Chapter 45
At the end of the second year of Chongzhen, a strange incident occurred in the Ming Dynasty Hall.That's because all the Zhengying court Tannu turned pale, and only one was impassioned.

This man is a stunned young man, Liu Zhilun who has just been promoted by a Shu Jishi of the Imperial Academy to the right servant of the Ministry of War. He is from Shu, not a party member of Donglin, but a Jinshi in the first year of Chongzhen.

It's good that Mr. Liu has enthusiasm, but if he doesn't have the strength to have enthusiasm, he will harm others and himself!

And Emperor Chongzhen was obviously not a British lord who knew people and made good use of them. At this time, the young man was in a hurry and went to the doctor.

Not long ago, he made an exception to use a commoner, Shen Fu, and was promoted to lieutenant general. It is said that this person has spells taught by Taoist priests.

As a result, Shen Fu went to battle, resulting in the annihilation of the entire army of 7000 people. Fortunately, Shen Fu fought unyieldingly and generously, and did not embarrass Chongzhen, who appreciated him.

Even so, Chongzhen still didn't accept the lesson, and actually sent Liu Zhilun, who had no experience in leading the army, who was only good at talking, to fight.

However, Liu Zhilun wanted troops from the imperial court, but the emperor refused to give them, and the Chongzhen Emperor of the Sichuan Army still disagreed. In the end, it was Liu Zhilun himself who temporarily recruited soldiers to prepare for the expedition.

In this way, when the unreliable emperor and the stunned ministers were acting stupid together, an Eighth Battalion formed by refugees and beggars in the capital plus many Ming troops who had been scattered and had messy numbers More than [-] people set off in the snowstorm.

Liu Zhilun is a different kind in the court, because he refuses to follow the crowd, he has blood and wants to make a difference.

But in the eyes of Zhong Zhengying, Liu Zhilun who was promoted by the front line is a lucky villain, and in the eyes of many generals, Liu Zhilun is a shit-stirring stick.

The commanders-in-chief were all angry, the only way to defend the city was to defend the city if the soldiers were unbearable. This Liu Zhilun jumped out and took the initiative to lead the troops to attack the Jin army.

Therefore, even though there are no less than [-] King Qin troops in Gyeonggi, they all rely on the city to protect themselves. No one will accept Liu Zhilun's tens of thousands of men, let alone any soldiers and horses to cooperate with his actions. If Liu Zhilun's troops encounter a fierce battle, there will definitely be no one come to the rescue.

In fact, Liu Zhilun is not an idiot and has some theoretical level. He is usually interested in military affairs, and he is not ashamed to ask his subordinates. He often asks junior officers and even ordinary soldiers for advice.

No one can say for sure how many troops there are after the Jin army conquered all the way, and I am afraid that even the slave chief Hong himself cannot come up with an accurate figure.

Because not only the number of Yu Ding, Banner Ding, and coated servants who followed the main soldiers of the Jin army who went out to the expedition, it is impossible to be specific, even the small tribe of Tartars outside the Ming Dynasty's side wall who have never heard of the name and only a few hundred people took the opportunity to cross the side wall Come to Daming to take advantage.

Although there is no way to judge how many troops there are in the Hou Jin army, it can be predicted that there will not be many, otherwise they would not give up the great opportunity to surround and seize the capital, and just circled around the capital to plunder.

Liu Zhilun's choice was to lead troops to attack Zunhua, intending to use this as a base to expand to the surrounding areas and return the Jin army after the results of the battle were cut off. This is actually completely clever.

In order to fulfill his strategic intentions, Liu Zhilun also took the initiative to invite Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian, the two chief military officers, to cooperate in the operation, and asked them to send troops to attack Yongping Mansion after the paralyzed Golden Army provided him with convenience in recapturing Zunhua.

In fact, at this time in Zunhua, the traitor Fan Wencheng was stationed there, and he only had the Eight Hundred and Eight Banners cavalry.

In history, the ending of Liu Zhilun's army was very funny. Fan Wencheng, who had only [-] armored men, sent troops to attack Liu Zhilun's troops, which had eight battalions and more than [-] troops, and achieved the result of defeating two battalions.

This scared the Ming army who was already fearful of the enemy like a tiger. Liu Zhilun could no longer order his subordinates to attack Zunhua desperately.

More than 22 Red Banner men and horses came to rescue Zunhua, and the banner owner Dai Shan personally led the troops. In the end, only one of Liu Zhilun's eighth battalions escaped. Liu Zhilun died in battle on the [-]nd day of the first month of the third year of Chongzhen.

The development of the current situation is no different from the history. Liu Zhilun led the troops to run into obstacles everywhere, and all Zhengyingchao hated this outlier, and wrote letters to impeach Liu Zhilun for grandstanding.

Liu Zhilun had a hard time, so he could only lead his troops to march towards Zunhua. In fact, he had long been disappointed in the inaction of the princes.

Later, the Jin Army has been paying close attention to the deployment of the Ming army. Of course, more than 2 people from Liu Zhilun left the capital were noticed, but within a few days after leaving, more than half of the 6000 people left, and now there are only [-] people.

After getting the information about this army, Hong Xie sneered, thinking that it would be too childish for the Ming Dynasty to let a civil servant who had never led an army experience temporarily recruit soldiers, and then go to battle immediately.

In fact, Emperor Chongzhen was only eighteen or nineteen years old, and he was indeed suspected of child's play in handling some major events.As an emperor, Chongzhen's level should indeed not be as good as that of Hongxie.

The reason why Liu Zhilun's troops, who had been marching in the field, were not killed by the Houjin army was because Hong looked down on Liu Zhilun at all, and even less on those beggar soldiers. Fight this Huazi army.

In history, it was Liu Zhilun who rushed to Zunhua to find a fight before he was knocked out.Now Liu Zhilun is on the way to fight with more than [-] people.

Due to the concentration of iron armor, the 56 cavalry who followed Huang Han to the capital not only had one person and two horses, but also 45 people had a full set of iron armor equipment, 11 people also had a combination of leather armor and cotton armor, and all had helmets with visor protection.

Huang Han is now wearing the Shanwen armor for his father, and Huang Yizhou insists that his son wear this good thing that is strong and weighs about ten catties less than ordinary iron armor.

Huang Yizhou thinks that guarding the mountain pass does not know whether the Jin army will attack after they come, and everyone should give the best protection to the cavalry brothers who may encounter the Jin army at any time and have to fight face to face.

After all, when the enemy came to attack the shelter, they had no choice but to throw feathered arrows to the mountain pass for long-range attack. The distance exceeded eighty steps, and the lethality of the arrows was extremely limited. The Ming army guarding the mountain pass had cotton armor and cotton face armor for protection. enough.

Huang Han believed that his father's analysis was reasonable, so he no longer refused, and accepted the centralized use of iron armor.

Zheng Guochang also knew that the equipment of the soldiers was very important. Before entering the capital, he not only took off his mountain armor, but also asked the four servants to take off the armor and hand it to Huang Han.

Zheng Guochang knew that he had come to the capital, and his safety was guaranteed, so he didn't need armor for protection.Besides, there are so many supplies in the capital, it is definitely not a big problem to get dozens of sets of armor with his power.

Because of the addition of these five armors, the number of Huang Han's armor has reached 45.

(End of this chapter)

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