the city that never sleeps are designed with sandwich walls that allow one person to pass through. Inside the sandwich walls are briquette stoves for heating nickel-nickel-nickel copper radiators, lamp holes, water pipes, drain pipes, and drainage pipes. The air holes lead to the outside.

In this era, it is not feasible to use heating pipes for heating. The city that never sleeps adopts the simplest and most effective stupid method, directly heating water with a briquette stove in the sandwich wall outside the room to keep half of the hot water stored in the room similar to the radiator. Eighty or ninety degrees is enough.

This radiator is actually just a concave-convex surface on the exposed part to increase the heat dissipation effect. The outside is like a square hollow copper container, and the hollow part is actually a briquette stove.

It’s just that it is different from other briquette stoves that are filled with yellow mud to increase the heat insulation effect. It is surrounded by a part of the water-filled copper container. This design makes better use of the heat energy of briquette combustion.

Since people need to take care of each independent briquette stove heating facilities, and people need to replenish water and replace briquettes, the manpower needed to warm such a large-scale city that never sleeps can be seen.

The sandwich wall is designed to keep the business area clean and tidy. The customers on the working surface can’t see it at all. The high-ranking officials and dignitaries only see the warm and bright environment where they can take a hot bath at any time in the cold winter. They can’t see the busyness inside the sandwich wall. staff of.

It is also because of the wall, if the flag guard wants to monitor and monitor a certain Shanxi merchant or an official who comes to consume, these people are simply impossible to guard against.

In the eyes of modern people, working behind the wall is simply dark, boring and hard work, but Ming Shengdou Xiaomin does not think so.

They feel very happy to be able to get such a job, because the working environment is so good, they don't have to endure wind, frost, snow and rain, and the work is easy and comfortable.

Within a month, the city that never sleeps became popular in the capital. If the banquets among bureaucrats were not arranged to go to the sauna after drinking in Chongwenmenwai Street, they would be considered petty.

All the merchants dared to be angry and dare not speak out, because with the Nightless City, their entertainment costs have been doubled for no reason. It is a heavy burden to pay a deposit of 500 taels of silver and receive a membership card as a gift to the adults.

Businessmen all know that sending out a membership card is equivalent to beating a dog with a meat bun, and it is impossible for the 500 taels to belong to them. When it comes time to refund the deposit, will the adults still let them go?

This has been the case from ancient times to the present. The high-end things that officials enjoy basically do not need to spend their own money. Naturally, there are people who are eager to respect them.

(End of this chapter)

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