Chapter 459 Killing Li Jiucheng

Xu Guangqi, the elder of the pavilion, lived a comfortable life during this time. Originally, he was hit by the beheading and abandonment of his beloved disciple Sun Yuanhua in history, and the situation of his health deteriorating did not appear.

Xu Guangqi was not stimulated by the murder of his beloved apprentice because he took Huang Han, a closed disciple, but he also practiced Tai Chi for two years, and now his body is very strong.

Recently, he is often dragged by Zheng Guochang to go to the sauna in the city that never sleeps, where he gets a massage to refresh himself. Scientists don't want to see extravagance, but he likes foot massage and sweats in the sauna.

He has foresight, and after personally inspecting the water supply and drainage system of the city that never sleeps, he greatly appreciates it. He believes that the future direction of the city's development should be like this, but right now it is necessary to break through the shackles of the high price of tap water pipes.

Scientists really like to do scientific research, and they are even researching the replacement of the extravagant nickel-nickel-nickel copper water pipes. The old man led dozens of officials from the Ministry of Industry and big craftsmen to study the use of rolled steel seamed pipes for tinning and anti-corrosion to improve their use. life.

Xu Guangqi imagined that thousands of households in the capital could use and afford the tap water system. In his later years, he had this new research goal to live a more fulfilling life. He was very annoyed when he learned that many Qingliu were planning to join forces to impeach the closed disciples.

The old man is a scientist who knows how to weigh the pros and cons, and he found that those who come to the city that never sleeps are rich and powerful, and those who benefit are Huang Han and many ordinary people who have got jobs.

Obviously, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Huang Han will have elite soldiers and strong generals if he makes money, and ordinary people can live and work in peace and contentment if they make money. Why not?Xu Guangqi is going to show his old face in court and fight with Qingliu, who has joined forces to impeach his lover.

Unexpectedly, just a moment before Tu Qiong saw it, the "Yanbei Great Victory" was like a spring breeze blowing in the severe winter.

Next, the scientists also witnessed the unprecedented victory parade, and the old man was completely relieved.

With such publicity, a place that is luxurious and luxurious is touted as a charitable deed of tens of thousands of living people, and it is also transformed into an emperor's political achievement.

Xu Guangqi couldn't help but smile wryly. The disciples of the closed door strategized, not only pulling tens of thousands of ordinary people to kidnap public opinion, but also making the emperor into a trap. What will be the result if this son continues?
The day after the Victory Parade coincided with the Great Court Meeting, and many civil servants and military generals in Beijing were going to court. Originally, this day was the day when all the Qing people met to impeach General Pingliao.

The situation has changed now. Xu Guangqi, the elder of the pavilion, was the first to report to the squad, asking the emperor to grant Huang Han and his son a reward, and to exonerate Sun Yuanhua who led a general banner artillery to bombard the Tartars and achieved [-] beheadings.

The masterpiece of Gaodi and Gao Youmou's father and son, the "Yanbei Great Victory" and the details of the battle are written like a novel, vividly depicting how Sun Yuanhua led the artillery to form an array, and how he fired shotguns to beat the Tartars on their backs.

Many ministers have already read it. At this time, Mr. Ge proposed to atone for his crimes and exempt Sun Yuanhua from being a prisoner of the army, but no one jumped out to object.

Emperor Chongzhen was in high spirits today. After all, more than [-] people took the initiative to shout long live and sing praises. This was the first time he had been on the throne for five years.

Seeing that no one objected to Ge Lao's proposal, the emperor agreed on the spot. Sun Yuanhua was no longer a reform-through-labour prisoner but became a regular seven-rank painting.

It's just that the "Yanbei Great Victory" was still on the way and hadn't been delivered to the capital, and the Ministry of War hadn't inspected the heads of more than [-] Tatars. It is too early, and the court will not discuss this matter today.

Next, there was good news for the capital, which was the good news from Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian, who led the Beijing camp to participate in the suppression of the rebellion in Denglai.

The Beijing camp arrived in Denglai at the end of October and fought fiercely with the rebels three times within a month.

Character determines destiny, and the self-proclaimed "Marshal of the Capital" Li Jiuzheng forgets about it. He has never commanded thousands of troops, but now he commands tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians.

He forgot what his surname was, and thought that he could not be killed by the Martial God possessed, and was targeted by Fang Zhenghua when he was rushing to kill.

Fang Zhenghua was an eunuch, and of course he was more ruthless. He found that when the rebels were fighting, there were always banners with the words "Marshal Du" and "Li" waving in the wind, and he found a tall and powerful judge who was about 40 years old and rushed to kill him.

Often this person took the lead in charging, and the rebels were as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and often the Ming army would be thrown into chaos and unstoppable.

After being confirmed by many parties that Li Jiuzheng was the one who rushed to the front in every battle, Fang Zhenghua personally arranged the beheading operation.

Wu Sangui, who lured the enemy, was very careful after receiving the order from Fang Zhenghua, the chief eunuch of the supervising army. After confronting the rebels, he pretended not to send back his horse and fled.

Unexpectedly, when they turned around the foot of the mountain, the troops of the Beijing camp led by Fang Zhenghua personally used bird guns from the side and adopted a three-stage strike tactic to smash them into a sieve.

After the leader Li Jiuzheng was killed, the rebel army immediately fell into chaos. The Guan Ning army fought back, and the ambushed Jinyiwei and Jingying cavalry swarmed up.

Now Kong Youde, the number two figure in the rebel army, led the rebel army to hide in Dengzhou City to resist stubbornly. The imperial army has surrounded Dengzhou City.

Without Zu Dale, who shot and killed Li Jiuzheng before the battle, Li Jiuzheng did not escape the ending of being beaten to death. History took a turn and entered the original track dramatically, but Fangzhenghua's reputation as an expert in strategy was fulfilled.

It also proved that the Jingying and Jinyiwei trained by Li Ruolian and Fang Zhenghua have the ability to fight tough battles.

Dengzhou is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the north faces the sea. In order to avoid the enemy's night attack, Fang Zhenghua and other generals led their subordinates and tens of thousands of civilians to spend a month building a [-]-mile-long wall. the sea.

In order to make better use of the Shenji Battalion's Hongyi cannons to bombard Dengzhou City, Fang Zhenghua and others commanded the army and civilians to build a fort on Nanhangbang Mountain in Dengzhou.

Fang Zhenghua's report made it clear that the bandit leader Li Jiuzheng had already been put to death, and it was only a matter of time before Dengzhou was captured.

The ministers and supervisors have always been booed, and Fang Zhenghua's outstanding performance on the front line of Denglai made Long Yan very happy, and rewards and rewards were not a problem.

The ministers had nothing to say, they resisted the imperial power and rejected eunuchs to intervene in politics and were slapped in the face. Fang Zhenghua, the eunuch, was able to stand out. The instigator was Huang Han.

It is not all good news about the capital, at least the situation in Shanxi is not so good. Governor Zhang Zongheng of Shanxi and Governor Xu Dingchen of Shanxi failed in their plan to encircle and suppress bandits in Lin County, causing the bandits to run into Mopan Mountain with a radius of [-] miles.

(End of this chapter)

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