Chapter 44 Galloping
Want to take a trip to the capital?This is not a big deal. In fact, the Hou Jin army has never been able to cut off the connection between the capital and the local area.

The capital kept sending out [-] li urgently. Although the messengers who were a little bit back were intercepted, they were basically able to keep in touch.

Since the messenger can enter and leave the capital, Huang Han has dozens of troops, as long as he is careful, it shouldn't be too difficult to send Zheng Guochang to the capital.

Yongping Mansion is four to five hundred miles away from the capital, and the official road is in relatively good road condition in Daming due to frequent repairs. It should be no problem to gallop more than two hundred miles a day when there are horses to transfer.

Huang Han agreed: "It's okay to send your lord back to the capital, but it's more dangerous if you take a horse-drawn carriage, and the speed can't be guaranteed. If your lord can ride a horse, I guarantee you will reach the capital within two days."

Zheng Guochang stated: "Young people should not underestimate the old man, the old man can ride a horse for two days with confidence."

This is no problem at all. Huang Han has more than fifty people. As long as the Houjin army encountered on the road is not more than a centurion, he can fight with them. He is not afraid of meeting the Tartar centurion, because the Tartar equipment is not satisfactory. , much easier than beating slaves.

Later, the Jin army was trying to blackmail the Ming court under the capital city. Unexpectedly, the stubborn Daming would not form an alliance with any enemy under the city.

Later, the Jin army came from afar, and there were no siege equipment at all. It was a dream to attack the world's largest and most powerful city in this era, with nearly a million soldiers and civilians.

There is nothing wrong with Hong, he dare not attack the capital and thinks he can't take it down, and he can't blackmail the benefits, what should he do?
Well, the Emperor Ming refused to pay for the hard work, so we Dajin Army will collect it ourselves.

As a result, the robbers left the capital to rob the surrounding prefectures and counties. It has only been a day since the main force took Yongping Prefecture.

The slaves and Tartars are very busy, taking such a big city, the harvest is so great, there are dozens of officials in the city, no less than a hundred wealthy merchants, and many wealthy families, the robbers estimate that it will take at least three days Time to loot.

Civil and military officers in Yongping Prefecture did not surrender without a fight. Prefect Zhang Fengqi, Tuiguan Lu Chenggong, Zhongshusheren Liao Ruqin, retired deputy general Jiao Yanqing, guard Zhao Guozhong and other civil and military generals fought against the enemy with all their might and died in the final battle.There were still many scholars in the city who led their families to resist desperately, and finally died generously.

Huang Han agreed to Zheng Guochang's request without delay, and immediately started mobilizing, asking the servants to check their equipment, feed the horses at night, and get ready to go.

That night, two cavalry escaped from the direction of Yongping Fucheng, and the knights on horseback were seriously injured. Zheng Guochang's servants knew these two people. Thirteen.

Many people in Yongping Prefecture knew about Zheng Guochang's Chinese New Year celebration in Jiulitai Village. Some of the scattered Ming troops fled in the direction of Jiulitai Village.

Seeing the cavalry rushing out from Yongping Fucheng, Zheng Guochang of course wanted to inquire about the situation carefully.

After listening to the two people's reports, he confirmed that the city was lost, and the soldiers and civilians in the city were killed and injured.

Zheng Guochang has been an official in Yongping Mansion for several years, he is familiar with every plant and tree there, and he gets along well with his colleagues and neighbors, but in the blink of an eye, it has become a hell on earth, and of course the death of rabbits and foxes is inevitable.

During the night, more than a dozen Ming soldiers touched Jiulitai one after another. They were all wounded, and each of them was still in shock. From these people, Zheng Guochang confirmed the news that many civil servants and generals died for the country.

Zheng Guochang was even more anxious, and urged Huang Han to go on the road in the early morning of the next day.

Before leaving, Huang Han told Huang Yizhou not to go down the mountain no matter what happened. When he came back, he would send someone to contact the mountain. When he found that there were scattered Ming troops coming to vote, as long as they could not confirm their identities, they should be disarmed and guarded first. Get up and check slowly.

After Zheng Guochang left, there was no attack value on the mountain. Jiannu should not be insane, and would be willing to spend hundreds of thousands of troops to fight an unknown hill. Therefore, Huangyi Prefecture and the villagers should be safe and sound.

Jiulitai Village was already very unsafe, and Huang Yizhou took all the fleeing Ming soldiers back to the shelter to recuperate. Most of these people were traumatized, and they were stitched up after being disinfected with alcohol. The probability of survival was very high.

Huang Han led more than [-] double-riders and traveled more than [-] miles in one day. After rushing through the occupied area of ​​the Jin army, he slept in a wood.

On the way, they found a few Ming troops and a small group of Jin troops, and they didn't get entangled with them. Of course, those small troops didn't dare to move Huang Han and his party.

Huang Han divided the troops into three echelons. Song Pengfei and Yang Danian led more than a dozen soldiers to stand in the front. Huang Han personally accompanied Zheng Guochang and his four servants in the middle team. There were 36 people and 72 horses in total. Hanzi and Yang Guowei With a dozen fighters is the third echelon, responsible for breaking the rear.

The men and horses camped again for one night. On the afternoon of the seventh day of the first lunar month, a group of people rushed to the gate of Guangqu in the capital. Huang Han was unwilling to go to the capital at this time because he was afraid of being sent under the command of some general.

His current official position is too small, even if he can be promoted, he will not be the chief general of the way, and it is impossible to even become a garrison general. Whether he is promoted to be the chief of the hundred or the chief of the thousand, he must have a battalion.

In case any guerrilla general or participating general asks for someone, the imperial court will not allow it to be arranged. If he is going to go to Liao Town, he may be a member of Daling River in the future. If he is going to go to Yansui Town, then there will be Maybe I don't know how many years I have fought with the Shaanxi mob.

When you can't decide your own destiny, you must not enter the big pit of the capital, otherwise you may be trapped to death.

Huang Han sent Zheng Guochang to the city of the capital before leaving and returning to Yongping Mansion. The reason was very good, and he was worried about the safety of his family.

Zheng Guochang also has children and an old wife hiding on the mountain, of course he is also very concerned, Huang Han refused to enter the capital and chose to go back immediately, he did not keep him.

When parting, Zheng Guochang reassured Huang Han that with his contacts in the court, the imperial court's reward to the Huang family and his son would not be delayed for too long.

When the time is right, he may ask for orders to lead the imperial army to recover Yongping Mansion.

Huang Han didn't worry about getting promoted at all. After the Jin army broke through and entered, the Ming army's garrison and higher-ranking generals died in battle. There are probably more generals who fought or simply escaped. There should be shortages of military attache positions .

In history, the Ming army did not get any tangible gains before counterattacking the four cities Zunhua, Qian'an, Yongping, and Luanzhou that were left as enclaves by Houjin, because every time they fought, the Ming army was defeated. lose.

Even if the Jin army captured a certain city and retreated in desperation, the Ming army defending the city could not get the head of Jiannu.

Zheng Guochang's forty-odd gains should be rare items, and it should be a certainty that Huang Han and his father will be promoted.

(End of this chapter)

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